Saturday, December 6, 2008

Season 2 - Day 39

The holiday season is upon us and soon Christmas will be here. I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. It seems like yesterday I was ringing in 2008 and now a new year in knocking on the door. Where does the time go? On the bright side I have achieved so many things this year and I know 2009 will be even better.

Professionally, I am learning everyday about my company and who I am as a leader. I am so grateful for living in the country I do and having the ability to pursue my dreams and aspirations. I have decided to act upon my unlimited potential and tap The Universe for the wonders it will provide. My life is filled with extraordinary events and people that have helped shape it. As this year winds down I want to continuously live in an attitude of gratitude for what I have been given.

This week I received an inquiry for a potential customer from the Netherlands. I love knowing that when I allow new people into my life, The Universe responds by sending me that which I give focus, energy, and attention towards. I've never had a customer from Holland so I am truly excited at the possibility of this opportunity. More and more I enjoy the feeling of December being my highest grossing sales month of the year. When I close my eyes and think about this month, I love seeing my business finish 2008 on a strong note.

In April of this year I started a consumer reports website dedicated to fighting internet crime. I remember choosing the layout and writing my first post with the vague notion that perhaps people would read it. After a month or more I received my first comment and was so excited that someone actually took the time to read it. As time went on I noticed more and more people took interest, and my message was spreading. Today I estimate that over 30,000 visitors a month view my site, and the number is growing larger by the day. I have people from Europe, North America, and Asia who have registered comments telling me to keep up the good job. It makes me happy to know that my site is directly responsible for educating people against cyber attacks, and potential victims have saved tens of thousands of dollars do to the information I post.

When I think about the good things that I have done for total strangers, it makes me realize that I am on the right side of humanity. I've tried to do be the good guy in life, but I know there have been times when I did questionable things. I've had some relationships end on sour notes, partly due to my actions, but all and all I have no complaints. It's so easy to stroll down memory lane and remember events that happened years ago, but what good does that do? You cannot change the past, it is what it is. I've learned to be happy, accept what you've been given, and move on by making the most out of life. Here's to you 2008, thanks for making it a great year!!!

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