Monday, March 1, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 52

What a weekend I just had. On Friday I purchased a new car; yes all the hours of visualizing and focusing my attention on it finally materialized. I am so excited that my car is exactly the one that I wanted. It's roomy for my dogs to ride in, stylish enough to keep me happy, rear wheel drive for the East Coast winters, and nice enough to store extra items in.

The addition of a new car is more confirmation that the Law of Attraction is working in my life. While I am not naive to place all of my successes on physical or material possessions, I am confident to express success in terms of feelings and more importantly by allowing. In the past two months the process of allowing has come center stage in life. Gone are the days when I would sit around and wait for the Universe to "give" me something. Now my attention is on decisive action towards achieving the goals set before me. This new paradigm is something that has come over time, but will last forever. The bottom line is that it works and I am seeing the physical results everyday.

The first day of March is today and the seasons are crying for change. Like myself a renewal of the soul and mind has taken root, while the natural cycle of life begins again. A blessed day and week is already in my hand while a extraordinary life has been set in motion.

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