Saturday, March 27, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 78

The home stretch is beginning to open up as season 5 starts the winding down process. It has been a truly remarkable time; unexpected changes, continued faith, positive self reliance, in short a period of immense growth for me and my family.

It it hard to believe that nearly three months ago, a new year was set before the world. With it came the chance to start anew, and to let the past be what it is. The rejuvenated spirit within me felt compelled to give the law of attraction another shot. Deep down I knew that 2010 was going to be my year. A nexus point in time and space where professional and personal life would ascend to a level only conceived in the theatre of my imagination. It is this moment where my past successes and confidence in the LOA would culminate into a life changing era. For whatever reason this year is a milestone year for me. The hard work, dedication, and diligence would open doors and shatter the old paradigms that once ruled my life.

As such the past seventy-eight days have been an eye opening experience for me; while showcasing the talents and skills that I now possess. As of right now, I am in the process of teaching another workshop in April. The last one that I hosted was last October and was relatively successful. This time I have made it a point to select a larger and more aesthetically pleasing location. My goal is to assist as many people as possible in their journey through life. We all have questions about the world and how things are, yet for many those unanswered questions peck at the unconscious until it becomes too much for some. This sets off a chain of events that leads people to find a better understanding of concepts such as Truth, Reality, Metaphysics, Spirituality, etc...

As March gives into April, so too must the weather and the change in season. Old man winter has been in command for the past four months or so, but ultimately nature knows when the time for change must come. The year is moving right along and it feels so good to know that I am moving with it. I feel current, relevant, and in the loop this time around. My commitment to business affairs and personal development have topped the list for long that it is now becoming an unconscious habit. The goals that I set before myself are to take decisive action toward financial independence. While previous years may have shown opportunity, 2010 is the year where it culminates into a massive windfall of happiness, security, and endless joy. I give thanks everyday for the extraordinary life that I have been blessed with.

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