Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 40

The rush of a shortened work week is not lost on me. I have so much to be thankful for, proud of, alot of heaving lifting to do. My girlfriend submitted her application for a new teaching position in Washington DC, and I am extremely happy for the initiative that she has shown throughout this ongoing process. It is refreshing to see someone close to me doing all they can to achieve a higher level of success. I say this because success is like a snowball at the top of a mountain.

At first the snowball is small but as it gains momentum it also gains mass; which in turn yields more momentum and more mass. It only stops when that force is acted upon another force. In the metaphysical world, the energy (snowball) of success accumulates and searches for out for more congruent energy. Thus when we least expect it, the Universe delivers to us that which we seek. While it may not be instantaneous, well planned steps in the right direction will ultimately lead to some form or shape of success. Thereby completing the natural law of the Universe which states that energy or thoughts attract or repel like minded energy or thoughts. Said another way, an individual gets what they most think about, so choose wisely.

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