Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Season 2 - Day 65 - Farewell 2008

In the coming hours the clock will strike midnight in my time zone and another year will have come and gone. Much has been written about 2008 and in the coming years, I'm sure some historian will further write about its impact upon mankind. It would be an understatement to suggest that this year was full of up's and down's. Many people were certainly caught off guard by the global meltdown and the looming financial situation. Much like the game "musical chairs" the fortunate have managed to find a seat while the music stops.

However, I often wonder how much longer can the game continue? At what point do the chairs run out? 2008 has not looked kindly upon some, yet for others it has been a life transforming year. Be it luck or something else I fall into the latter camp that has managed to emerge from this year both mentally and physically stronger. I am very thankful for what this year bestowed upon me, and the feeling of gratitude washes over me like a wave of energy. My business has grown and expanded in ways I never thought, I've recorded a pilot for an upcoming show, and so much more exciting things have manifested in my life.

During the past six months as a Law of Attraction practitioner I've experienced joy's and wonders on a scale that I never knew existed. My life has changed for the better this year and I would be remiss if I did not take a brief moment to list the achievements that The Universe manifested for me.

  • I started an online business
  • My company attracted over 70 new clients (more than the previous 3 years combined)
  • I taught a workshop of 19 students
  • I run a monthly meet up with 43 members
  • I found gold
  • I started three successful blogs
  • I have over 220 posts on my blogs
  • Tens of thousands of people have visited my sites this year
  • I finished a year long renovation project on my house
  • My business has earned more money than ever before
  • I filmed a pilot for an upcoming show
  • I am in the process of purchasing a luxury car
  • I went on an amazing vacation
  • I donated original one of kind sketches to the National Arboretum in Washington DC
  • Learned about The Law of Attraction
  • Employed a friend that needed a job
  • My blog has saved potential scam victims over $20,000
  • I'm currently planning a huge birthday bash for 2009
  • I've developed stronger friendships with those closest to me
  • Performed live with talented musicians at various times
  • Self esteem and confidence has increased drastically
  • Achieved sales goals throughout the year

All this and so much more has occurred for me in 2008. I am grateful to have lived this year, and I know that 2009 will bring even more prosperity. I've decided to make this coming year my most productive year to date; as I am eagerly awaiting whatever may come my way.

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