Friday, February 12, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 35

The week is almost over and I'm just warming up. I discovered that my NGO's youtube page is about to break the 60,000 viewer mark. As a matter of fact, we are as of today the number six most viewed non-profit channel. In the past five days I've attracted over 4,000 hits. This is simply amazing as my goal is to reach the 200,000 mark during this year.

In other news my business is about to take a huge leap and truly rake in the money this year. I have a couple of contracts that will be filled and which will lead to unparalleled financial independence. In addition I am committing myself to cut ties with all those who would impede, stunt, or otherwise sabotage my success in the year. No more will I allow "dead weight" to hang around without my conscious or unconscious approval. When toxic energy is present, it will only try to expand and engulf positive or neutral energy. Cutting loose the unwanted friendships or associations my be tough, but it is vital for individual growth and personal development.

There is a nothing liberating than success. To me it is infectious and will always grow/multiple with the correct balance of responsibility. I am in the process of truly living an extraordinary and will take the necessary steps to live in that realm today, tomorrow, next week, and this year. It can be done and I will make it happen.

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