Thursday, September 10, 2009

Season 4: Day 69 - Synchronicity

What is synchronicity? Is it merely thoughts or actions that involve specific moments and people? Why do I keep seeing signs of it all around me? Questions of a plain or realm that we have yet to examine or fully comprehend.

It all started about a month ago. I noticed subtle signs in my life. I started attracting specific situations and materializing certain possessions. Lately, whenever I look at a clock, some interesting occurs. The time will read 2:22, 4:44, 11:11, 12:12, and just this morning it was 10:10am.

Since I do not believe in coincidences, I have come to conclude that perhaps the Universe is currently lining up to give me tools, assets, and personnel necessary to manifest my desired goals for this year.

Those goals include, but are not limited too:
  • Manifesting $60,000 by December 2009
  • Obtaining a house on the East Coast by the end of December
  • Purchasing a different car
  • Pre-production phase on starting a film/tv/internet project on the East Coast
  • More than 500 mp3 Downloads by the end the year
  • Running a successful workshop
These goals are ambitious, but attainable. I have been putting this plan into action since January of this year, and now I am closer to achieving all that I have envisioned and worked for.

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