Monday, November 24, 2008

Season 2 - Day 27 Allowing

The Law of Attraction is working for me everyday by bringing me more of what I want. On the surface this statement appears self evident, yet it is only by allowing that enables manifestations occur. Allowing is a pivotal part of The Law of Attraction, and often the most overlooked component to achieving one's goals or desires.

When we create a desire statement we are asking The Universe to bring forth that which we are trying to obtain. Often times it is very essential to qualify the desire with an allotted time table in which to work in, thereby insuring an expected time frame in which to keep focus, energy, and attention. White many people complete this step, they forget about the importance allowing.Allowing is a process by which desires manifest to your life.

When we allow, we are declaring that we accept abundance, love, relationships, etc into our lives by removing any and all doubt that may prevent the said desire to occur. Simply put the more strongly you allow that which you want the quicker you will receive it. Take a moment to think about your goals. Are you fulfilling them? Do you feel frustrated by not achieving your hearts desire? The problem may be in the allowing phase.I have noticed from personal experiences that whenever I use the phrases:

"I am in the process of allowing....
"I love seeing myself allowing..... into my life"
"I get excited whenever I think about allowing...."
"I have decided to allow..."

As the new week progresses I have decided to allow tens of new ideal customers into my life. I get excited whenever I picture my products inspiring my customers. More and more I know that my business contributes to the overall prosperity of each and every customer I attract. I love knowing that my goals and desires are already being fulfilled.

I had a breakthrough today when I realized that I can choose to allow more and more sales, and that hundreds of billions of dollars gets transferred around the world everyday. I choose to allow myself to serve more people. The world's abundance is infinite so my share is whatever I desire it to be.

On a side note, I going to be working on a new project that is very close to my heart. The group of people that I am teamed with will commence this week, and hopefully we will be able to add new information to our ongoing documentary. I am overjoyed when I think about how successful this project can be. In addition I've become quite thankful for the talent and professionalism that I have aligned myself with. More to come on this, but in the meantime I am grateful for all that occurred in my life, I'm extremely blessed.

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