Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Season 4: Day 40 Keeping up with myself

Time, energy, motion, conscious awareness. Such terms meant nothing to me until just recently. The past ten days have been full of excitement, passion, frustration, joy, and accomplishment. While it may be true that the enjoyment of life has kicked in, it is also true that demands of punctuality, precision, and accountability have also ramped up.

If I had had to sum up the ten days that have past since the last post, it would simply be "awesome baby!" My company closed a deal and received just compensation for a job well done. The meetup group in which I run is off to a great start and I love meeting the new members. On a more personal level, my NGO has received well over 22,000 views on Youtube in the past six months. In addition I now have nine available downloads on

For the remainder of the week I will focus on creating new shows and topics for my internet radio show. When I stop to think about how blessed I am, a sense of determination and drive sets in. Perhaps it has to do with the unfinished business that I am completing, or the fact that I am indeed growing as a person. Whatever the case maybe, it has become undeniable to me that life is an uncultivated pearl. The treasures and rewards are waiting for those who actively search and pursue their "perfect pearl."

This is the year that I will attract a new home in which to live in. This is my time to achieve the financial abundance that I've been talking about all year. I have arrived at the nexus point in space and time where my dreams and full potential meet with absolute unity. I am thankful for life and for the opportunity to live it.

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