Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Season 2 - Day 99

My second 100 day challenge is almost complete. When I started this last October there was alot that I wanted to accomplish. Now that I see how far I've come, I'm thankful for the opportunity to experience another 100 days of life and to see how the world has changed. Perhaps at best, I want to believe that I too changed a part of the world. History will ultimately dictate whether or not any of us impacted the world we lived in.

This past weekend was the superbowl and I am glad to have spent it with close friends. I've learned more and more that family and friends are what matter most, and that the most cherished moments should be shared with them. I am lucky have such wonderful people close to me and really enjoy knowing that I can lean on them in moments of need. Many people do not have anyone to rely on, and I have so many.

In the larger scope of things, the world economy is going to crap and it's only a matter of time before revolt or revolution takes hold around the globe. Many businesses and commercial properties are laying vacant with no one to fill them. However bad the economy may be, there are pockets of opportunity. I am a firm believer that my business will continue to flourish and grow during these times. I know that I am in the process of attracting new clients everyday, and will do so for the remainder of 2009. As giant companies fall, they are leaving gaps for entrepreneurs to fill. I understand that this is my year to succeed, and I welcome the opportunity to do soon.

The first full week of February is almost over, but I am preparing in earnest for the coming year. I am planting victory gardens, stockpiling self defense technologies, and gathering supplies to last me through whatever conditions may unfold. It's not stupid to be prepared these days, in fact is down right stupid not to prepare. Make a plan and know what to do if or when things get worse. The Universe will grant you the opportunity to better yourself and your loved ones, but you must remember to know exactly what you want to ask for.

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