Thursday, November 20, 2008

Season 2 - Day 23

Today has been a busy day, but I must give thanks and gratitude to the Universe for fulfilling my immediate short term goal. Before leaving for my trip I wrote a desire statement indicating a sales goal and expected compensation. To my pleasant surprise I actually achieved this milestone and attracted a new client while on vacation!

The feeling of accomplishment has given me more confidence in my abilities to attract that which I most desire. Tangible manifestations has allowed me to be more open to receive the abundance of the Universe. While many companies are downsizing and closing shop, I am in the process of running a successful business. I am truly blessed and I love knowing that my business will continue to grow. More and more the feeling of abundance is present in my life.

As the week winds down I have decided to attract multiple clients by instilling continued success, motivation, and confidence in all of my perspective ideal clients/customers. The path to financial prosperity has cleared for me, and I am in the process of allowing it into my life. Today is a great day and I am committed to making the most out of it!

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