Thursday, December 4, 2008

Season 2 - Day 37

Yesterday I was awoken by a family member calling me. There had been a car accident and they wanted me to help them take photos of the scene. I threw on my clothes and rushed down the street as fast as I frantically could. When I got to the site two police cruisers, and a handful of on lookers crowded around the early morning activities.

After surveying the seen, I was so thankful that my family member was for the most part ok. The impact of collision had occurred on the front drivers side door. The generated force had completely caved in the door, thus rendering it inoperable. The rear drivers side door was also dented and I had difficulty opening it as well. As bad as the crash was, it could have been even worse. However, nothing could have prepared me for what my family member told me.

For over a month now I have been using The Law of Attraction to obtain a luxury car. I have made getting a new car a goal for this seasons one hundred day challenge. Well apparently I'm not the only one who has been thinking about getting a new car. My relative informed me that they have been wanting to get a new car for sometime as well. In fact they were actively giving that desire attention, focus, and energy for the past week. They were tired of driving the same car for over eight years and felt that a change was coming soon. It did alright, and it appears as if a new car is on the way.

I was able to look at cars online with them today, and we settled on three different cars to further research. The final selections consist of a Mercedes-Benz, Audi TT, and Volvo. These cars are a considerable upgrade to the previous car, and will provide my family the opportunity to step up in life. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and I hope the driver of the other car is doing fine as well. I love knowing that The Universe is going to deliver the optimum vehicle to us, and that it will fulfill our needs in the future.

My family is truly blessed and a potentially bad situation was turned around. This good fortune is a direct result of The Law of Attraction working in our lives. Miracles do happen if we allow them to, and this experience has provided me with the resolve to carry on and achieve the other goals on my list. I am in the process of writing a December desire statement, and I am aiming high because whatever I decide ultimately comes to pass. So the question for today is, what do I really want?

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