Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bob Proctor - Steps to Success in Six Minutes

Bob Proctor - The Tapping Solution

LOA Season 5: Day 78

The home stretch is beginning to open up as season 5 starts the winding down process. It has been a truly remarkable time; unexpected changes, continued faith, positive self reliance, in short a period of immense growth for me and my family.

It it hard to believe that nearly three months ago, a new year was set before the world. With it came the chance to start anew, and to let the past be what it is. The rejuvenated spirit within me felt compelled to give the law of attraction another shot. Deep down I knew that 2010 was going to be my year. A nexus point in time and space where professional and personal life would ascend to a level only conceived in the theatre of my imagination. It is this moment where my past successes and confidence in the LOA would culminate into a life changing era. For whatever reason this year is a milestone year for me. The hard work, dedication, and diligence would open doors and shatter the old paradigms that once ruled my life.

As such the past seventy-eight days have been an eye opening experience for me; while showcasing the talents and skills that I now possess. As of right now, I am in the process of teaching another workshop in April. The last one that I hosted was last October and was relatively successful. This time I have made it a point to select a larger and more aesthetically pleasing location. My goal is to assist as many people as possible in their journey through life. We all have questions about the world and how things are, yet for many those unanswered questions peck at the unconscious until it becomes too much for some. This sets off a chain of events that leads people to find a better understanding of concepts such as Truth, Reality, Metaphysics, Spirituality, etc...

As March gives into April, so too must the weather and the change in season. Old man winter has been in command for the past four months or so, but ultimately nature knows when the time for change must come. The year is moving right along and it feels so good to know that I am moving with it. I feel current, relevant, and in the loop this time around. My commitment to business affairs and personal development have topped the list for long that it is now becoming an unconscious habit. The goals that I set before myself are to take decisive action toward financial independence. While previous years may have shown opportunity, 2010 is the year where it culminates into a massive windfall of happiness, security, and endless joy. I give thanks everyday for the extraordinary life that I have been blessed with.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 75

The past week has been a fun and worthwhile experience for both my professional and personal life. My business received payment for some completed work and with that I was able to pay bills, and make upgrades to my vehicles. I feel so blessed to have been able to purchase a complete set of new tires for one car, and just today I purchased two tires for another car. This would not have been possible without the unexpected payment that I received.

For today I plan to reinvigorate myself with outside chores, taking care of my body, expanding my business, and hosting my radio show. This year has been full of opportunities and growth that have never available until just recently. While the future is not set in stone, perhaps glimpses of what can be expected are now coming to pass. The phrase "I take action toward my goal" is not just a saying for me. It means so much more; such as the willingness and allowing of extraordinary events or situations to benefit and change my life for the better. I'm learning that the Universe listens and responds to the energy, vibrations, and feelings given off by me.

It feels wonderful to know that through all the chaos and disorder in the physical world, I am shaping the future of my family for the better by changing the meta-physical world in which I have the ability to create. The mind truly is the final frontier of Man.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 68

What a difference a day makes. Just yesterday I was demanded that the Universe give me an extra project for my business. I told myself that I would allow Faith to guide me; meaning my bills and operating expenses would be covered for this month.

Late last night I received a phone call stating that my business had another prospective client. It was confirmed this afternoon, and by tomorrow the money will be waiting in my account. This is truly amazing and it feels good to know that the Universe is responding to my new self image. I am on track to achieve my financial goals.

Finally I've decided to let go and allow abundance to take root in my life. Everything is ready and now it's up to me to step up and embrace the success that is waiting in 2010. My house and contintued extraordinary life are manifesting at an ever increasing pace. Words nor feels can best describe how humbled and joyous it feels to know that my demands are being granted. Life is good these days.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 67

There are times when work seems like an uphill battle. At first it appears that there will never be enough free moments to accomplish the tasks at hand. Yet with determined focus and self confidence, the problems can be resolved one issue at a time.

Today was one of those days. There are alot of issues that demand my attention, but thanks to my preventative actions, the week is still going along and my business grows strong. From this point forward, my financial goals of 2010, which is to earn $150,000 or something better will be given to me. With that I will be able to provide for myself, my family, and for the charities that depend on my donations. God willing I will be able to donate more money than at any other point in my life.

2010 is here and undergoing a new season. Spring is knocking at my door and the cycle of a new year unfolds before my eyes. I am thankful for life and for the abilities that have been bestowed upon me. I'm ready to jump onboard my ship which has finally come in.

Friday, March 12, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 63

Friday is here and the week has come to a close. The past five working days have been a roller coaster of time and events. Monday started with me helping close friends move a long ways to their new house. Tuesday - Thursday consisted of yard work, chores, and getting ready for the new season or cycle that 2010 is bringing.

Today was also another filled day for me. I cleaned my house, hosted a radio show, updated my blogs, downloaded new tunes, and checked my Youtube page. The fast paced week is running a distant second to the festivities that await this weekend. Dog training, work out regiments, and so much more is now here and needs my attention.

I love knowing that when it's all said and done, I received money this week and I know that my business is still on track to acquire $150,000 or something better during 2010.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 61

I've been consciously making an effort to visualize daily and manifest abundance. In the past two weeks I've attracted money and car; which came after daily fifteen minute visualization sessions. My goal is to attract $150,000 or something better during 2010. This can be achieved through careful execution of my action plan. My plan includes daily, weekly, and monthly landmarks to guide me throughout the journey that I have embarked on.

For today it is time to clear out the old dusty and unused items around my living and office space. Spring is nearly here and it is time to due some much needed cleaning. First I plan to clear out my backyard. I will mow and weed the overgrown grass and get new seedlings ready for another growing season. I have the vegetables and other edables ready and will plant them once the season fully changes.

Secondly, I have an idea to rearrange my office space. I want to reinvigorate it with positive Fung Shui energy that will attract health, wealth, and calmness. It can be done with careful consideration and I will be extremely happy once this is completed. More importantly I've decided to let the past be. What was done last year or years ago is really not as important as what this year holds both professionally and personally for me. The old tapes that locked me in and played over and over again in my mind are being erased. They've replaced with positive affirmations that are focused and centered upon a new self image that I hold for myself and for what I can achieve.

Finally, I've decided that it is time to teach another workshop. This will be my second workshop and will be held in mid-April. The previous workshop was held in October of 2009 and was a success. With the extra effort that I have put forth, this one will be more exciting and will attract more people. My goal is to attract twenty-three students and to execute an exciting time for everyone involved.

Tips for Manifesting Abundance in 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 60

I have marked the sixty percent completion of season five with a renewed vigor for life. Yesterday I embarked on a mission to move a close friend and family to a new house; an undertaking that took the better part of a day just to unfold. When the dust had settled, I was surprised to have made some money while doing a nice service for a friend.

New business opportunities are currently being created and the prospect of earning $150,000 or something better this year becomes more of a reality with each passing day. Late last week my company received another payment for services rendered and this week is looking just as good.

On the NGO front, my company has attracted some 67,000 viewers and the radio show is doing better with each passing week. I am proud of the DIY spirit that I posses and the wonderful people from around the world who tune in from time to time. It is an amazing experience to share current events and causes with an eager public that devours original timely content. They always seem to have a never ending appetite for whatever I put out. Here's to keeping goals and taking action towards them in 2010!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 58

A great Sunday is unfolding before me. It started when I took my dogs to their training class today. In a short time from now, two of my dogs will be testing for the CGC. Once completed they will be licensed service dogs, which will allow me to take them everywhere. I cannot wait until they can start working with children or adults who are in need of a canine friend to further their therapy programs.

In addition, I must state that it felt so good to make another payment on my car on time. By next week, there will only be one more payment left and it will be all mine. The feeling of accomplishment and ownership is something that I've wanted to manifest in my life for the past year or so. Until recently, I knew it was obtainable yet held back for some reason. Now that I've been visualizing for over a month, things and situations are opening up before my eyes that were never there before. Yes I have a new lease on life, and feel great about where 2010 will lead me. My motto for the month is "I take action toward my goal." This is significant because without a goal, the unconscious cannot be directed to anything. As a result negative or self destructive habits or patterns are left to perpetuate unabated.

While I've been typing away, the rain outside has escallated to a major downpour. My goals are coming true, I am warm, there is a roof over my head, and it feels empowering to push forward into next week.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 57

The rain is pouring outside as the weekend moves straight ahead. Spring is in the air, the flowers are opening, wildlife is exploring, and the cycle of life is rearing up for another go around. Today was the a great day, a day of celebration and thankfulness. While it may seem that I only think or focus on wealth or material possessions, the reality is that I give sincere thanks for my family and loved ones.

As such my dogs are a very important part of my life. I spent the morning and afternoon picking up medications, enrolling them in training classes, and capping it off with a walk. I'm extremely thankful for the companionship and love that my dogs give to me each and everyday. I've learned alot from them and in turn I love it when I see them learn new tricks and skills. If it were not for wagging tails and wet noses my life would less interesting and fulfilled. The responsibilities that come with dog ownership are not for the faint of heart. Food, vet bills, training, toys, treats.... it all adds up.

Thankfully the Universe has blessed me with the revenue needed to sustain a well rounded life for the three special dogs that have been placed in my care. It also seems that whenever I spend money on them, more money seems to find its way into my pocket. The Universe dislikes vacuums and always fills voids or gaps with more of what was once held in that place or spot. I'm learning this concept first hand as recently as late January when I got rid of an old car in my garage. My Mercedes Benz was taking up space and needed to go, so I sold it and sure enough I purchased another car just last week that now occupies the same space.

Is this coincidence or is a higher power/authority at work? Could it be the same higher presence that holds galaxies and universes together be at work in my life? I believe it does and for that I understand how intricate and important my life is when compared to the greater picture.

Friday, March 5, 2010

LOA Season 5:Day 56

When the rains it certainly pours. Yesterday I received a check from a client who's job closed out this week. The money will be used to pay off existing business expenses and take care of other misc. items. If that were not enough, a relative informed me that they have an interview for a new job position on Monday.

This job is a culmination of the Law of Attraction working in their life. Many hours of visualizing, positive affirmations, and other techniques have brought them to a new understanding of their personal development. I am pleased to hear of such exciting news and will continue to love and support them to the fullest.

In addition I was also told that next month will be another hugely profitable month for me. My goal is to earn $8000 or something better in April and I believe that this is now attainable. The Universe is responding to my desires and I love knowing that my actions are leading me towards continued success.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 55

The week is almost over and I've got alot of work to accomplish. I was surprised to find that my online presence is expanding each and everyday. My blogs have been receiving more attention that ever before. My Youtube page is now over 66,000 viewers and my internet radio show had over 200 archived listeners for the month of February.

For the past month now, I've made it a point to visualize to each and every day. During the fifteen minute sessions, a broad range of topics have been covered, from obtaining a new car, house, attracting more money, gaining a stronger internet following, and so much more. As March unfolds the Universe has responded to my requests and has been manifesting wealth in all of its forms to me. In the past fifty five days the following things have truly changed the direction of my life:

  • Obtained a $2,000 dog for $150
  • Manifested a new car
  • My Youtube page passed 66,000 viewers in one year
  • Radio Pangaea has more listeners than ever
  • Hosted two meetup meetings
  • Manifested $4500 on my way to $150,000 or something better
  • Feel calmer and more assertive in business
  • Blogs are more popular than ever
  • On track to make $60,000 or something better by October

I am truly blessed by what I have achieved and what is still before me. Life is more manageable when goals and dreams are within one's reach. While I do not define my self image solely on prior successes, I do feel more accomplished and secure knowing that I am on the right path... my life path.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 53

Tuesday is here, the week is well underway again. So much to accomplish and so many loose ends to tie. I'm convinced that my move the Easter Coast will be solidified by the end of Spring. Ideally, it's becoming increasingly clear that my life is already shaping into the one I want.

Life is going well these days, and for the first time in a long while I am confident about the direction of my future. I'm consciously applying positive self image techniques to keep me even keel and calm throughout the day. My passion for life is strong and my desire to live an extraordinary life is shining through.

The news became official yesterday as my non-profit organization received 65,000 viewers in youtube in one year. I believe this year will be even better as we move towards 200,000 viewers by March 1, 2011. Deep down this number is significant and it truly represents the new age in which we live in. People are awaiting the new content and events that will be hosting for the remainder of 2010. With the prospect of success looking clearer than ever, I am resolved to push on and achieve the goals which have been declared. I take action toward my goal.

Monday, March 1, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 52

What a weekend I just had. On Friday I purchased a new car; yes all the hours of visualizing and focusing my attention on it finally materialized. I am so excited that my car is exactly the one that I wanted. It's roomy for my dogs to ride in, stylish enough to keep me happy, rear wheel drive for the East Coast winters, and nice enough to store extra items in.

The addition of a new car is more confirmation that the Law of Attraction is working in my life. While I am not naive to place all of my successes on physical or material possessions, I am confident to express success in terms of feelings and more importantly by allowing. In the past two months the process of allowing has come center stage in life. Gone are the days when I would sit around and wait for the Universe to "give" me something. Now my attention is on decisive action towards achieving the goals set before me. This new paradigm is something that has come over time, but will last forever. The bottom line is that it works and I am seeing the physical results everyday.

The first day of March is today and the seasons are crying for change. Like myself a renewal of the soul and mind has taken root, while the natural cycle of life begins again. A blessed day and week is already in my hand while a extraordinary life has been set in motion.