Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Living the time as it fly's by

The past two months have been interesting for me. As June comes to a close and the middle of summer arrives, I cannot help but think of the passing of time. New Year's Eve seems like last week, yet July 1st is tomorrow. While my tone may feel melancholy, I am far from it. In fact, life has been great as abundance is manifesting itself into my life everyday.

May was an interesting month full of love, loss, and rebirth. During Memorial Day weekend, my family said goodbye to our dog of 11 years. She had developed a disease whereby her anti-bodies suddenly attacked her blood cells. As I drove home from the vets office, I realized just how far we've come. My family obtained our dog after I had moved out for college. The house was too quiet so my sister decided it was time for a dog. At the time I was an 18 year old kid trying to find his way in the world. Flash forward to 2009, and life coming full circle. Today I am the man of my household, and the provider for myself and loved ones. I grown into my own person and I've come to think for myself.

There is an old saying that goes "When something old dies, something new is born." Three weeks ago we welcomed a new dog into our pack and he is doing really well. My favorite uncle purchased a king charles spaniel a couple years before he passed away. My aunt decided she did not want to take care the dog anymore, so Harley came here and I've enjoyed his presence ever since.

Today is a day of many options and choices. I've decided to start another 100 day challenge starting tomorrow. The Challenge will focus on three major catagories, and will track the progress I make towards the new goals. In the meantime I feel it necessary to reflect and state my achievements for season two's challenge.

Season 2 Accomlishments:

  • Started an internet radio show
  • Obtained non profit status on YouTube
  • Finished video project and uploaded it online
  • Have mp3 downloads live on Amazon.com
  • Filmed the National Tax Day Tea Party
  • Attracted 30,000 hits to my blog
  • Became the No. 3 most viewed NPO on Youtube for a day
  • Finished major remodeling job for work
  • I am the leader of the Southern California RV Group
  • My first book is in the editing process
  • I'm focusing my attention on obtaining a new house to live in
  • I am on target to make more money in 2009 than ever before
  • I will purchase a new car by the end of this year
Time moves on and so do I. No matter what the season or month may be, it is never to late to manifest that which one cares about. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, but the first step has to be taken in order for the next to follow. So to is life and how it could be lived in absolute harmony. Start the journey and start living in the now!

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