Saturday, December 13, 2008

Desire Statement Sample

Here is a real example of a written desire statement.

First, the exact amount of money I desire is $25,000 per month in net spendable income each month.

In return for this amount of money I will educate via writing, audio, video and games, analyze real estate deals, wholesale great real estate deals and refer people to work with the top agents in the area they want to buy in.

I will receive this monthly every month with it steadily growing up to the full amount of $25,000 per month by June 1, 2008.

The plan I will implement to immediately achieve includes:
Starting blog
Writing Multiple Articles and Blog Posts Daily
Sharing these articles on
Video blogging to YouTube
Analyzing 200 deals per week
Post them on
Post them on their city real estate resources website
Add them to the ads to post on CraigsList account on

Referring people interested in those deals to the best real estate agents and brokers in those markets that I can find.

Build my investor list to 100,000 people by
Posting ads on CraigsList
Have 100,000 incoming links to blog bringing hoards of interested investors daily
Enhance the game to continue to work with and teach investors strategies

I see and feel myself receiving this money and achieving my goals.

The following has been modeled from the Think and Grow Rich Workbook

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