Friday, August 21, 2009

Season 4: Day 49 - The Time is Now

Outside the Friday mid-day sky is overcast and mild. The summer is winding down and Fall will be here in less than six weeks. A time to change, a season to learn, and a life to live all revolve around the ringing of the future. What new adventures lay over the horizon? What untold stories await to be lived? These are the questions that run through my thoughts and echo within me.

This summer has been a time of rapid change for me. I'm emerged as a teacher, leader, and listener. My life is undergoing an overhaul; the new dreams and goals that I have are in the process of being manifested. I know, my soul knows, that a new house in Virginia awaits me.

For today I have decided to focus on finishing my books and look forward to selling them by the end of Sept.

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