Wednesday, March 17, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 68

What a difference a day makes. Just yesterday I was demanded that the Universe give me an extra project for my business. I told myself that I would allow Faith to guide me; meaning my bills and operating expenses would be covered for this month.

Late last night I received a phone call stating that my business had another prospective client. It was confirmed this afternoon, and by tomorrow the money will be waiting in my account. This is truly amazing and it feels good to know that the Universe is responding to my new self image. I am on track to achieve my financial goals.

Finally I've decided to let go and allow abundance to take root in my life. Everything is ready and now it's up to me to step up and embrace the success that is waiting in 2010. My house and contintued extraordinary life are manifesting at an ever increasing pace. Words nor feels can best describe how humbled and joyous it feels to know that my demands are being granted. Life is good these days.

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