Friday, November 28, 2008

Season 2 - Day 30

Thanksgiving has come and gone from the ether in which it originated. One the surface it would appear that a day to stop and give thanks seems trifle, yet why can't everyday be like Thanksgiving? As a Law of Attraction practitioner I fully understand that everyday should be full of thanks and genuine gratitude. There have been times when this sentiment was lost on me, but this year it seemed vastly different.

I am thankful for so many things which has come to pass, that which is unfolding, and most importantly that which is already on its way. I love knowing that my business is in the process of expanding this very second. I am excited that my family is healthy and prosperous. My relationships with close friends are strengthening, and today brings continued joy! More importantly, I know that can occur for me each and every day.

My family and friends are very important to me. This evening I met up with a long time friend from college. He and I go way back, and I am genuinely grateful for his friendship. We have both been through alot over the ten plus years, and my respect has grown a great deal with this person. I truly feel as if we are family and I like knowing our mutual understandings have never been in question. In life we attract different people for a myriad of reasons. Some people are brought into our lives to teach us lessons, some are there to guide us along the right path, and others become so close they feel like family.

I firmly believe that an attitude of gratitude should be incorporated during each day of our lives. Instead of only offering thanks for what has been given, we should be grateful for what is still to come. The underlining notion behind setting a goal is that at one day, that goal will manifest itself. Yet in order for it to be realized we must first give it continual focus, energy, and attention by being grateful that it's already been received.

In addition one must be thankful for allowing goals to manifest. By removing any doubt, and instilling solid Faith in achieving the desired goal, The Universe will respond by giving us exactly what we want. I firmly believe that The Universe is willing to give much more than one is willing to allow. I have decided that if I set a goal, I need to allow it to manifest. The Universe is ready to burst and shower me with it's infinite abundance and I am willing to accept it.

From this point forward will forever be in the process of allowing greater and greater achievements. I do this because it's the right move for my family, friends, and most importantly me. This revelation is having a profound impact on my subconscious, and through auto-suggestion techniques I am excited at seeing what wonders lay ahead for me.

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