Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Season 2 - Day 8

The past two days have been extremely busy for me. I have been working on my house and clearing out the old things I seldom use. Cleaning out my garage and backyard has been therapeutic for me. The newly organized space has provided accomplishment and a sense of direction.

On another front, our country elected a new president yesterday. Even though he may have not been my first choice, I still respect the office of Presidency enough to give the new commander and chief a chance. Prosperity, abundance, wealth, and comfort should be allowed to manifest in the USA. I take pride in knowing that my business is doing well considering the economic downturn. Visualizing the success and desires for myself and my company does work, and I am grateful that the Universe has responded. I know deep down that the best is yet to come.

As the week winds down I love knowing that I will make another sale. I am in the process of expanding my company and my products are enjoyed by my customers. More and more I get excited when thinking about how I instill confidence in my customers. I am truly blessed and I enjoy remaining in an attitude of gratitude.

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