Friday, April 10, 2009

Season 3 - Day 65

Another good week is coming to a close.  I managed to finish a major step in my bathroom remodel this afternoon and I feel a sense of accomplishment.  The weather outside is wet and cold, as another Spring shower passes over the South West.  As the rain continues I can see and feel Nature's cycle starting anew, cleansing the earth and fertilizing all that requires water to thrive.  

Without sounding like a tree hugger, there is powerful energy being and released simultaneously.  I can feel this energy and know that it is now my time to step up, work smarter, and attract more money for my business than ever before.  I know I possess the skills, confidence, and faith to achieve whatever my hearts desire.  As today unfolds I will continue to focus on attracting more for the services I offer.  My house is coming, my new car is coming, prosperity is coming, and I am in the process of accepting this today.  

Life is full of possibilities and endless energy.  When I stop to give my possibilities attention, I can feel them transmuting into my physical reality.  The keys to success are given to those who are willing to search them out.  We create our realm of living by consciously and unconsciously focusing on what we tell ourselves.  As a result many people will never live or fulfill their life's goals or true potential.  From today forward I am re-committing myself to attain more out of life. More and more love the feeling of knowing how blessed I am and how success is within my grasp.  Nothing at this point feels better to me.  

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