Friday, February 5, 2010

Co-Creation Season 5: Day 28

The weather is gray, cold, and with a strong chance of rain. I've been fortunate enough to enjoy a great 2010 thus far; making a conscious decision to create plans/goals and then putting them into action.

As I progress and gain more confidence in my professional and personal relationships, the internal blocks that once held back success are literally dissolving into the ether from which they came. I've come along way and know that the path before me has been clearly defined by me, but granted by the Universe.

Today great news arrived from afar. It appears as if business will be one rise this year; as this year will be the year in which I attract a completely new and ascending life. During my visualize session today, I will focus upon my girlfriend receiving a new job, and what our lives could be like in the very near future. The key is to focus on everything down to the last detail. For me I visualize the weather, the street on which our new house is located, our cars, dogs, etc... The more details I provide, the clearer my signal is to the Universe.

My roles and goals are becoming aligned with my inner soul, the experience is new, joyful, and calming. I am living in the moment while shaping the future.

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