Thursday, July 16, 2009

Season 4: Day 13 - The Dog Days of Summer

That old feeling again. Isolation, fatigue, mundane, and sluggish like yesterdays news. If there are dog days of summer, I believe its' arrival is here. Outside my door awaits energy zapping heat, and strength reducing humidity. This time of year always welcomes me with mixed emotions. As a fire sign, I really come alive during the summer. However, as a lover of cooler weather, my heart awaits the latter months such as Oct-Dec.

Perhaps I should relax, but my spirit is alive with many emotions. Mid July to early Aug have a rejuvenating effect on me. By now conscious awareness knows full that Fall is merely sixty days away. The relentless heat will give way to stormy days, cold nights, and warm clothes. Yet in order to live in my desired season, I have to get through the undesired weather first.

I'm beginning to understand how this can relate to the Law of Attraction. In order to achieve a desired dream or goal, one must live through and make the most of the mundane tasks. Only by experiencing the ordinary can one bask in the extraordinary, while enjoying the fruits of their labor.

My online presence is building up nicely. I've already become a YouTube hit, and now I looking to obtain national coverage. Perhaps my upcoming book can give me the desired attention, or my blogs will take off at a moments notice. Whatever may happen will be, but I know deep that it feels good when I think about my recent internet success. Next week my radio show will welcome its' first guest. My goal is to attract more high profile guests who will share their work and experiences with my audience.

More importantly, I am just so very thankful for all that has been blessed and bestowed upon me. I'm completely amazed when I think about how much has been given to me. I'm not sure if I really deserve it, but I feel success unlocking doors that never existed for me. Maybe maturity is kicking in or maybe wisdom is settling in, but I've never been so excited about my future and what I can achieve.

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