Monday, March 30, 2009

Season 3 - Day 54

Over the weekend, I crossed the half way point for season three. What I can say is that my goal to own a house by December is well underway, and I believe I have the formula to achieve it. Last week I asked the Universe to deliver a contact for a new feature that I would like to film. The very next day, on Friday I received a call from my perspective contact. They proceeded to tell me that the project could be a go, but I need to submit a proposal.

In addition on Sunday I went filming with a friend. We came to the agreement that our projects should continue and that it is in our best interest to work together. This partnership began last year, and I believe it will firmly resonate into something special by middle of this year. I have a renewed vigor and spirit to accomplish the following goals within the next 30 days:

  • Finish filming RV project
  • Start filming new veterans project
  • Host a live event for nonprofit organization
  • Raise money for NGO
  • Receive $4000 in donations
  • Start writing book
  • Increase quality of living

Today I am in the process of creating new downloads for, and feel so honored to make products available in a new medium. Just last year, this technology would have been unavailable to me, but now I'm at the threshold of a truly time and opportunity.

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