Friday, February 6, 2009

Season 3 - Day 1

Today is great day for so many reasons. First and foremost the weather in So. California is absolutely beautiful right now. The rain has been steady but badly needed as this winter has been rather dry. I really enjoy winter and I'm soaking up as much of it as possible. Secondly, I've broken ground on a new renovation project for my house. I am in the process of creating an amazing outdoor living area complete with water gardens and planting boxes.

This weekend is going to be fun and exciting as well. Tomorrow I am going to a basketball game, but before that I am going to go target shooting with my friends and new firearm. I am so thankful for the amazing week and the opportunity I had to help a great friend who was in need. More and more I am in the process of attracting more money, achievements, and positive memories to make my life extraordinary this month.

As season three starts, I am gun ho about manifesting more abundance everyday. I realize that in order to attract more of what I want, I need to give the vibration of gratitude. I know this can be achieved by deliberately focusing on what is being included in my vibration bubble. A vibration bubble is invisible energy that surrounds us whether positive or negative. The Law of Attraction does not differentiate, it only responds by matching the vibrations being emanated. This is why it is so important to really focus on what vibrations are being sent out.

In the next one hundred days I would like to attract and receive the following from The Universe:
  • I would like to film and produce a new show
  • I am in the process of attracting a new house
  • I am in the process of accumulating more wealth
  • More and more I see money being attracted to me
  • I have decided to live in abundance
  • I am in the process of assuming an attitude of gratitude

These are but a few of what I know I can achieve. I am in the process of including these in my vibrational bubble. Let's see how fast I can manifest them!

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