Friday, November 28, 2008

Season 2 - Day 30

Thanksgiving has come and gone from the ether in which it originated. One the surface it would appear that a day to stop and give thanks seems trifle, yet why can't everyday be like Thanksgiving? As a Law of Attraction practitioner I fully understand that everyday should be full of thanks and genuine gratitude. There have been times when this sentiment was lost on me, but this year it seemed vastly different.

I am thankful for so many things which has come to pass, that which is unfolding, and most importantly that which is already on its way. I love knowing that my business is in the process of expanding this very second. I am excited that my family is healthy and prosperous. My relationships with close friends are strengthening, and today brings continued joy! More importantly, I know that can occur for me each and every day.

My family and friends are very important to me. This evening I met up with a long time friend from college. He and I go way back, and I am genuinely grateful for his friendship. We have both been through alot over the ten plus years, and my respect has grown a great deal with this person. I truly feel as if we are family and I like knowing our mutual understandings have never been in question. In life we attract different people for a myriad of reasons. Some people are brought into our lives to teach us lessons, some are there to guide us along the right path, and others become so close they feel like family.

I firmly believe that an attitude of gratitude should be incorporated during each day of our lives. Instead of only offering thanks for what has been given, we should be grateful for what is still to come. The underlining notion behind setting a goal is that at one day, that goal will manifest itself. Yet in order for it to be realized we must first give it continual focus, energy, and attention by being grateful that it's already been received.

In addition one must be thankful for allowing goals to manifest. By removing any doubt, and instilling solid Faith in achieving the desired goal, The Universe will respond by giving us exactly what we want. I firmly believe that The Universe is willing to give much more than one is willing to allow. I have decided that if I set a goal, I need to allow it to manifest. The Universe is ready to burst and shower me with it's infinite abundance and I am willing to accept it.

From this point forward will forever be in the process of allowing greater and greater achievements. I do this because it's the right move for my family, friends, and most importantly me. This revelation is having a profound impact on my subconscious, and through auto-suggestion techniques I am excited at seeing what wonders lay ahead for me.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Season 2 - Day 29

Thanksgiving is almost here and I have so much to be thankful for. This year has been amazing for me both professionally and personally. I have seen by business grow and expand into new territories, while my personal life has been surprisingly stable. This year marks the second Thanksgiving with the same person in nine years.

I suppose my twenties were like a revolving door of different women. Some stayed for a season or two, some almost lasted a year, but until recently it was the same routine. I'm currently working on staying with the same person for two Valentines Days in a row. I'm not sure why, but I've been with a different woman since the beginning of this decade on Valentines Day. As I reminisce about the past ten years, I'm thankful that my personal life has leveled out.

Today was another great day. It rained off and on, but the intermittent downpours were a pleasant surprise. I spent the majority of my time running errands and preparing for tomorrow. I mailed out some packages for my clients and I love knowing that more sales are on the way.

My goal is to kick off the Christmas season with a bang. I am in the process of attracting multiple sales on Black Friday, and throughout the holiday's. Lots can happen in a short time, so I know that my sales desires will be met. More and more I feel that The Universe will bring to me that which I desire and allow, so I allow myself to receive my goals. I love seeing myself living in abundance and serving my customers as best I can.

On another note I completed my financial paperwork for the American University Military Institute. I will be completing coursework in subjects that I enjoy learning. Once finished, I know that my skill set will be in demand and I that I will have another avenue in which to pursue more dreams and aspirations. After a long break, it will be nice to get back into a professional classroom setting.

I will be in the process of writing a life goal desire statement. That is to say I want to have a definite goal for my life, and I believe Thanksgiving provides a great background for a starting point. I am so blessed and everyday I find more to appreciate. I've come along way but I take pride in knowing the best is yet to come!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Season 2 - Day 28

As I write this entry, the rain has moved in and is saturating everything. I love the rain because it has a unique cleansing ability. It doesn't rain nearly enough where I live, so I welcome it whenever possible.

With another day under by belt, another moment to pause and reflect now presents itself. I had a big revelation today and it still brings a smile to my face when thinking about it. I run a consumer reports themed blog that has been getting more and more popular with each passing month. People from all over the world post comments and I update it very frequently. Until yesterday I had always wondered what the traffic looked like, and how many people were on at any given time.

I came to the conclusion that a live traffic widget was just what I needed. So I installed it and 24 hours later, my blog has registered over 70 hits! People from England to Hawaii, and even Canada have registered hits. Furthermore I can check out which posts are the most popular and who found them helpful. Technology is amazing, and sometimes its the little things that bring about pleasure.

It felt so good to know that so many people are interested in what I have started. In the past two days I have received correspondence from three people who mentioned the information on my website prevented them from being victims of Internet scams. The total amount of money saved was $5600!! I have been running the blog since April, so who knows just how much money has been saved!

I am sincerely humbled knowing that I am making a positive difference in the lives of so many people. When I started the blog I wondered just how big it could get. I knew it had potential, but it's been a dream come true. In life we must do what we love and The Universe will bring everything into place.

For me I am in the process of allowing ten's upon ten's of new customers into my life. I have a specific goal that I am in the process of achieving before or by December 1st. The Universe has fulfilled a sales desire for me this month, and I have decided to allow another to manifest as well.

On another note Thanksgiving is almost here. I have so much to be thankful for this year and I am excited and humbled by the opportunity to share my successes. I am most thankful that my business is growing and expanding everyday, I achieve goals that I set, my life is meaningful, and my family is changing. All and all its been a great year, and its only getting better.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bob Proctor on Manifesting Money

Season 2 - Day 27 Allowing

The Law of Attraction is working for me everyday by bringing me more of what I want. On the surface this statement appears self evident, yet it is only by allowing that enables manifestations occur. Allowing is a pivotal part of The Law of Attraction, and often the most overlooked component to achieving one's goals or desires.

When we create a desire statement we are asking The Universe to bring forth that which we are trying to obtain. Often times it is very essential to qualify the desire with an allotted time table in which to work in, thereby insuring an expected time frame in which to keep focus, energy, and attention. White many people complete this step, they forget about the importance allowing.Allowing is a process by which desires manifest to your life.

When we allow, we are declaring that we accept abundance, love, relationships, etc into our lives by removing any and all doubt that may prevent the said desire to occur. Simply put the more strongly you allow that which you want the quicker you will receive it. Take a moment to think about your goals. Are you fulfilling them? Do you feel frustrated by not achieving your hearts desire? The problem may be in the allowing phase.I have noticed from personal experiences that whenever I use the phrases:

"I am in the process of allowing....
"I love seeing myself allowing..... into my life"
"I get excited whenever I think about allowing...."
"I have decided to allow..."

As the new week progresses I have decided to allow tens of new ideal customers into my life. I get excited whenever I picture my products inspiring my customers. More and more I know that my business contributes to the overall prosperity of each and every customer I attract. I love knowing that my goals and desires are already being fulfilled.

I had a breakthrough today when I realized that I can choose to allow more and more sales, and that hundreds of billions of dollars gets transferred around the world everyday. I choose to allow myself to serve more people. The world's abundance is infinite so my share is whatever I desire it to be.

On a side note, I going to be working on a new project that is very close to my heart. The group of people that I am teamed with will commence this week, and hopefully we will be able to add new information to our ongoing documentary. I am overjoyed when I think about how successful this project can be. In addition I've become quite thankful for the talent and professionalism that I have aligned myself with. More to come on this, but in the meantime I am grateful for all that occurred in my life, I'm extremely blessed.

Season 2 - Day 26 Gratitude

As time marches on I have arrived at a milestone. At the end of today, a quarter of the new season is now complete. The Law of Attraction has brought exciting people, goals, and memories that I am grateful for. When I think about how blessed I am, a feeling of humbleness for all that has been given to me.

Twenty six days ago I decided to re-examine my life by re-focusing my attention, energy, and feelings on attracting more of what I want. This would include business relationships, personal relationships, continued health, financial abundance, specialized knowledge, and so much more. So without further delay here is a running list of my season two achievements:
  • I achieved my immediate sales goal on and around my desired date, which was Nov. 13th
  • I have attracted eight new clients in twenty six days
  • I took a fabulous week long vacation
  • I am in the process of continuing my education by taking courses in subjects that I love
  • My companies re-development project in the process of closing out
  • I've broken ground on filming a documentary that has the potential to be a huge hit!
  • I had dinner at Ben's Chili Bowl one of my favorite places to eat.
  • I enrolled in the world beer club at Ram's Head Tavern
  • Took a much appreciated stroll along the docks in Annapolis, MD
  • I am on track to make more money in a shorter amount of time than ever before.
  • I've read more books and been to more bookstores than in recent memory (ok three years)
  • I've decided to write desire statements, and they have worked better than I could have ever imagined.
  • I've lost 10 pounds, and get noticed by women more and more.
  • I see tangible proof of my desires coming true, and this leads to further confidence
  • I drove a cross over type car for over a week, and enjoyed it
  • Visited the Shenandoah Valley for the first time
  • I discovered Winchester, VA and fell in love with it.
  • I flew to Indianapolis Airport's new terminal on the first day of its operation.
  • I bought a cool souvenir for a friend at the Hard Rock Cafe in Baltimore

My gratitude and appreciation has grown exponentially and continues to develop. I love seeing new manifestations in my life, and have decided to continue to allow more amazing feats into mylife. I am humbled by what I've learned and will share it with anyone who is willing to listen. I know my life is meaningful and I plan to expand my influence around the world.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Auto Suggestion

Auto suggestion is self suggestion. It is the agency of communication between the part of the mind where conscious thought takes place, and that which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind.

If you are looking for a great way to attract abundance into your life through auto-suggestion, then the principles henceforth will demonstrate how it should be done. In order to be successful, you must choose to follow all of the instructions. If you choose to follow only some of the instructions but neglect, or refuse to follow others, you will fail.

  1. Go into some quiet spot where you will not be disturbed or interrupted. Close your eyes, and repeat aloud (so you may hear your own words) the written statement of the amount of money you intent to accumulate, the time limit for its accumulation, and a description of the service or merchandise you intent to give in return for the money. As you carry out these instructions, see yourself already in possession of the money.

For example suppose that you intent to accumulate $50,000 by the first of January, five years from now, and that you intent to give personal services in return for the money, in the capacity of a salesman. Your written statement of your purpose should be similar to the following:

"By the first day of January, 20.., I will have in my possession $50,000, which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim. In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality of service in the capacity of salesman of .....(describe the service or merchandise you intend to sell)."

"I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I deliver the service I intent to render in return for it. I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan, when it is received."

Step 2: Repeat this program night and and morning until you can see, ( in your imagination) the money you intend to accumulate.

Step 3: Place a written copy of your statement where you can see it night and morning, and read it just before retiring, and upon arising until it has been memorized.

Remember, as you carry out these instructions, you are applying the principle of auto-suggestion, for the purpose of giving orders to your subconscious mind.

Lilou Mace - Creative Visualization

Friday, November 21, 2008

Season 2 - Day 24

Today started with a bang and continued will into this evening. I attracted another client today, which brings the total amount for this week to three. I am so excited and grateful for attracting these amazing people. Earlier this week I stated the desire to attract multiple clients/customers and that desire came true! With each passing week I've noticed that my confidence in the Law of Attraction grows and that my desires do manifest.

I love knowing that I am in the process of achieving my November Sales goals. Furthermore I enjoy seeing myself driving my new luxury car. I went to the Post office today and parked next to a clean black Jaguar XJ6. This car was sleek and had amazing lines. Suddenly I thought to myself this is exactly the car that I've been thinking about purchasing and here it is. More and more I can feel myself allowing this vehicle into my life.

Right now I am reading "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, China's greatest military general. His wisdom and advice rings just as true today as it did 2,500 years ago when he wrote it. The ability to succeed is inside us all, our mind determine to what extent this manifests in our lives. So far the book has given me a different perspective of business, and I will start to implement the various techniques to see if it works for me. I am excited at the possibility of learning more and more about my business with each passing day.

I feel that I've arrived at a new junction in my life. The winds of change are blowing and by sail is catching it all. I am in the process of reconditioning my psycho cybernetic mechanism to accept the desired feelings, changes, and abundances that the Universe is prepared to give me. I am open and willing to receive it all. I have grown exponentially this year and will continue to do so. I am thankful for my life and the special people that are in it.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Season 2 - Day 23

Today has been a busy day, but I must give thanks and gratitude to the Universe for fulfilling my immediate short term goal. Before leaving for my trip I wrote a desire statement indicating a sales goal and expected compensation. To my pleasant surprise I actually achieved this milestone and attracted a new client while on vacation!

The feeling of accomplishment has given me more confidence in my abilities to attract that which I most desire. Tangible manifestations has allowed me to be more open to receive the abundance of the Universe. While many companies are downsizing and closing shop, I am in the process of running a successful business. I am truly blessed and I love knowing that my business will continue to grow. More and more the feeling of abundance is present in my life.

As the week winds down I have decided to attract multiple clients by instilling continued success, motivation, and confidence in all of my perspective ideal clients/customers. The path to financial prosperity has cleared for me, and I am in the process of allowing it into my life. Today is a great day and I am committed to making the most out of it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Season 2 - Day 22

It has been said that one must enjoy life because it is very short. After my whirl wind tour of the East Coast for the past seven days, I could not agree more. I had a great time in Washington DC and met alot of interesting people. Last Thursday evening I decided to do a monument tour on the mall which consisted of the Washington Monument, World War II Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Memorial, and the Vietnam Wall. The weather was very brisk and foggy, my preferred weather conditions.

After the monument tour I went back to my hotel in Annapolis, MD and went to Ramshead Tavern, one of my favorite pubs. The crowd was thin in the downstairs bar, which was nice because it felt as if I had the entire place to myself. Before last call the guy behind the counter told me about the alleged haunting that takes place their. Apparently at one time there was a brothel upstairs. There was a girl named Amy who was killed and her ghost still roams around the tavern. The bartender mentioned that in the three years he's been there, he has not encountered anything abnormal, but he did say that other co-workers have experienced something.

As the week progressed I eventually made my way to Winchester, Virginia. Historic Winchester is rich with history, folklore, and friendly people. I was shocked when people actually said hello to me on the streets. Clearly that is a far cry from the cold streets of Los Angeles, where pedestrians are scorned with disdain for even making eye contact while walking. I met the owners of a local eatery called The Snow White Grill. The house specialty seems to be small hamburgers, shakes, and stories since its opening in 1949. The owner indicated to me that there is a small passageway under the building where both Confiderate and Union troops were moved during the Civil War.
Interestingly Winchester changed hands over seventy three times throughout the duration of the Civil War. With so much history, you would suspect hunting's right? Sure enough I found myself in Cork Street tavern, a local watering hole that has seen much in its rich one hundred year plus history. While sitting in the new section of the bar and watching the locals attempt karaoke, I felt the sensation of being watched by someone or something. I decided to turn around and take a photo. To my surprise there appears to be a large spirit orb in the upper right hand side of the photo. This orb that I captured was less than eight feet away from me!

As I departed Winchester on Sunday a feeling of yearning and wanting to suddenly live there came over me. I have decided that I will return by early next year with the intention of purchasing a house. I really enjoyed the "southern hospitality" and felt welcomed, as if I was local who had been there forever. The melancholy mood lasted briefly as I made my way to Baltimore and the excitement of the Inner Harbor.

My time spent in Baltimore was fun and I certainly will look back at it with fondness. I cruised by the Hard Rock Cafe and picked up a souvenir for a freind. After which I made my way to Howl at the Moon, a duel piano bar, but sadly it was closed on Sunday. Not wanting to be outdone, I made the short drive to Federal Hill. The small region of Baltimore that is Federal Hill was first revealed to me by a close friend who took me there almost three years ago. I retraced my steps on Sunday and got some beer at another one of my favorite bars, The Thirsty Dog Cafe. The Thirsty Dog is the only place I've been to where they encourage you to bring your dog. They believe in serving all two and four legged animals equally, and take pride in being a place that makes it possible. The famous two beers for four dollars is a huge appeal, and I enjoyed relaxing in the upstairs section.

Before returning to So. California I went to the National Arboretum and donated some sketches that John Naka, the modern day master of Bonsai had drawn of my grandmothers bonsai plants. The John Naka Bonsai Pavilion is world renowned and over 350,00 people visit the National Arboretum just to see his plants, as well as countless others on display. Knowing that my grandmother donated a bench to the National Arboretum, I contacted the main curator and made arrangements to meet with them. The curator called the Director of the Arboretum and they gladly accepted the sketches. I was so thrilled when I left, because I know that thousands of people will get to enjoy the sketches that had been laying in a box in my garage for the past four years.
In conclusion I had the time of my life. The weather was cold, the leaves were colorful, the people were friendly, and my pictures turned out well. I love my nation's capital and the non-stop action it provides. While I may not have gotten to see everything, I did get the vacation I had wanted all along. The change of scenery recharged my battery and I take pride in knowing that I am in the process of moving back and seeing all the sights very soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Season 2 - Day 13

Everyday I become more amazed by the Law of Attraction. This morning I discovered that I had obtained another client. I mentioned yesterday that I knew I would attract another one, and sure enough it happened! I am so thankful and grateful for the opportunity to inspire and motive more people with my business!!

My trip to DC is now less than two days away. I am excited at the thought of visiting my old friends, favorite restaurants, pubs, clubs, and everything else. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity, and if all goes well I might be moving out there again. Until then there are some loose ends to tie up, and final preparations to be made.

As this week unfolds, I take pride in knowing that I will attract more clients. With each day, billions of dollars are transferred around the world. Right now someone just received a check, and I am in the process of attracting enough money to fulfill my sales desires. This is a great week, but alots can happen and I feel it getting better and better.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Season 2 - Day 12

Today was an interesting day. I found out I won a hundred dollar bill in a raffle last night. It was put to good use today as I went shoe shopping for the first time in two years. I broke down and purchased walking shoes for my trip to DC on Wednesday. The interesting thing is that I knew that I was going to win money last night. I created a thought bubble and filled it with the idea of winning some cash.

I am grateful for the money and for the opportunity to splurge on myself. It felt good to know that I had could afford nice luxuries every now and then. I cannot wait to use the items next week! As for this coming week, I am excited to know that I will attract multiple customers. The thought of achieving my sales goals motivates and inspires me.

I know that I can maintain a successful business and I love the idea of running a thriving business. This year has taught me alot about the Universe, and what my mind can attract. I believe that my life is a direct manifestation of my thoughts, so I am now in the process of choosing which thoughts to give attention and energy to. Deep down I know that this week will be a great one for me and I look forward to seeing it unfold.

Self Confidence Formula

For many people the greatest weakness is lack of self-confidence. This can be overcome and translated into courage through the aid of auto-suggestion and the self confidence formula. The application of this is made through the positive thought impulses stated in writing, memorized, and repeated until it becomes solidified into the subconscious of your mind.

Self Confidence Formula
  1. I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.
  2. I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality, therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become, thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture of that person.
  3. I know through the principle of auto-suggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it, therefore, I will devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of self-confidence.
  4. I have clearly written down a description of my definite chief aim in life, and I will never stop trying, until I shall have developed sufficient self confidence for its attainment.
  5. I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve be, because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing the love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude towards others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and myself.

I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory, and repeat it aloud once a day, with full faith that it will gradually influence my thoughts and actions so I will become a self reliant, and successful person.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

James Arthur Ray

Season 2 Day 11

The week of change has come to an end. Our world is shifting into new uncharted waters, and I am at the head of the ship. While some people preach doom and gloom, I believe it is a great time to be alive. Never in human history has there been more printed money to acquire. Never in human history has there been so many means of communicating with the entire world. We are living in remarkable times!

I received a phone call this morning from the National Arboretum in Washington DC. The day before I had called and left a message with the curator of Bonsai society because, I have some sketches that would be of interest. The curator told me that they were indeed interested in the material I have and would like to arrange a meeting next week. The short conversation set my day in the right direction.

Currently I am in the process of attracting and manifesting at least two luxury cars. I believe the economic conditions make for a buyers market and I am in the process of obtaining all the money that I will need. In less than two months it will be a new year, which means a pre-owned car will be another year older, thereby reducing its resale value even more.

This year I read a book that stated most millionaires never buy a brand new car. Instead they opt to purchase a car that is between two and four years old. From a money management perspective this is wise because a car will lose 60% - 70% of its value within the first 6 years. Also one gets a much better deal when purchasing a car out right in cash, rather than financing it for a period of years.

I get excited when I think about driving my luxury car, and what it will feel like when I surprise my family member by purchasing one for them as well. More and more I can picture what this moment will look like. The Universe has blessed me and I am ready to excel from this point forward.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Season 2 - Day 8

The past two days have been extremely busy for me. I have been working on my house and clearing out the old things I seldom use. Cleaning out my garage and backyard has been therapeutic for me. The newly organized space has provided accomplishment and a sense of direction.

On another front, our country elected a new president yesterday. Even though he may have not been my first choice, I still respect the office of Presidency enough to give the new commander and chief a chance. Prosperity, abundance, wealth, and comfort should be allowed to manifest in the USA. I take pride in knowing that my business is doing well considering the economic downturn. Visualizing the success and desires for myself and my company does work, and I am grateful that the Universe has responded. I know deep down that the best is yet to come.

As the week winds down I love knowing that I will make another sale. I am in the process of expanding my company and my products are enjoyed by my customers. More and more I get excited when thinking about how I instill confidence in my customers. I am truly blessed and I enjoy remaining in an attitude of gratitude.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Season 2 - Day 6

Fall has finally arrived in the southwest. The air is cold and crisp again and I am ready for a new season. Next week I am leaving for DC and the excitement of the East Coast. It's been a long time coming, but I am so very thankful for the opportunity to travel again.

Today turned out to be a great day. I attracted another customer this afternoon and I firmly believe that many more will follow. November is turning out to be a great month and I am ready to do what it takes to meet my goals. This evening I found out that a big job that my company is involved in will soon close out. This is great news and I love seeing myself completing this three month long renovation project.

For now I am envisioning myself owning a luxury car. I get excited when I think of how it would feel to own it now. Above all else, I am grateful to God for all that He has given me. Before going to sleep I will take a few moments and visualize attracting more clients and abundance. The future holds many things for me and I am ready to achieve my dreams.

Creating a Desire Statement

At the turn of last century steel baron Andrew Carnegie set out to describe the secrets of powerful and influential men. Andrew Carnegie grew up poor and was a steel laborer well before he became the wealthiest man alive. He believed it was possible for one to create wealth with little to no education, no influential friends, and no money because, that's exactly how he started in life.

Throughout his life Mr. Carnegie taught his employees and acquaintances the meaning of desire. He would lecture them on the deference between wishing vs. desiring. Wishing does not bring riches, but desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning a way and means to acquire riches, and solidifying those plans with a persistence that does not know the meaning of failure brings about those riches.

The method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of six practical steps:
  1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient to just say "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to the amount you want.
  2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such thing as "something for nothing.")
  3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
  4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
  5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
  6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As you read the statement, feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.

It is important to remember that all thoughts which are mixed with any feelings of emotions, constitute a "magnetic" force which attracts, from the vibrations of the Universe, other similar or related thoughts.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Season Two - Day 5

The time change caught me off guard, and I ended up sleeping in today. The weather has finally changed here in So. Cal and the five months of ninety degree heat appears to be fading away. It rained last night and today for the first time in a long time. I stepped outside during the later hours of last night and spent a moment in the rain. The drops of water falling on me felt so good as I stretched out to catch even more.

While doing this I envisioned each drop represented a new ideal customer, and that the Universe was literally showering me with an abundance of new people to inspire and motivate. The brief moments outside brought a huge smile to my face and I felt as if I could accomplish anything. I believe I have the ability to transmute thoughts and feelings into abundance and wealth.

As today unfolded a major milestone was achieved. My friend and I had the opportunity to film a documentary that we in the process of creating. Our goal is to have a web based show or an actual tv show. I have wanted to do something like this for three and a half years, and until recently I did not know if it would be possible. Yet today as I sat in the interview chair, I knew that we starting something interesting and groundbreaking. We have one more team member film, and then the editing can begin.

I am grateful for the opportunity to take my dreams and aspirations to another level. I plan to have a successful show by next year and will not stop until this is achieved. As I write this an overwhelming sense of calm, joy, and accomplishment is filling me. I accept these feelings and will focus on the for the remainder of the night.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Season Two - Day 4

The past two days have been most interesting. I want to first give thanks for the new client that I attracted on Halloween! October turned out to be a great month and I attracted more clients in the last two weeks than in August and September combined. Above all else I have learned that when I focus my attention and desire on what I want to achieve, the Universe does respond by giving it to me.

I feel great knowing that my business is expanding and more people are becoming familiar with our products and services. In addition truly believe that I achieve my immediate short term sales goal before my trip to Washington DC. I know this can happen as I am in the process of accepting my goals for the month of November. People need my services and I take great pride in knowing they entrust me with their honesty and resources. It brings me joy when thinking about the feeling I get when first learning about a new customer.

I am in the process of making November an even better month than last. My company has a contracted job which will bring forth the opportunity to purchase a new car. In the meantime I am looking forward to expanding my non-profit organization and will start campaign to attract new donors. Overal my life is going well and I am blessed to have the ability to showcase my talents across so many spectrums of life.