Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Year to Remember

In an improbable year, the impossible can happen. This is what my motto has been for 2009. While many people had reservations this past January, I instinctively took action and opted to stand on my own. At first the decision seemed like a long shot, but as the year progressed, I followed my plan of action, adjusted it when it necessary, and I ended up making more money for my business than last year.

The past year has also taught me several life lessons. I've learned to listen and trust the inner voice/self; and have come to embrace my intuitive side. Embracing and developing my intuition has lead me to fundamentally change my outlook or perception of the world. This massive paradigm shift has opened me up to experiences that would have otherwise never occurred. Perhaps science has a better explanation, but I truly believe the Universe is made up of energy that resonates on a specific frequency throughout time and space.

From this perspective I learned that whatever I set my mind to will eventually come to pass. Patience, Diligence, and Action are the building blocks to the recipe of success. The tenacity honed through the year is a constant reminder of the limitless potential that is within each of us. This unrestrained energy is always around and it is always in motion; which corresponds to our lives, how we think, feel, act towards others and more importantly to ourselves.

There are so many accomplishments and positive memories that came with 2009. Of which the climax was reached on November 14, when my family won $20,000 in a raffle. Winning that much money has changed alot of things in my life, and it has further opened the door of success. Here's the 2009, may 2010 be even better.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Season 4: Day 90 - Hello October

What a week it has been! My dog got loose out my yard, and after a 48 hour campaign I got him back. This was the second time that he has gotten loose, and thankfully I've gotten him back both times. Certainly someone or something is looking out for me and my family.

Business is business, but this time around it is picking up and I've been busy with new clients and markets. It feels good to know that I am in the process of obtaining financial prosperity and extended compounding wealth. My new house, car, and rising entrepreneurial spirit is gaining momentum and it feels great to know that dreams do come true.

Earlier this decade I realized the potential I possess. In 2001-2002 it became clear that whatever I set my mind to, eventually came to pass. Perhaps the naivety of a young man forgot to take special attention to the fact that everything in this Universe is created from energy, and that at some level it all resonates on some sort of frequency. As I get older it has occurred to me that since I possess this skill, it would be beneficial to use it in a more productive capacity.

My thoughts for today are that of positive calm assertive energy. I know the year is winding down, but now is the moment where all of my blood, sweat, and tears transform and manifest into an abundance of money, creative energy, and success. So shall it be and so shall it come to pass. I am deeply thankful for everything that has been placed into my possession.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Season 4: Day 76 - Making the Most of Every Day

If I had but twenty-four hours on this earth, I would not want to look back and say, "I wish I had more time." As maturity sets in I understand more and more the meaning of being constructive with time. In life there have been times when "clearing the air" usually meant ending personal relationships, the typical "out with the old, in with the new" analogy.

Today the summer weather is desperately clinging on to a by gone era, a time and moment in the past. Does it not know that Autumn is banging down the door? Foolish season, for sure it must know that October is two weeks away. Like the passing of time, moments fade and melt away with ease. In order to make the most of each day, it requires living in the present, and getting in touch with the "Here and Now." Time moves progressively forward whether we like it or not, and instead of fighting nature, I'm declaring that I am willing to make the most out of each day.

I am ready to achieve the goals and dreams that I've set forth. As a result of my current situations, I also declare that I will be living in a new location, with a new car, a revitalized business, and financial security at hand. This is more than a dream, it is the working actions, and efforts throughout the year. Making something out of nothing is not overrated, it is merely misunderstood by those who lack vision to execute that which would otherwise drive them. Sitting by and watching the world go by is for those who would rather create excuses than exercise plans. In short it is mere childishness to expect good fortune, while doing nothing tangible to attract it. One cannot receive something worthwhile and lasting for nothing, and expect it to last.

Tonight I will be meaningful with my time and will create a lasting legacy in which to hang my hat on. All this and much more awaits for me, and it feels powerful to know that its at my door. Seize the day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Season 4: Day 75

I'm in the process of making money today. The culmination of a year's work, determination, and shear will is what cuts the mustard at the end of the day. More and more I find myself in the moment of attracting an abundance of sales, which will make my customers excited about themselves, and eager to purchase more items in the future.

The world has weathered one heck of a storm in the past year. While the economic outlook is still very uncertain, it is worth noting that many people are looking forward to better times. No matter what may happen I know that I will come out better and stronger in the end.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Season 4: Day 73

A new member has been added to my pack. Yesterday I found an abandoned dog at a dog park close to my house. Not knowing what to expect, I summoned calm assertive energy and entered the fenced park. After just a few moments alone with the dog, it became apparent that its' former owner had dumped him off and even left a box of food.

It was evident that I could not allow an eight month old puppy to suffer alone anymore. Furthermore, I knew in my heart that this would be a great dog to own. For the time being, I've incorporated him into my daily routine, and socializing him with the other dogs I own. It feels good to show mercy and love to animals, because it is the right thing to do.

Today I'm in the process of attracting more clients, because I now need a larger car for me and my furry friends. In addition I am more dedicated to attracting a new house in which live in. Everything happens for a reason, and I've concluded that Shadow was put into my life so that I might take the next step with calm assertive energy. I believe in the goals that I set and I am in the process of manifesting them by taking the necessary actions.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Season 4: Day 69 - Synchronicity

What is synchronicity? Is it merely thoughts or actions that involve specific moments and people? Why do I keep seeing signs of it all around me? Questions of a plain or realm that we have yet to examine or fully comprehend.

It all started about a month ago. I noticed subtle signs in my life. I started attracting specific situations and materializing certain possessions. Lately, whenever I look at a clock, some interesting occurs. The time will read 2:22, 4:44, 11:11, 12:12, and just this morning it was 10:10am.

Since I do not believe in coincidences, I have come to conclude that perhaps the Universe is currently lining up to give me tools, assets, and personnel necessary to manifest my desired goals for this year.

Those goals include, but are not limited too:
  • Manifesting $60,000 by December 2009
  • Obtaining a house on the East Coast by the end of December
  • Purchasing a different car
  • Pre-production phase on starting a film/tv/internet project on the East Coast
  • More than 500 mp3 Downloads by the end the year
  • Running a successful workshop
These goals are ambitious, but attainable. I have been putting this plan into action since January of this year, and now I am closer to achieving all that I have envisioned and worked for.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Season 4: Day 63 - It all comes in due time

It appears as if my requests are being answered as of late. Last week I wrote about a job that was about to close out for my company. Not only did we finish the job, but I in fact received payment for it! I've been a huge magnet to money lately and it is starting to pay off, quite literally. In the past week I attracted enough money to pay bills and watch my business experience a revival.

Also I another goal was reached when I was able to support my Non-profit organization. My heart was set into motion and a feeling of inner peace was struck when I realized that I do make a difference to many people. Of which, I know that I will never meet. How dynamically different things would be if everyone could reach deep within themselves and pull some good out. The contrarian point of view would be to "cut bait" and move forward, as people being what they are; will ultimately burn you in the end.

While I at times buy into this notion, I am re missed to say that I do at times wish it were not so. Why do we need to continue the ongoing misery the world faces each and every day. Perhaps free will is the culprit, perhaps its somehow within Mankind's DNA to show outward contempt, hostility, and aggression to that which it cannot understand nor control. Whatever the case may be, I am glad to say that life is much simpler than most of us realize. Certainly I am intrigued by how simple pleasures in life are often the most rewarding times of life.

More and more I understand in my own way how the Universe tries to communicate with us. At times it is so easy to focus on the here and now, that the bigger more complete picture seems at times skewed. Focusing on the now allows for the mind to become present and at which time a plan or strategy can be formed for the next step in life. Currently, I am in the process of obtaining $60,000 in which to purchase a new house, a new car, and money in the bank. To this, I know that the required sum of money will be available to me fully by the middle of December.

I can say this with full confidence because I have been hard at work this entire year for this opportunity to come along. Each day I grow stronger in my commitment, and I love knowing that I am learning more about longer term planning as the months pass on by. The here and now for me could not have happened had I merely been sitting idling by. I am honestly here at this point in my life, with so many opportunities because I made a decision in January of this year. In addition I learned that sticking by a choice and riding it out through tough times makes me a stronger and better person.

Instead of writing about what I wanted to accomplish I decided to actually put the plan into motion. This can only be achieved through physically engaging and taking an active role in life. Now that I have seen the progression of my plan, I know that I cannot stop and praise myself for too long. When victory and obtaining goals in within reach, reach down and make them manifest themselves fully. Everything comes in due time to those who work for it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Season 4: Day 61 - Hello September

Hello September! The year is chuggin' along without losing momentum. The unseasonably hot weather is leaving me tired yet refreshed. I am still working on obtaining my $60,000 by the end of this year.

I was assisted in this goal yesterday, as my compay was paid for a job that we closed out last week. I have confidence that my abilities will bring forth the requested amount, and with that I will establish financial independence; a larger NGO that will help more people; and yes the quality of life that I want to life will accompany this as well.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Season 4: Day 58

The weekend is wrapping up and I am focusing on the new week at hand. I would like to achieve so much, yet I also want to spend quality time with friends, family, and those that I care most about. The world has a tendency to demand success, the accumulation of wealth and material possessions, etc....

In the end what do these things really do? Clothes, cares, houses, vacations, and other tangible things are great; however I know there is more to life than meets the eye. Much has been written and expressed on the subject, and still it seems to be the object of so much desire and attention. Yes it is nice to own material things, and yes they can make your life better. But one must consider that everything has its place within the Universe.

As the sacred scripture and song say, to everything there is a time and place under heaven. A time to live, a time to die, a time to heal, a time to love. There is nothing more important than friends and family. In the end they are the only people who will truly care about you and love you when the rest of the world wants nothing more than to suck you in and spit you out. Such harsh words and merely the facts upon which the modern world is constructed upon.

Therefore the object would be to circumvent the labels and limitations which are instilled in so many people. It takes courage, fortitude, determination, diligence, and virtue to "cut the mustard." As stated before, the Secret to life is really no secret at all. In order to live big, one must think big. There are so many business ventures, political causes, and humanitarian opportunities that are larger than life.

If an extraordinary life is desired, then extraordinary measures and actions will be required. There is nothing wrong with thinking big; the real issue comes in manifesting that which moves, touches, and inspires with motivation and passion.

My goal is to acquire more patience and a calmer demeanor, because I want to live a more peaceful life. I am committed to this and will do what is necessary to fulfill this goal. I can and will achieve a calm and productive life.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Season 4: Day 55

The word of the day is TCB, or taking care of business. So far I have secured a location for a workshop in October, and I am in the process of attracting over 15 new students in which to teach.

Also, I am in the process of closing another work related job, and will receive payment within the next two days. As the last week in August winds down, I am proud to say that business has started to pick up for me. The beginning of this year was horribly slow and my business suffered. However, the workload has increased as of late and I've been receiving steady income for the past couple of months.

As the day unfolds, I have decided to focus on editing my books and I will have one printed by the end of Sept. It has been a long journey, but I am ready to finish the task at hand. I am in the process of acquiring unlimited wealth and sustain unprecedented success. This is my time and my opportunity to shine.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Season 4: Day 53

I suppose life can be a double edged sword at times. The vet told me that my dog has heart problem, but it's still early to tell. I know we all have a limited time on this earth, which is why every day is important.

Perhaps my dog was put into my life for a reason. Maybe that reason was to be more merciful, patient, and understanding with other people and animals. My life certainly has come full circle with these past two years.

When I visualize my new house, I am also visualizing my dogs living peacefully with me. I love knowing that this will manifest soon, and that it is only a matter of time before I move to the East Coast.

Life is waiting to be lived and I am going to live it now!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Season 4: Day 49 - The Time is Now

Outside the Friday mid-day sky is overcast and mild. The summer is winding down and Fall will be here in less than six weeks. A time to change, a season to learn, and a life to live all revolve around the ringing of the future. What new adventures lay over the horizon? What untold stories await to be lived? These are the questions that run through my thoughts and echo within me.

This summer has been a time of rapid change for me. I'm emerged as a teacher, leader, and listener. My life is undergoing an overhaul; the new dreams and goals that I have are in the process of being manifested. I know, my soul knows, that a new house in Virginia awaits me.

For today I have decided to focus on finishing my books and look forward to selling them by the end of Sept.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Season 4: Day 47

The day is off and I'm running with the pack. Today I'm focused on my work and what I can accomplish. My books are in the editing process and I love the idea of selling them when they're done. More and more I feel the joy and sense of accomplishment when all of the loose ends are tied together.

I have a financial goal for the remainder of the year. I have decided to be open and receptive to whatever the Universe may bring me. Until the end of 2009, I am in the process of allowing the Universe to give me $60,000. The amount represents what I believe to be a fair and capable sum, and which will keep me motivated, focused, and charitable. My time to shine is now and I am ready for the opportunity in which to showcase my skills and talents.

Moreover, it has become apparent that the LOA working effectively in my life. My life's work is to bring happiness and joy to as many people as possible. I know this can be done through various networks and friendships that I have acquired thus far. I believe that my life's work will bring forth a legacy that will remain eternal, but it must begin again every day. Diligence is a virtue and one that has been instilled in me since I've been a young man. My goal is to build upon this with all of my passion, joy, and enthusiasm; even when I feel the exact opposite.

My new car, house, and future awaits for the taking. I am answering the call.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LOA: Chemical Dependency Reduction

Season 4: Day 46

Whenever I doubt the effectiveness of the LOA, I am reminded of a "strange" thought I had two months ago. Earlier this summer I visualized myself driving a specific car. In fact I even went so far as to request that it be a black colored car. Not thinking about how or when this event would manifest itself into my life, I proceeded to go about my life.

That is until last Friday, when Enterprise rental cars gave me the keys to a 2008 Black Ford Fusion. The car is responsive, fast, and sleek. Further intangible qualities that I had specifically requested included a roomy interior and good fuel mileage. Not surprisingly all this came together and the Universe is showing me how much it is willing to go for me, if I simply ask.

Today I am in the process of finishing my first book. Also, I am in the beginning phase of creating a second book. My goal is to have two top selling books which will each sell a minimum of 10,000 copies each. Additionally, I intend to sell the nine mp3 downloads that I have available on I have been blessed with the capacity to create success and I am in the process of achieving unlimited prosperity, health, and well being.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Season 4: Day 40 Keeping up with myself

Time, energy, motion, conscious awareness. Such terms meant nothing to me until just recently. The past ten days have been full of excitement, passion, frustration, joy, and accomplishment. While it may be true that the enjoyment of life has kicked in, it is also true that demands of punctuality, precision, and accountability have also ramped up.

If I had had to sum up the ten days that have past since the last post, it would simply be "awesome baby!" My company closed a deal and received just compensation for a job well done. The meetup group in which I run is off to a great start and I love meeting the new members. On a more personal level, my NGO has received well over 22,000 views on Youtube in the past six months. In addition I now have nine available downloads on

For the remainder of the week I will focus on creating new shows and topics for my internet radio show. When I stop to think about how blessed I am, a sense of determination and drive sets in. Perhaps it has to do with the unfinished business that I am completing, or the fact that I am indeed growing as a person. Whatever the case maybe, it has become undeniable to me that life is an uncultivated pearl. The treasures and rewards are waiting for those who actively search and pursue their "perfect pearl."

This is the year that I will attract a new home in which to live in. This is my time to achieve the financial abundance that I've been talking about all year. I have arrived at the nexus point in space and time where my dreams and full potential meet with absolute unity. I am thankful for life and for the opportunity to live it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Season 4:Day 30 -The Guns of August

Yesterday was a great day. For the first time in about three years I went to an extended family gathering. I saw the new editions to my family; cousins, step cousins, etc... I suppose the "normal" family exists either in factitious 1950's tv or in Norman Rockwell paintings, because mine is far from it. Yet somehow no matter how far apart we seem to get, something will bring us together again.

I managed to hit a few golf balls for the first time in years, and felt great. My first reaction was of shock, disbelief, and even joy at my performance on the driving range. It has been over 8 yrs. since I have swung a golf club, but just like riding a bike it all comes back in the end.

In life I suppose we go through our ups and downs. Times when things seem to come so easily, and other times we simply but our talents on the shelf for another day. Suddenly the "another day" is years down the line, and a sense of urgency sets in. On such occasions we either continue to do nothing or we embrace the urgency and redirect the energy and focus into refining the activity, skill, or job at hand.

As the summer slinks away I am reminded of how great life can be. The skill sets and passions of a extraordinary life are there for the taking; but they have to be realized to maximize potential. Finally, one has to eventually stand up and say "Yes I am willing to accept that which comes with an extraordinary life." Far too often many people are willing to accept a mediocre and uneventful life. What these people fail to see is that it requires the same amount of energy to cling to an average life, when that same energy could be channeled to create the most exciting and rewarding life for oneself.

This thinking is not selfish, nor is it simply the matter of "wishful thinking." Some of the greatest entrepreneurs, scientists, and athletes have all realized that at some point or another, it takes the same amount of energy to either create or destroy a dream, a goal, or brighter future. The question then becomes at what point do you want to live your dreams? How far are you willing to go to achieve your life's work?

A person will achieve whatever they set their minds too. Criminals who get caught in the act of committing their crimes get caught due to action. People who sit on their couch and watch their life slip away due so because of action as well. Thus the paradigm of choosing ones course wisely comes into play. Yet many people never realize this, and instead choose to make excuses for their status in life.

Again every culture and every religious belief has suggested that we are given the ability to create and shape our life; while indirectly shaping the lives of those we come in contact with. As August begins anew, so do I. This month will lead me further to unparalleled success, and widen my horizons on which to make it happen.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Season 4: Day 28 - Farewell July

This week I surpassed the one quarter mark with a smile on my face. The nuance of the future is before my very eyes. The new feelings, ideas, and desires have driven me to the point of lifes intersections. My birthday will be here and a new milestone will be set. What does it all me?

There comes a point in life where one will do whatever it takes to achieve a goal. Sometimes these situations are capped with, "don't put off today what you can do tomorrow," and until this past year I'd laugh at these quibbling sayings; leaving it up to chance or as such. Yet 2009 for some reason has been entirely different.

I once heard that 2009 will be the year of the individual self. That everyone would be out for their own interests. Not paying any attention to this idea, something deep within connected with it. For reasons that I may never understand, I started taking positions early in Jan. to secure a favorable financial situation in Nov. - Dec. Instinctively I formulated a plan that included expanding my business, building brand recognition, and moving forward with expansive operations.

When I see the goals that are within reach I smile and thank God/Universe for the ability to do amazing things and experience great events. Perhaps an inner awakening of sort has begun in my life, perhaps this change was always here and became apparent just recently. Whatever may be will be, but I do enjoy the concept of seizing the day and making the most of it.

August is knocking at the door and with it comes opportunity, monetary rewards, enjoying work, and change. These desired experiences are welcomed will open arms, as I stand confident on the foundation I've built in 2009.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Season 4: Day 26

The midweek path was lined with obstacles and business matters of importance. At first I wanted to resist getting them done, but a swift kick in the pants gave was the incentive to complete the tasks of the day. It would be hypocritical or even a self conflict to state the attraction of money and prosperity, yet never deliver the work needed to yield said results. There was a time when I would have folded or even submitted to the pressures of avoidance.

However, for whatever reasons I find myself on the true cusp of financial abundance, prosperity, respect, and so much more. While it may not be easy to get my feet moving; once they are I know they are pointed in the right direction. A cliche at best but when it comes to my future, I can see over the horizon. In fact lately the horizon has been approaching at a controlled fast tempo. At no other point in my life have I been more excited and full of life.

In addition, perhaps maturity is teaching me to be content and patient with what I have. When the time comes, strike like lightning and collect my bounty. I view life as a perpetual harvest and its time to reap my prosperity.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Season 4: Day 25 - Quarter Mark

Day twenty five is almost complete and a milestone of epic proportions awaits. This year has been about my personal growth, achievements, and goals. While at times the task seems large, the looming success inspires me to move mountains and ride my dreams like a lightning bolt. From my perspective the past month has been full of passion, energy, hard work, and fatigue. July has taught me that my patients with the year is about to pay dividends beyond my wildest imagination.

In January of this year I stated that my new house awaited me in December. It looks as though that reality will come true for me. A toss up between the East Coast and West Coast has begun to tug at me. In one respect I suppose familiarity is humble pie for the soul, yet I love a challenge and know my life would be better off with a large goal within sight. For six long months I have worked, gone without, and committed my whole being into funding my NGO and running a business that makes more money than last year.

There were times when I thought perhaps this financial goal was out of reach, but my faith in the Universe and patients has proven to be of impeccable timing. When I close my eyes and visualize, I see a nice big house with tall trees outside. I see my new car outside in the driveway, and the crisp fall leaves piled up on the corner lawn. My dogs are running in the front and backyard with their playful spirit on display. I love the feeling of my new surroundings and the quaint memories that fill it. I am in the process of living this moment and enjoying the feelings associated with it. Life is full of intrigue when the comfort zone has been breached.

I am blessed to have this opportunity in my life. I am willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve my yearly goals; for they are now within my grasp.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Season 4: Day 21 Getting it Done

So this week started off rocky, as I had to deal with the aftermath of a car accident. Even though I was hit while idling at a red light, the annoyance of insurance company proceedure sat in my stomach like a bad burrito. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to get hit? Questions with litle answers from the Ether.

I had to visualize myself surrounded in white light, and living in a place of calm and serenity. Sure enough the insurance company is offering to pay for the damages and everything will work out in a satisfactory way for all parties. Say what you will about fate or timing, but once I changed my thinking, by visualizing me in control of the situation, everything turned around.

My work week ends on a positive note. Another job has closed out for me, and thankfully the monitary compensation for a job well done awaits with open arms. I truly am blessed.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Season 4: Day 15

Saturday's are great days, and are to be cherished. I woke up early this morning and began working on my house. A sense of empowerment and ownership has started to settle in within my spirit. I know that the hour to strike is now, and I am doing whatever is necessary to finish all open projects. Luckily for me, I had some foresight in the beginning of the year to see the trends that were emerging. I knew that Aug-Dec would be the most lucrative time for me, so I took the proper precautions and began anew.

Money comes and it goes, yet the ability to make money should never go. Many people never realize the potential they possess when it comes to attracting money. For the longest time I use to fall into that camp, the one in which money seemed elusive and even unobtainable. However, when push comes to shove, I feel the fire burning deep within me to push forward and create innovative products that have never been seen before.

My main goal this weekend is to resume the editing process of my book, post new downloads on amazon, and refine my blogs. Inbetween this, I am attending a family event and look forward to seeing some people who have been distant for a while.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Season 4: Day 13 - The Dog Days of Summer

That old feeling again. Isolation, fatigue, mundane, and sluggish like yesterdays news. If there are dog days of summer, I believe its' arrival is here. Outside my door awaits energy zapping heat, and strength reducing humidity. This time of year always welcomes me with mixed emotions. As a fire sign, I really come alive during the summer. However, as a lover of cooler weather, my heart awaits the latter months such as Oct-Dec.

Perhaps I should relax, but my spirit is alive with many emotions. Mid July to early Aug have a rejuvenating effect on me. By now conscious awareness knows full that Fall is merely sixty days away. The relentless heat will give way to stormy days, cold nights, and warm clothes. Yet in order to live in my desired season, I have to get through the undesired weather first.

I'm beginning to understand how this can relate to the Law of Attraction. In order to achieve a desired dream or goal, one must live through and make the most of the mundane tasks. Only by experiencing the ordinary can one bask in the extraordinary, while enjoying the fruits of their labor.

My online presence is building up nicely. I've already become a YouTube hit, and now I looking to obtain national coverage. Perhaps my upcoming book can give me the desired attention, or my blogs will take off at a moments notice. Whatever may happen will be, but I know deep that it feels good when I think about my recent internet success. Next week my radio show will welcome its' first guest. My goal is to attract more high profile guests who will share their work and experiences with my audience.

More importantly, I am just so very thankful for all that has been blessed and bestowed upon me. I'm completely amazed when I think about how much has been given to me. I'm not sure if I really deserve it, but I feel success unlocking doors that never existed for me. Maybe maturity is kicking in or maybe wisdom is settling in, but I've never been so excited about my future and what I can achieve.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Season 4: Day 11

I once heard that a year brings alot of change. One year ago I was the assistant organizer for the LARV meetup group, doing the grunt work to get it off the ground. Now I'm the founder of the SCRV meetup group. This past weekend we had our first meeting, and it was a huge success.

As today unfolds, I am focusing on the future, and the goals I've set for myself. For now, I believe this can be achieved by giving extra attention to:

  • Finishing my book
  • Looking for the ideal new house
  • Locating the optimum car
The Universe is big and it is working to give me what I desire, so I must continue taking action.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Season 4: Day 6

The sun is shining, the weather is hot, and the week is almost over. I'm firing on all cylinders as I prepare for my first meetup on Saturday. Before the weekend festivities, I have some house keeping issues to attend to. First off, my house is looking better and I feel great about its progress.

My contractor drove seven hours to complete all unfinished tasks. My book is almost complete, and I am in the process of contacting the right people to get my film project off the ground. Words cannot express how grateful and happy I am for life, and for all the opportunities bestowed upon me.

Today is a great day, and I will fill it with success, passion, and energy. This is my day, this is your day, this is the day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Season 4: Day 5

The day is moving by with percision as I live through it. So far it has been a day of accomplishing tasks that require attention and detail. For instance, my Youtube account has had 10,500 views within the past three weeks with more subscribers everyday.

The remainder of my day will be spent editing my book, taking care of my investments, enrolling into classes, and preparing for tomorrow's work day.

Whenever I close my eyes I envision myself standing in the foyer of my new house. It feels good and I know it's coming very soon. The dream in which I dare to live in manifesting more and more for me. Never before have I been so close to achieving that which I most dearly hold.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Season 4: Day 4

Happy Monday to everyone in cyberland! Today I had a good radio show and felt more confident when delivering the news. After almost twenty shows, I'm happy with the format and the ever increasing listerners. It brings me joy to know that importants guests will be booked on my show in the coming month.

In addition to my budding broadcasting career, I am also very interested in completing my television/internet show. The concept is great and my passion to create is at an all time high. Life has been great to me and now is the time to seize every opportunity given to me.

The obedient law of attraction states that one must first decide what they want in their mind. From their it must be put into action, and then it will materialize. The universe can and will give you whatever you want, so let's keep the positive thoughts and actions going.

Here is a short list of what I'm focused on:

  • Obtaining a new house
  • Attracting money from Amazon sales
  • Purchasing a new car
  • Landing a new job for my company
  • Finishing my home construction projects
  • Finding new guests for my radio show
  • Filming new video projects
  • Raising money and awareness for the Global Pangaea Foundation

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Season 4 Day 3 - The Times They Are a Changin'

It's hot here in the Southwest today. It was hot yesterday, and probably tomorrow. While I may not be a fan of warm weather, I am happy because it's getting closer to fall and winter.

Today I am in the process of editing my forthcoming book, as well as adding new mp3 downloads to Amazon Music. If that's not enough, I am looking to film an upcoming project for tv or internet distribution; while my girlfriend finishes her own book.

In January, I made a promise to myself and my girlfriend that we would own a new house by the end of this year. I am pleased to announce that we are still on track with this goal, and I know the Universe will give me the optimum house in which to own. More and more I feel confident in my business decisions and I know that my dreams and goals for 2009 are in the process of coming true.

It's easy to look back and evaluate how far you've come in an "x" amount of time, but reflecting does not keep the mind focused on the now. There are times when a stroll down memory lane is nice to track one's progress, but most often than not other feelings come back as well. So instead of getting misty over the good and bad times, I've learned that focusing on the present and future keeps the mind stimulated and on track for bigger and better things. It's never too late to invent the future.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Season 4 Day 1 - Getting Real

The world is phasing into a new season and change is on the horizon. Cliches or words of wisdom? Whatever it may be, I am excited about the start of season 3 of the 100 day challenge. It has been a little over a year since I started the conscious process of utilizing the Law of Attraction. During that period, many things have come to pass for me.

I've come to believe that the mind and the Universe are more powerful than I could have ever imagined. More importantly the feeling of success and confidence has started to take root in my life. Never in my life have I felt so certain about owning a new home, driving a new car, and traveling to wherever I choose.

I've heard that life is best when lived to the fullest, and by continuing to live in the moment, I am in the process of achieving the follow for season 3:

  • I am in the process of owning a new home
  • My new car will be ideal for me
  • I will earn $40,000 in the next six months

Alpha with Binaural Beats

IQ:Intelligence Increase 2.0

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Living the time as it fly's by

The past two months have been interesting for me. As June comes to a close and the middle of summer arrives, I cannot help but think of the passing of time. New Year's Eve seems like last week, yet July 1st is tomorrow. While my tone may feel melancholy, I am far from it. In fact, life has been great as abundance is manifesting itself into my life everyday.

May was an interesting month full of love, loss, and rebirth. During Memorial Day weekend, my family said goodbye to our dog of 11 years. She had developed a disease whereby her anti-bodies suddenly attacked her blood cells. As I drove home from the vets office, I realized just how far we've come. My family obtained our dog after I had moved out for college. The house was too quiet so my sister decided it was time for a dog. At the time I was an 18 year old kid trying to find his way in the world. Flash forward to 2009, and life coming full circle. Today I am the man of my household, and the provider for myself and loved ones. I grown into my own person and I've come to think for myself.

There is an old saying that goes "When something old dies, something new is born." Three weeks ago we welcomed a new dog into our pack and he is doing really well. My favorite uncle purchased a king charles spaniel a couple years before he passed away. My aunt decided she did not want to take care the dog anymore, so Harley came here and I've enjoyed his presence ever since.

Today is a day of many options and choices. I've decided to start another 100 day challenge starting tomorrow. The Challenge will focus on three major catagories, and will track the progress I make towards the new goals. In the meantime I feel it necessary to reflect and state my achievements for season two's challenge.

Season 2 Accomlishments:

  • Started an internet radio show
  • Obtained non profit status on YouTube
  • Finished video project and uploaded it online
  • Have mp3 downloads live on
  • Filmed the National Tax Day Tea Party
  • Attracted 30,000 hits to my blog
  • Became the No. 3 most viewed NPO on Youtube for a day
  • Finished major remodeling job for work
  • I am the leader of the Southern California RV Group
  • My first book is in the editing process
  • I'm focusing my attention on obtaining a new house to live in
  • I am on target to make more money in 2009 than ever before
  • I will purchase a new car by the end of this year
Time moves on and so do I. No matter what the season or month may be, it is never to late to manifest that which one cares about. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, but the first step has to be taken in order for the next to follow. So to is life and how it could be lived in absolute harmony. Start the journey and start living in the now!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Season 3 - Day 88

Another week has come and gone.  The year is humming along nicely as I find myself in a new and interesting position.  Yesterday I hosted my first live internet radio show on  As of now, I am the host of Radio Pangaea and loving every minute of it.  My goal is to attract a large enough following so authors, celebs, analysts and others will join in and participate with me.  

Last month was a good month for me and my business.  I managed to make money by using my talents and time wisely.  In addition I took major steps in solidifying my online presence by attracting over a thousand hits to my Youtube page, in addition to my social networking sites.  I know that May will be a productive month for my NGO and I look forward to raising awareness and funding for our cause.  

Finally, I am thankful for the opportunity to work on my house this weekend.  The upgrades and installations have brought my home into the 21st century, by giving it a modern feel with clean lines and style.  It has been almost two full years since I broke ground on my renovation project, a project that started by remodeling a guest bathroom.  I've put alot of elbow grease into making this place look good and I love knowing that it will be even better when completed.  Better yet, I did not have to refinance my house or go into massive debt to obtain this remodel.  Sure there have been times when I could have finished earlier but that's life and it is what it is.  At the end of the day I've learned so much about what I am capable doing when pushed into action.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Season 3 - Day 81

This past Thursday I received a phone call that could literally change my life.  It appears the tv show proposal I wrote has legs and people are interested in it.  An amazing turn of events at an opportune time created by the Universe or simply dumb luck?  This sticking point has been dissected and evaluated by philosophers and theologians for millenniums with mixed results.  

What I've come to discover is that people create their own reality.  The Universe is willing to grant extraordinary things to those who ask, and are committed to pursuing it to the very end.  In addition, when thoughts are mixed with emotions the results are nothing short of amazing.  From what I believe and the faith I have in myself, I know that a huge milestone has been reached and an opportunity to dream big my thinking big is showing fruit.  

As the weekend unfolds, I find myself at a crossroads.  A new way of seeing the world and becoming more present by living in the moment.  More than psycho babble and tree hugger feel good vibes, the foundation that I've waited for has set.  I am now ready to take the steps necessary to film, edit, and produce a hit tv show, a ground breaking dvd, and feature film.  More importantly, I've come to terms with the trials and tribulations of the past few years.  If I had to do it all over again, I honestly would not change a thing.  The character building lessons and life experiences have been worth more than any material possession.  From these lessons will spring forth a extraordinary life!  I feel great knowing that this is possible for me and those that I choose to share it with.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Chernobyl Video

This is a new Chernobyl video that I created. It is part of our new campaign

Tax Day Tea Party

This is footage that I shot on April 15, 2009.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Season 3 - Day 74

The weekend is winding down, I've had my fun and learned some interesting things. First and foremost honesty has resurfaced again. My family has reason to believe that an extended family member is having an affair. The self admitted adulterer came clean in 2004, however we now suspect the problem is ongoing and perhaps never stopped.

This unfortunate news comes as a complete shock, as this situation may never be resolved. On a not so light note, my immediate family has made a bet regarding the outcome of this illicit affair. Hopefully none of us will be right, yet sadly I believe human nature is stronger than we realize.

I've decided to make more money today, and will do whatever is necessary to attract it. I will achieve my financial goals!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Season 3 - Day 71

It's Thursday and the week is flying by. Yesterday I took my video camera and filmed the National Tax Day Tea Party festivities. I brought along a friend of mine and we captured some really great footage. The people were friendly, and were more than willing to share their point of view.

Today my goal of attracting prosperity, money, and success has taken another step forward. I am in the process of uploading my footage to Youtube, and I am also in the process of selling it. I believe that I can and will achieve my financial and personal goals for April.

This weekend holds new opportunity; another meetup, a chance to upload Amazon Mp3's, and so much more. I am thankful for all the Universe has bestowed upon me, and for the mental clarity that I now possess. I will make the most out of today, tomorrow, and the rest of my life.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Help Darfur

This is a video I created for the Darfur Project

Season 3 - Day 69

Tomorrow is the National Tax Day Tea Party, an event I will be filming. If all goes well, my footage will be a huge hit; with many people eagerly waiting to donate to our Cause. I am now taking the preparations necessary to ensure a great shoot.

This morning I read my desire statement for the Month of April. I am specifically requesting a dollar amount. As things would be, a potential customer emailed me for some products and services. Furthermore, I believe this to be the initial manifestation of my desire.

Finally, I will be uploading new Amazon Mp3 files for consumer download within the next 48 hours. This will mark a new chapter is my business endeavors. After much work it is truly an answer to prayers to have this service up and running. I know deep down that I can become an Amazon Digital Media sensation.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Season 3 - Day 65

Another good week is coming to a close.  I managed to finish a major step in my bathroom remodel this afternoon and I feel a sense of accomplishment.  The weather outside is wet and cold, as another Spring shower passes over the South West.  As the rain continues I can see and feel Nature's cycle starting anew, cleansing the earth and fertilizing all that requires water to thrive.  

Without sounding like a tree hugger, there is powerful energy being and released simultaneously.  I can feel this energy and know that it is now my time to step up, work smarter, and attract more money for my business than ever before.  I know I possess the skills, confidence, and faith to achieve whatever my hearts desire.  As today unfolds I will continue to focus on attracting more for the services I offer.  My house is coming, my new car is coming, prosperity is coming, and I am in the process of accepting this today.  

Life is full of possibilities and endless energy.  When I stop to give my possibilities attention, I can feel them transmuting into my physical reality.  The keys to success are given to those who are willing to search them out.  We create our realm of living by consciously and unconsciously focusing on what we tell ourselves.  As a result many people will never live or fulfill their life's goals or true potential.  From today forward I am re-committing myself to attain more out of life. More and more love the feeling of knowing how blessed I am and how success is within my grasp.  Nothing at this point feels better to me.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Season 3 - Day 63

The work week is stuck at the middle as I write this from beautiful So. California.  The weather is sunny, warm, and very ambient.  I enjoy this time of year, as the sun's rays shine down and revitalize a once dormant earth from months of Winter past.  Every week has it's highlights and today is no exception.  

I received a check for work I completed this weekend.  The issuance of a check was the fulfillment of request I give to the Universe, that being the desire to attract $400-$600 this week.  In addition, it appears as if more work is on the horizon for subsequent weeks.  My goal is to attract $4000 this month, and so far I am on my way to achieving this.  As the week unfolds, more updates will be provided.  

My main goal is to start a work out regiment.  I know that I can lose 10 pounds within the next 30 days, and stay healthier if I choose too.  After typing this, I will take my dog out for a long run and get the cardio that I need for today.  

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Season 3 - Day 59

The weekend is here and I am relaxing in nice weather and sunshine. The past week was full of highs and lows, but in the end I am proud of what got accomplished. Yesterday I submitted my show treatment for consideration. I put alot into the planning process and the results are worthy of starting a show ASAP. I have faith that the Universe will transmute this desire into its' physical equivalent.

As April rolls along, I have noticed that my websites are gaining more and more popular. It appears that with each passing day, more visitors view or link my sites to their blogs of postings. This is phenomenal and more than I could have ever anticipated. It feels great to know that my created content is being viewed by so many people from around the world. The Internet has certainly changed global communication, by bringing mankind closer than at any point in time.

Tomorrow I plan on starting the book writing process that I've been touting for the past few weeks. The author has decided to partner up to launch a series of children's books for pre-school aged youngsters. Soon the road to book publishing will be put in my path, and a new skill set to master will await. I look forward to the day when I hold in my hand a copy of a final book draft. More and more I can picture this scenario in my mind and it feels liberating to know that I can achieve what is first created in thought.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Season 3 - Day 57

Today has been an amazing day! The weather is beautiful and downright perfect here in CA. Earlier this morning I got a chance to work on my backyard, preparing it for spring and a new look. I'm committed to transforming the landscape into a productive and eye catching place with lush vegetation. In addition I want my new yard to be a place where I can have people over and chill out by the koi pond or fire pit. It will be work, but I know it will be fun once it's completed.

The week is almost complete, but I still have odds and ends that need to be finished. I am in the process of submitting a final draft for a new television show, and I am excited at the prospects of getting down to filming ASAP. In order to succeed in life, one has to love their occupation. If the passion or love for one's job is lacking, so too will mental and spiritual fulfillment. For me, it has been a winding road for the past five years, however I firmly believe that I am on the right track to achieve my short and long term goals.

Tonight I will finish the process of creating content for, as well as the process for writing a book. I've learned that a business that inspires, motivates, and touches as many people as possible has the key components for unlimited potential. More and more I can see myself seizing and tapping into this unlimited potential that the Universe provides for everyone. My new business ventures are going to yield more opportunites than ever before, and I am living this dream one day at a time.

Work Break - Stress Relief

Self Hypnosis - Energy, Motivation, and Chronic Fatigue

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Season 3 - Day 56

It's mid-week and I've been going full steam ahead since Monday. This week is almost over and I've made significant traction on the many projects that are on my plate. I finished the first draft of my new tv show, and will be revising it accordingly. I know the Universe is already re-aligning my circumstances to bring forth this opportunity in a positive, productive, and most optimal way. It feels good whenever I envision myself succeeding for the remainder of the year.

Today also marks the first day of the second fiscal quarter. The next three months can and will bring prosperity, financial Independence, and increased media attention. My NGO is in the process of taking off and raising more money than I could ever dream of, because I truly want to do whatever is necessary to help people. While the world may be in a global economic downturn, there is still so much wealth to be accumulated for those who dare to think and act for themselves.

My goal for today is to list and develop products that will attract the ideal customer to purchase my items. In the past whenever I have requested this, the Universe has responded and fulfilled my desire without hesitation. After witnessing these occurrences throughout 2008, I have grown more confident in my faith and abilities in the Law of Attraction. I have decided to earn money for my NGO and other business ventures today, tomorrow and Friday.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Season 3 - Day 54

Over the weekend, I crossed the half way point for season three. What I can say is that my goal to own a house by December is well underway, and I believe I have the formula to achieve it. Last week I asked the Universe to deliver a contact for a new feature that I would like to film. The very next day, on Friday I received a call from my perspective contact. They proceeded to tell me that the project could be a go, but I need to submit a proposal.

In addition on Sunday I went filming with a friend. We came to the agreement that our projects should continue and that it is in our best interest to work together. This partnership began last year, and I believe it will firmly resonate into something special by middle of this year. I have a renewed vigor and spirit to accomplish the following goals within the next 30 days:

  • Finish filming RV project
  • Start filming new veterans project
  • Host a live event for nonprofit organization
  • Raise money for NGO
  • Receive $4000 in donations
  • Start writing book
  • Increase quality of living

Today I am in the process of creating new downloads for, and feel so honored to make products available in a new medium. Just last year, this technology would have been unavailable to me, but now I'm at the threshold of a truly time and opportunity.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Season 3 - Day 49

I have been assertive in searching for a venue for our first live event. In addition I have also put the ball into motion for a new ground breaking series. My intention is to receive a phone call back with the an answer of yes, and then I can begin filming.

Furthermore, I anticipate raising money with a new Youtube campaign with the intention of achieving $4,000 in generated revenue. I believe this goal is realistic and achievable, and will stick with it until success has been rendered.

Adversity has struck this week and someone close has expressed doubt in their willingness to achieve their dreams and aspirations in life. I told them their negative emotions and outbursts directly correlate to the lack of happiness and fulfillment. The more one complains about lack, the longer it takes to reach one's goals. Andrew Carnegie always talked about the need for a mastermind group, or a team of skilled people who are assembled to bring forth an idea or concept from paper form and turn it into it's physical transmutation.

Living a live based on positive thinking is great, but the emotions one feels resonate much stronger with The Universe. It is the emotions of love, peace, happiness, and more that transmute into the physical world from the Ether of the Universe. This process has been said to literally change people by extracting that which resides deep within one's heart and soul. By now it should be stated emotions that are felt and released into the Universe attract more of that particular emotion. This is why a false sense of positive thinking is sufficient to achieve goals and attain fulfillment. While positive thought is needed, it is by itself a temporary solution.

As today unfolds I will continue to press forward and find a place to host a live event. In addition I will do whatever it takes to raise money for my non-profit organization, and will be in contact with the necessary people to film a new project. It's a beautiful day and I will make the most of it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Season 3 - Day 44

The work week is over but I am still finishing up my bathroom. This seven week long project has been a blessing, a nightmare, and fun all rolled into one. When I first broke ground in early Feb., I did not anticipate it taking this long. In fact I wanted to be finished within 4 weeks, but as I look back perhaps that was overly ambitious. My friend who has been working on it needed a job and source of income to provide for his son. Being more than willing to help I did what I could, and after this long and winding road, it's finally almost complete.

Yesterday my dog and I went traveling and ended up on a dried creek trail in Orange County, CA. I managed to film so footage of Roadie playing in the tall grass, and running around the wild flowers. I've come to the realization that perhaps this dog was brought into my life for a reason. The reason I believe is to assist me in becoming more patient and tolerant in life. Whatever the reason may be, I do feel myself changing and maturing, often after I have done something that makes me wonder why I do such crazy things.

This morning while driving I had an epiphany. I realized that I want to own a new house by the end of this year. Before December 31, 2009 rolls around, I will be living in a new location and enjoying life with unparalleled enthusiasm and joy! Perhaps the new change of scenery will be in the East Coast, like Winchester. After visiting the Winchester last November, I feel it calling me and inviting me to live there. It's spacious, quaint, and colonial architecture is a throw back to a way of live that resonates strongly with me. More and more I can feel excited whenever envisioning the houses that I could be living in and the friendly people who live in the city.

Tomorrow I am working with my girlfriend to write, develop, and publish a childrens book. It is her dream to become a published author, and I know she has the abilities to make that dream come true. The added revenue, adventure, and personal achievement will be amazing, and I know the Universe is already working to allow this opportunity to happen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Season 3 - Day 42

The past ten days have been interesting to say the least. The Global Pangaea Foundation is in the process of becoming a Youtube sensation. In the past week more people have viewed our videos than ever before. In fact we now rank #14 for most subscribed to non-profit organizations for the month. The buzz about what we do is growing and I foresee great things happening to us in the not to distant future.

In addition Amazon has given me the opportunity to create a book, submit mp3 downloads, and video content to their website. This should give the exposure and financial security that I have been envisioning, as well as opening countless doors for my professional and personal life. I intend to make the most out of this unique opportunity.

On a lighter note, my dog Roadie has now settled into his home. He is a great dog and I am so very thankful and luck to own him. Everyone who meets him says that he has that special something that most dogs do not possess. Everyday I look forward to training, traveling, and exploring trails with him more and more.

As for the today, I am focusing on creating my tv/web show. Furthermore, I am also in the process of organizing my first live event. I want to drop a press release and attraction a larger following of people and possible donors. This is possible and I know that I can achieve it. Video Campaign 3/3

This last in our video campaign. Video Campaign Pt. 2/3 Video Campaign Pt. 1/3

I am excited to announce the video campaign that is now underway. I want to win their best Youtube video competition.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Season 3 - Day 32

The past three or four weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions and successes. I am pleased to announce the new addition to my family. His name is Roadie and he is a healthy and intelligent yellow Labrador. I picked him up from the animal shelter, and a day later he hopped my fence and took off. I was so sad and disappointed, but then I received a call from the family who took him in. A few days later we were reunited and he has made me a proud dog owner.
On another note, the weather in Southern California has been absolutely beautiful for the past two months. The snow level was so low at one point that it touched the bottom of the mountain range behind my house. I've lived on and off in So Cal for the past sixteen years, and have never seen so much snow at one time. It was truly something to behold.

In addition I am also pleased to announce that my non-profit organization is gaining momentum and celebrity support. We are currently engaged in a YouTube contest for, and I feel very certain that we will win this contest and further gain support for our cause. I am so thankful that I can achieve these milestones.
March is shaping up to be a great month for me, and I am in the progess of attracting even more visitors to my multiple websites.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Season 3 - Day 8

Thank God another work week has come to an end. The week started off great, had a little down turn on Wednesday, and then picked up by Friday. While reviewing my company, I discovered that 2008 was the most profitable year for me. Every category displayed increases or significant draw downs, and now my tax preparer can sign off on it. I am so thankful for the customers who entrusted me to provide quality service and reliable products. I am truly blessed!

As season three begins I am looking forward to completing all the projects that I have started such as hosting a live event for my non-profit, raising awareness and operational funds, filming my series, and attracting more sales and clients. I know that I am in the process of achieving this, and The Universe is working to bring me the right people to execute these plans in a successful manner. This week has proved yet again that there is a purpose for my life, and that I firmly believe I am on the right path to accomplishing many extraordinary things.

The more I think about my family, friends, and girlfriend, the more I realize just how special they are to me and vice verse. Many people have come into my life at various times and situations. As I grow older and mature, I can see that everything happens for a reason, there are no accidents. The past is a narrow focus on fixed events, yet the future is infinite and full of unlimited possibilities. The key is not to get discouraged when pondering past or future events. It is more relevant to become focused on the Present and what can be done to either change or continue current conditions.

This weekend for me marks the second Valentines Day with the same person. This small feat means for the first time this decade, I will be with the same woman on back to back Valentines Day celebrations. It feels great that stability has returned to my personal life as I write a new chapter in life. Gone is the uncertainty that plagued my early and mid twenties. Gone are the restless nights and relationship drama that kept me from happiness. More importantly I feel as though my integrity and decision making grows stronger with each passing day, week, month, and year!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Season 3 - Day 4

I had a blast this weekend and cannot wait for the week to unfold. The rain has temporarily subsided, but it will be back tonight. It has been raining straight for the past four days, but I love it and want it to continue for the next three weeks. There is something tangential about nature giving back to a thirsty earth and people. As I look outside and see the snow capped mountains in the distance, I'm immediately reminded of how cyclical life can be.

As the years turn I find myself well past the crossroads of my youth, and can see the bigger picture for what it is. This past decade has brought forth adventures, challenges, and triumphs beyond my wildest dreams. It is times like this when I sit and smile about achieving goals and visiting places that were but a faint glimpse of opportunity the previous year. Truly I am bless and thankful for what I have received. As many a man would say, "There by the Grace of God go I."

In my early twenties I would have interpreted this saying to mean I deserve to be alive and experience life. I false sense of bravado that youth, inexperience, and sheer sophomoric pretenses could bring me anything I desired. As I grow more, travel the world, and partake in new ways of living, I see that thankfully ignorance is wasted on the young. Perhaps this way of life never vanishes completely, as modern society tries to sell its soul for mechanical wiz bang gadgets and internet dating. There is something to be said about the dichotomy of man, and how we've created so much, yet know so little. The Universe is a vast and ever expanding place, yet our corner of the galaxy feels so isolated and shunned. This of course begs the question, What if it is suppose to be this way?

Science teaches us that nothing, not even the smallest living organism is useless. At some point everything has its place. The evolution theory also confirms this by suggesting that nothing is without purpose. Could it really be that we are isolated for a reason? The "media" could care less about larger concepts such as why the earth is so far away from the nearest star, and instead feels compelled to broadcast new images of a sexed up Miley Cyrus is a crude attempt to reclaim the mantle of "flash in the pan" from Brittney Spears, Ricky Martin, and yes Ashley Judd.

The second work week of February has begun and I am meeting it full stride. My to do list is encompassing tasks that will continue to keep me on the track to financial independence. I am in the process of setting up my non-profits first event, and pushing forward with a new plan to embark on creating tv shows. The day awaits and I am looking foward to accomplishing my goals.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Season 3 - Day 1

Today is great day for so many reasons. First and foremost the weather in So. California is absolutely beautiful right now. The rain has been steady but badly needed as this winter has been rather dry. I really enjoy winter and I'm soaking up as much of it as possible. Secondly, I've broken ground on a new renovation project for my house. I am in the process of creating an amazing outdoor living area complete with water gardens and planting boxes.

This weekend is going to be fun and exciting as well. Tomorrow I am going to a basketball game, but before that I am going to go target shooting with my friends and new firearm. I am so thankful for the amazing week and the opportunity I had to help a great friend who was in need. More and more I am in the process of attracting more money, achievements, and positive memories to make my life extraordinary this month.

As season three starts, I am gun ho about manifesting more abundance everyday. I realize that in order to attract more of what I want, I need to give the vibration of gratitude. I know this can be achieved by deliberately focusing on what is being included in my vibration bubble. A vibration bubble is invisible energy that surrounds us whether positive or negative. The Law of Attraction does not differentiate, it only responds by matching the vibrations being emanated. This is why it is so important to really focus on what vibrations are being sent out.

In the next one hundred days I would like to attract and receive the following from The Universe:
  • I would like to film and produce a new show
  • I am in the process of attracting a new house
  • I am in the process of accumulating more wealth
  • More and more I see money being attracted to me
  • I have decided to live in abundance
  • I am in the process of assuming an attitude of gratitude

These are but a few of what I know I can achieve. I am in the process of including these in my vibrational bubble. Let's see how fast I can manifest them!

Oprah Talks About The Law of Attraction

Applying the Law of Attraction, Oprah- Michael Losier interview

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Season 2 - Day 99

My second 100 day challenge is almost complete. When I started this last October there was alot that I wanted to accomplish. Now that I see how far I've come, I'm thankful for the opportunity to experience another 100 days of life and to see how the world has changed. Perhaps at best, I want to believe that I too changed a part of the world. History will ultimately dictate whether or not any of us impacted the world we lived in.

This past weekend was the superbowl and I am glad to have spent it with close friends. I've learned more and more that family and friends are what matter most, and that the most cherished moments should be shared with them. I am lucky have such wonderful people close to me and really enjoy knowing that I can lean on them in moments of need. Many people do not have anyone to rely on, and I have so many.

In the larger scope of things, the world economy is going to crap and it's only a matter of time before revolt or revolution takes hold around the globe. Many businesses and commercial properties are laying vacant with no one to fill them. However bad the economy may be, there are pockets of opportunity. I am a firm believer that my business will continue to flourish and grow during these times. I know that I am in the process of attracting new clients everyday, and will do so for the remainder of 2009. As giant companies fall, they are leaving gaps for entrepreneurs to fill. I understand that this is my year to succeed, and I welcome the opportunity to do soon.

The first full week of February is almost over, but I am preparing in earnest for the coming year. I am planting victory gardens, stockpiling self defense technologies, and gathering supplies to last me through whatever conditions may unfold. It's not stupid to be prepared these days, in fact is down right stupid not to prepare. Make a plan and know what to do if or when things get worse. The Universe will grant you the opportunity to better yourself and your loved ones, but you must remember to know exactly what you want to ask for.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Becoming More Abundant

Michael Losier: Getting The Law of Attraction

Season 2 - Day 94

The work is winding down and its time to give thanks for another week of life! I had the pleasure of working on a new food recipe which is in the process of coming to market this year. My friend is becoming more confident with his cooking abilities and its nice watching his skills evolve. I have decided that I will go to market with a food line within this year.

On another front, my non-profit organization is starting to gain momentum. I am looking to organize our first live event, and now the logistics need to be met. My goal is to raise $3000 for my organization by the end of March. To do this will require leadership, organizational management, and patients. The world is hurting and I believe the time is now to help children in need. Our movement has gained traction and a couple celebrities have expressed a strong desire to support the cause.

This weekend is Superbowl weekend, and I will be watching the game at a friends house. In addition we will have a live forum in which to test different recipes and receive real time feedback. I am so excited to and thankful to be in the position of accumulating wealth in 2009. I feel that by applying myself and relying on my talents, I can change and positively affect the lives of those around me, and those of total strangers.

Now that January has come to an end I would be remiss if I did not mention how much fun it was. I attracted alot of money, met new people, filmed a pilot, and had a great time. This month will set the tone for the coming year, and I am ready to meet success and prosperity. I love knowing that anything can happen and if one wants it badly enough, it can happen! Here's to February!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Season 2 - Day 91

Man alive the first month of 2009 is almost over! The past week has been a whirlwind time for me. I closed out the "big job" for my company and received compensation for it. By the Grace of God/Universe/ whatever you want to call it, I was able to make car repairs, took a friend out to dinner, purchased defense system, renewed online sites, and made rent. I am so thankful for opportunity to make a difference in the lives of other people.

While in my daily travels, I created a website for my non-profit organization and attracted a celebrity following. As of today, I am excited to announce that a prominent anchor of Fox Business is a supporter of my site. Additionally, I am in the early stages of setting up a live event. I will post more developments as they unfold.

Before season two comes to an end, I want to reflect on the accomplishments that have manifested in the past ninety-one days.

  • Filmed a Pilot Show
  • Took a trip to Washington DC
  • Met monthly sales goal
  • Attracted Celebrity Supporter
  • Completed large renovation project
  • Made Car Repairs
  • Covered Rent and other operating expenses
  • Started new business ventures
  • Setting up first non-profit event
  • Passed HSC test and received certificate
  • Helped many friends in need
  • Made more money in 2008 than ever before
  • Celebrated a great New Year's
  • Continuing financial success in 2009
  • Purchased self defense system
  • Increasing internet presence
  • Hosted Christmas party
  • Added personal touches to house
  • Starting food line
  • Creating LOA CD's

With so much transpiring in my life, I am thankful to be alive and ready for expanded success in 2009.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Season 2 - Day 83

This past weekend has been one of the best in recent memory. On Friday I dropped by a friends house with a outdoor bbq smoker and made some mighty tasty carne asada. I did this because I'm a firm believer in making money through the food industry. Throughout my travels, I've always been told that man needs but three things in life. Those being food, shelter, and water. If a quick moving entrepreneur can break into these markets, a proverbial gold mind will lay directly ahead.

On Saturday, I got together with my film crew and put the finishing touches on an upcoming tv or internet show pilot. After nearly three months of production, the post production phase of this project will now commence. Words cannot describe how elated I feel, as I am now closer to fulfilling a lifelong goal. Also, I discovered that my first new client of 2009 was obtained. Again, I am so thankful for the opportunity make a positive difference in someones life. The Universe has blessed me and I give thanks to God for everything. When it rains, it pours, and the past week has manifested this reality for me.

As the weekend comes to a close, I must give a shout out to my consumer reports blogs. Multiple people have emailed me and have indicated that my blog was directly responsible for them avoiding a deep dark internet scam. While I will never know just how much money has been saved, I will venture to say that it has to be in the neighborhood of $10,000 or more. Informing potential scam victims and waging psychological warfare against scam artists makes me happy and I will continue to further this endevour with all my heart.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Season 2 - Day 80

The work week is almost over and I'm riding high. On Tuesday I submitted my bill for the three month work project that closed out. The flow of income is a blessing given the global economic conditions, and I take it as a sign of progess for me and my company. Lately I've been listening to Geral Celente, Founder of the Trends Research Institute, and I have come to agree with his findings. While the economy may be slow, it provides immense opportunity for the savy and quick acting entrepreneur.

As of now, I'm in the process of adding and eliminating projects to invest in. I know that my economic conditions are good and that I will achieve my 2009 sales goal. In addition, my film crew will wrap on the production phase of an upcoming tv show pilot. This project took off last October and after three months, the curtain will come down. I am so excited about what the future of this project and where it could end up.

My immediate goal for the rest of this week and month is to continue to grow spiritually, physically, and mentally. I am in the process of opening doors that have never existed before, and I will walk through them. I know this is possible and I will do whatever it takes to manifest these desires. Viva la Vida! Live the Extraordinary life!

Symptoms of Lack of Persistence

At any given point in our lives, we all have goals, dreams, and aspirations to fulfill. When they pan out its glorious, but sometimes the goals we have never materialize. The real enemy which stands between you and noteworthy achievements is Persistence. To combat lack of persistence, here is a list to remember:

  1. Failure to recognize and to clearly define exactly what one wants.
  2. Procrastination, with or without cause.
  3. Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge
  4. Indecision, the habit of "passing the buck" on all occasions, instead of facing issues squarely.
  5. Habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the solution of problems.
  6. Self-satisfaction. There is but little remedy for this affliction, and no hope for those who suffer from it.
  7. Indifference, usually reflected in one's readiness to compromise on all occasions, rather than meet opposition and fight it.
  8. The habit of blaming others for one's mistakes, and accepting unfavorable circumstances as being unavoidable.
  9. Weakness of desire, due to neglect in the choice of motives that impel action.
  10. Willingness, even eagerness, to quit at the first sign of defeat.
  11. Lack of organized plans, placed in writing where they may be analyzed.
  12. The habit of neglecting to move on ideas, or to grasp opportunity when it presents itself.
  13. Wishing instead of willing.
  14. The habit of compromising with poverty instead of aiming at riches. General absence of ambition to be, to do, and to own.
  15. Searching for all the short-cuts to riches, trying usually reflected in the habit of gambling, endeavoring to drive "sharp" bargains.
  16. Fear of criticism, failure to create plans and to put them in action, because of what other people will think, do, or say. This enemy belongs at the head of the list, because it generally exists in one's subconscious mind, where its presence is not recognized.

Take a long look at this list and honestly evaluate yourself to see if these traits are present. Rid these unwanted traits and The Universe will deliver dreams and goals to you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Manifest What You Want in Your Life Now!

Lilou Mace is an amazing person that enjoys sharing her talents and skills with others.

Lose Weight With The Law of Attraction

Ten Traits That Make You Filthy Rich

Saving money isn't all about whether or not you know how to score screaming bargains.
It has more to do with your attitude toward money. Just think of those who don't fit the filthy-rich stereotype. People like Warren Buffett. Understanding how personal traits can influence your finances is an essential ingredient for building wealth.

Here are 10 key traits:
1. Patience
Patience is one of the most important traits when it comes to saving money.
This means waiting until the first wave of product hype has passed, keeping a car for an extra few years before getting another one and waiting until something you want fits into your budget instead of putting it on credit.
Patience is often the difference between creating savings and being in debt. Having the patience to wait until you find a good deal is a cornerstone of good finances.

2. Satisfaction
When you're satisfied, there is no reason to spend money on nonessentials. The sole purpose of commercials is to make you believe that buying a product or service will make you happier, wealthier, better looking or improve whatever isn't bringing you satisfaction.
People spend because they want to capture the excitement shown in advertisements. When you are satisfied with what you have and your life (not trying to live like those on TV), your finances will be in a lot better shape.

3. Organization
Being organized can make you more productive and ensure that all the many issues pertaining to personal finances are addressed.
It means not paying late fees, not buying two of everything, knowing deadlines that can affect your finances and getting more done in less time. All these can greatly benefit your finances.

4. Discipline
You need the discipline to continue to save money for specific, long-term goals every month.
Personal finance isn't a way to get rich quick, but is a disciplined execution of your lifetime plans.

5. Reflectiveness
It's important to be able to look at your financial decisions and reflect on their results.
You're going to make financial mistakes. Everyone does.
The key is to learn from those mistakes so you don't make them again, or recognize if you keep repeating them.

6. Creativity
The economy and our earnings don't always match our expectations.
Unexpected developments wreak havoc to elaborate financial plans. When this happens, changes are needed to deal with the new circumstances. Creativity is essential to accomplish this.
Creativity allows you to make something last longer rather than purchasing it when you don't have the money. It means juggling money to stay out of debt rather than simply paying with a credit card. It means finding a cheaper alternative when money is tight.
In these ways, creativity plays a large role in keeping finances in order.

7. Curiosity
Having curiosity helps you learn, study and improve yourself.
The curiosity of wanting to know more, to take the time to study and then take what is learned and put into practice is an important process that is driven by curiosity.

8. Risk-Taking
To build wealth, one needs to be willing to take risks. This doesn't mean uncalculated risks. It means weighing all the options and taking calculated risks when appropriate.
The stock market has risks involved, but over the long term, history shows that it provides good returns on money that is invested wisely. Those who fear risk altogether end up saving money in accounts that likely lose money to inflation in the long run.

9. Goal-Oriented
The importance of setting and working toward goals is obvious. If you don't know where you are going, it's difficult to get there. It helps your personal finances immensely if you have money goals and are motivated to reach the goals that you have set for yourself.
Those who lack goals don't have a road map to take them to the financial destination they want.

10. Hard- and Smart-Working:
Creating wealth and staying out of debt rarely comes about without a lot of hard work.
Many people might hope that the lottery will solve all their financial problems. The true path to financial freedom, however, is to work hard to earn money while educating yourself to continue to have more value and increase your salary.
You may not possess all of the above traits. But knowing them can help you make changes so that you nourish the ones that you have and obtain the ones you're missing.
Ultimately they will help you with your personal finances and create a plan to accumulate the wealth you desire.