Sunday, August 2, 2009

Season 4:Day 30 -The Guns of August

Yesterday was a great day. For the first time in about three years I went to an extended family gathering. I saw the new editions to my family; cousins, step cousins, etc... I suppose the "normal" family exists either in factitious 1950's tv or in Norman Rockwell paintings, because mine is far from it. Yet somehow no matter how far apart we seem to get, something will bring us together again.

I managed to hit a few golf balls for the first time in years, and felt great. My first reaction was of shock, disbelief, and even joy at my performance on the driving range. It has been over 8 yrs. since I have swung a golf club, but just like riding a bike it all comes back in the end.

In life I suppose we go through our ups and downs. Times when things seem to come so easily, and other times we simply but our talents on the shelf for another day. Suddenly the "another day" is years down the line, and a sense of urgency sets in. On such occasions we either continue to do nothing or we embrace the urgency and redirect the energy and focus into refining the activity, skill, or job at hand.

As the summer slinks away I am reminded of how great life can be. The skill sets and passions of a extraordinary life are there for the taking; but they have to be realized to maximize potential. Finally, one has to eventually stand up and say "Yes I am willing to accept that which comes with an extraordinary life." Far too often many people are willing to accept a mediocre and uneventful life. What these people fail to see is that it requires the same amount of energy to cling to an average life, when that same energy could be channeled to create the most exciting and rewarding life for oneself.

This thinking is not selfish, nor is it simply the matter of "wishful thinking." Some of the greatest entrepreneurs, scientists, and athletes have all realized that at some point or another, it takes the same amount of energy to either create or destroy a dream, a goal, or brighter future. The question then becomes at what point do you want to live your dreams? How far are you willing to go to achieve your life's work?

A person will achieve whatever they set their minds too. Criminals who get caught in the act of committing their crimes get caught due to action. People who sit on their couch and watch their life slip away due so because of action as well. Thus the paradigm of choosing ones course wisely comes into play. Yet many people never realize this, and instead choose to make excuses for their status in life.

Again every culture and every religious belief has suggested that we are given the ability to create and shape our life; while indirectly shaping the lives of those we come in contact with. As August begins anew, so do I. This month will lead me further to unparalleled success, and widen my horizons on which to make it happen.

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