Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Season 4: Day 26

The midweek path was lined with obstacles and business matters of importance. At first I wanted to resist getting them done, but a swift kick in the pants gave was the incentive to complete the tasks of the day. It would be hypocritical or even a self conflict to state the attraction of money and prosperity, yet never deliver the work needed to yield said results. There was a time when I would have folded or even submitted to the pressures of avoidance.

However, for whatever reasons I find myself on the true cusp of financial abundance, prosperity, respect, and so much more. While it may not be easy to get my feet moving; once they are I know they are pointed in the right direction. A cliche at best but when it comes to my future, I can see over the horizon. In fact lately the horizon has been approaching at a controlled fast tempo. At no other point in my life have I been more excited and full of life.

In addition, perhaps maturity is teaching me to be content and patient with what I have. When the time comes, strike like lightning and collect my bounty. I view life as a perpetual harvest and its time to reap my prosperity.

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