Thursday, November 27, 2008

Season 2 - Day 29

Thanksgiving is almost here and I have so much to be thankful for. This year has been amazing for me both professionally and personally. I have seen by business grow and expand into new territories, while my personal life has been surprisingly stable. This year marks the second Thanksgiving with the same person in nine years.

I suppose my twenties were like a revolving door of different women. Some stayed for a season or two, some almost lasted a year, but until recently it was the same routine. I'm currently working on staying with the same person for two Valentines Days in a row. I'm not sure why, but I've been with a different woman since the beginning of this decade on Valentines Day. As I reminisce about the past ten years, I'm thankful that my personal life has leveled out.

Today was another great day. It rained off and on, but the intermittent downpours were a pleasant surprise. I spent the majority of my time running errands and preparing for tomorrow. I mailed out some packages for my clients and I love knowing that more sales are on the way.

My goal is to kick off the Christmas season with a bang. I am in the process of attracting multiple sales on Black Friday, and throughout the holiday's. Lots can happen in a short time, so I know that my sales desires will be met. More and more I feel that The Universe will bring to me that which I desire and allow, so I allow myself to receive my goals. I love seeing myself living in abundance and serving my customers as best I can.

On another note I completed my financial paperwork for the American University Military Institute. I will be completing coursework in subjects that I enjoy learning. Once finished, I know that my skill set will be in demand and I that I will have another avenue in which to pursue more dreams and aspirations. After a long break, it will be nice to get back into a professional classroom setting.

I will be in the process of writing a life goal desire statement. That is to say I want to have a definite goal for my life, and I believe Thanksgiving provides a great background for a starting point. I am so blessed and everyday I find more to appreciate. I've come along way but I take pride in knowing the best is yet to come!

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