Monday, July 6, 2009

Season 4: Day 4

Happy Monday to everyone in cyberland! Today I had a good radio show and felt more confident when delivering the news. After almost twenty shows, I'm happy with the format and the ever increasing listerners. It brings me joy to know that importants guests will be booked on my show in the coming month.

In addition to my budding broadcasting career, I am also very interested in completing my television/internet show. The concept is great and my passion to create is at an all time high. Life has been great to me and now is the time to seize every opportunity given to me.

The obedient law of attraction states that one must first decide what they want in their mind. From their it must be put into action, and then it will materialize. The universe can and will give you whatever you want, so let's keep the positive thoughts and actions going.

Here is a short list of what I'm focused on:

  • Obtaining a new house
  • Attracting money from Amazon sales
  • Purchasing a new car
  • Landing a new job for my company
  • Finishing my home construction projects
  • Finding new guests for my radio show
  • Filming new video projects
  • Raising money and awareness for the Global Pangaea Foundation

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