Sunday, December 14, 2008

Season 2 - Day 48

The weather this weekend has been perfect. The cloudy skies have given way to crisp clear blue skies. I'm a huge fan of colder climates and for some reason October - December are my absolute favorite months. My task today is to assist in setting up christmas decorations. I was remodeling my house last year, so there was no christmas tree. After two years it's time for christmas in my house.

I found some more photos from my trip to Washington DC and decided to post them. Overall I was satisfied with how my photos turned out, the low lighting conditions were an obstacle but some people think they are very nice. On my next vacation I will do whatever I can to capture even better photos. I've decided to do a little research and will consider purchasing a digital SLR camera.

This coming week will be devoted to attracting more money for my business. I am in the process of getting paid for my last project and can see myself already in possession of the amount that I desire. I love seeing my business expanding and the thought of being financially independent seems more attainable everyday. I am in the process of creating a new plan for January that will be beneficial to me and my business.

On another front, my consumer reports website is now averaging over 120 hits a day. My goal is to bump that total to at least 500 hits a day as soon as possible. I know this is possible and I am committed to making this happen ASAP. I truly enjoy the feeling of knowing that I am helping people from around the world, and as a result my visitors avoid being scam victims. When I started the site in April I never imagined it being as successful as it is. Now that I can imagine it, the Universe will deliver it to me. Yes life really can be that simple if we allow it to be.

The last weeks of 2008 will be very productive for me. I've grown so much this year and learned more and more about myself. As the holiday season moves along, I understand that a new year will begin. In a short time from now, I will have the opportunity to start anew, as if being reborn into a new set of 365 days to accomplish that which I desire most. The future is not set, certain things may be, but free will is what rules. The Universe obeys free will and responds accordingly. Perhaps no greater sentiment could be said from me regarding this matter. Proof again that I constantly growing and becoming more secure with who I am and where I want to go!

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