Wednesday, February 10, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 33 - New Visualization Technique

Today is the one third mark in this season's 100 day challenge. A funny thing happened to me recently that has made a world of difference. I am committed myself to daily visualization sessions, and have included the feelings associated with already having my desired results. In short whenever I close my eyes to enter the theater of my mind, I feel a direct connection or pathway to the Universal source that has created the spiritual and physical realm of existence.

In addition I see wide open highway of energy in which their is a directly unimpeded shot from me to the Universe. It is a lively and joyful experience to be surround by such love, power, and humbleness. Also, I have begun to experiment with different frequencies or harmonics during my visualization sessions. For instance today I visualized myself already inside my new home, already driving my new car, enjoying spiritual fulfillment, and loving the new circumstances in which I have already created.

Next, for each desired result new car, house, financial abundance, etc. Each desired result has a specific frequency. When I combine all the desired results, i.e. frequencies together, I feel a harmonic tone being created. This tone is layers deeps, and has a vibrational energy level that I have never experienced before. I almost feel like a musician that is combining notes or chords together to make a beautiful sound which resonates through space and time.

Finally, after the each 15 minute session, I release the vibrational energy, chord, harmonic wave, or whatever you want to call it back into the Universe and simply go about my day without. My intention it to fully disengage from the visualization session by releasing my thoughts and not lamenting or putting forth more energy into what I would like to manifest. The goal is to fully trust in the Universe, God, etc. I will continue to post results as they appear.

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