Saturday, March 6, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 57

The rain is pouring outside as the weekend moves straight ahead. Spring is in the air, the flowers are opening, wildlife is exploring, and the cycle of life is rearing up for another go around. Today was the a great day, a day of celebration and thankfulness. While it may seem that I only think or focus on wealth or material possessions, the reality is that I give sincere thanks for my family and loved ones.

As such my dogs are a very important part of my life. I spent the morning and afternoon picking up medications, enrolling them in training classes, and capping it off with a walk. I'm extremely thankful for the companionship and love that my dogs give to me each and everyday. I've learned alot from them and in turn I love it when I see them learn new tricks and skills. If it were not for wagging tails and wet noses my life would less interesting and fulfilled. The responsibilities that come with dog ownership are not for the faint of heart. Food, vet bills, training, toys, treats.... it all adds up.

Thankfully the Universe has blessed me with the revenue needed to sustain a well rounded life for the three special dogs that have been placed in my care. It also seems that whenever I spend money on them, more money seems to find its way into my pocket. The Universe dislikes vacuums and always fills voids or gaps with more of what was once held in that place or spot. I'm learning this concept first hand as recently as late January when I got rid of an old car in my garage. My Mercedes Benz was taking up space and needed to go, so I sold it and sure enough I purchased another car just last week that now occupies the same space.

Is this coincidence or is a higher power/authority at work? Could it be the same higher presence that holds galaxies and universes together be at work in my life? I believe it does and for that I understand how intricate and important my life is when compared to the greater picture.

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