Thursday, February 25, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 48

The week is almost over and I'm just hitting my peak. Today the goal is to host my radio show, detail my car, create new videos, and read. I recently purchased a book called, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephan R. Covey. This book was suggested to me about five years ago, but for whatever reason I never took the time to pick it up.

This all changed when I found myself in a bookstore and felt compelled to take it off the shelf and bring it home. Needless to say, I believe this book is an incredible source of knowledge pertaining to personal development and personal growth. Above all, it has serious changed my perspective on life as my the paradigm of my old views shift into a new light. I can see how a negative self image, anger, resentment, and not letting go of the past can hamper, even stunt individual success. I've committed myself to getting real with myself by writing a mission statement for my life's work along with taking daily action towards goals that are important to me.

This has opened new doors for me and I feel passionate about sharing love, joy, and abundance with whoever will listen. Case in point, last year I declared to the Universe that I wanted my work to be published in a newspaper. I was not sure how or when it would occur, just that I wanted it to happen. Sure enough it was brought to my attention that a college newspaper from the University of Southern Florida had printed an article about the blogs that I manage. It was an amazing experience to see my hard work being shown in a positive light. This news marks yet another exciting chapter in my extraordinary life. The feeling of accomplishment, success, and exaltation are beyond any measure that I can clearly express.

As today unfolds I am taking great care in knowing that whatever I set my mind to will ultimately come true. Here's to a great day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 47

The feeling of accomplishment is strong and wonderful. I had alot on my plate this week and I was not sure how it would pan out. So many loose ends to tie up in a day. On Monday I made a plan of what needed to get done, and I set it into action with the idea of fulfilling as much as possible. Perhaps in years past the attention to details left me with a feeling overwhelmed and unproductive.

Now things have changed for better. I make it a point to plan out my weeks and take the appropriate steps to manifest the goals set before me. This shift in mind set can be attributed to a number of things, most notably the personal growth and maturity that has set in. I see myself in a positive self image, which in turn has opened door in business that were not previously attainable. I've become a firm believer in the notion that anger masks and blocks all potential avenues to success. My letting the past go and reshaping my self esteem, a quantum leap of personal development has ensued.

The task before me is to secure a place of residence in the Washington DC metro area as I know my life path is taking me back their again. I love knowing that my dreams and goals for this year will come true. I take action toward my goal of making $150,000 or something better during 2010. It feels good, looks good, and the experience is what most excites me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 46

The weather is absolutely beautiful in southern california today. Winter is phasing into spring, the vegetation is green, and the still early morning day is very calming. This week is going to be productive as I have a full plate in which to get through. Business deals, phone calls, emails, the joy of self employment is at times stressful, but I've learned to just take it one day at a time.

As such I am currently balancing my time between prioritizing tasks and setting action plans to achieve my goals. My girlfriend is waiting to hear back from a teaching position that she has applied for, one that will affect our lives for the good. Change is necessary in life, it comes when we least expect it and it can happen on a moments notice. I've learned that it's better to meet change head on, and whenever possibly try and stay ahead of the curve. Life is best lived in a proactive not a reactive mindset. So my role today is to meet the tasks and chores before they pile up on me.

I have many irons in the fire, prioritizing is going to be key. I know that my life's path is set before me and that I am back on track to achieving success. My motto is "I take action toward my goal." This means I am committed to allowing all the $150,000 or something better during the year 2010. In addition, I set aside fifteen minutes every day to visualizing myself in position to manifest this goal to its fullest potential. The day is young and I'm ready to make the most of it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Law of Attraction at work

Activating Law of Attraction Part One

Activating Law of Attraction Part Two

Activiating Law of Attraction Part Three

Activiating Law of Attraction Part Four

LOA Season 5: Day 41

I've had a smile on my face all day as yet another week falls away. Perhaps it was the payment I received from a client or maybe its the prospect of purchasing new car, but exciting times are here. The situations and circumstances that I have been visualizing for the past month are now coming to pass. What was once sheer "day dreaming" has now become a routine with very real and tangible results.

I intend to make full use of the monetary gains that have been bestowed upon me. The action plan that I have created will bring to me the goals that I would like to achieve in 2010. We live in the second decade of the Information Age, and with that the use of multimedia and multiple platforms are the key to my success this year. As such, the Universe has started to respond to my requests and demands by giving me more of what I want. Specifically, today is the eighth consecutive day that my non-profit has cracked the top 100 on youtube. As of now we are ranked No. 15 and have attracted more people to our cause than ever before. In fact over 62,000 viewers have stopped by checked us out.

Also I managed to host my internet radio show and I am in the developing stages of teaching a new workshop. If that were not enough I have decided to hold my first fundraiser. This is now possible and I will continue to take action towards my goals. The Universe is so good to me.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 40

The rush of a shortened work week is not lost on me. I have so much to be thankful for, proud of, alot of heaving lifting to do. My girlfriend submitted her application for a new teaching position in Washington DC, and I am extremely happy for the initiative that she has shown throughout this ongoing process. It is refreshing to see someone close to me doing all they can to achieve a higher level of success. I say this because success is like a snowball at the top of a mountain.

At first the snowball is small but as it gains momentum it also gains mass; which in turn yields more momentum and more mass. It only stops when that force is acted upon another force. In the metaphysical world, the energy (snowball) of success accumulates and searches for out for more congruent energy. Thus when we least expect it, the Universe delivers to us that which we seek. While it may not be instantaneous, well planned steps in the right direction will ultimately lead to some form or shape of success. Thereby completing the natural law of the Universe which states that energy or thoughts attract or repel like minded energy or thoughts. Said another way, an individual gets what they most think about, so choose wisely.

Friday, February 12, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 35

The week is almost over and I'm just warming up. I discovered that my NGO's youtube page is about to break the 60,000 viewer mark. As a matter of fact, we are as of today the number six most viewed non-profit channel. In the past five days I've attracted over 4,000 hits. This is simply amazing as my goal is to reach the 200,000 mark during this year.

In other news my business is about to take a huge leap and truly rake in the money this year. I have a couple of contracts that will be filled and which will lead to unparalleled financial independence. In addition I am committing myself to cut ties with all those who would impede, stunt, or otherwise sabotage my success in the year. No more will I allow "dead weight" to hang around without my conscious or unconscious approval. When toxic energy is present, it will only try to expand and engulf positive or neutral energy. Cutting loose the unwanted friendships or associations my be tough, but it is vital for individual growth and personal development.

There is a nothing liberating than success. To me it is infectious and will always grow/multiple with the correct balance of responsibility. I am in the process of truly living an extraordinary and will take the necessary steps to live in that realm today, tomorrow, next week, and this year. It can be done and I will make it happen.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 33 - New Visualization Technique

Today is the one third mark in this season's 100 day challenge. A funny thing happened to me recently that has made a world of difference. I am committed myself to daily visualization sessions, and have included the feelings associated with already having my desired results. In short whenever I close my eyes to enter the theater of my mind, I feel a direct connection or pathway to the Universal source that has created the spiritual and physical realm of existence.

In addition I see wide open highway of energy in which their is a directly unimpeded shot from me to the Universe. It is a lively and joyful experience to be surround by such love, power, and humbleness. Also, I have begun to experiment with different frequencies or harmonics during my visualization sessions. For instance today I visualized myself already inside my new home, already driving my new car, enjoying spiritual fulfillment, and loving the new circumstances in which I have already created.

Next, for each desired result new car, house, financial abundance, etc. Each desired result has a specific frequency. When I combine all the desired results, i.e. frequencies together, I feel a harmonic tone being created. This tone is layers deeps, and has a vibrational energy level that I have never experienced before. I almost feel like a musician that is combining notes or chords together to make a beautiful sound which resonates through space and time.

Finally, after the each 15 minute session, I release the vibrational energy, chord, harmonic wave, or whatever you want to call it back into the Universe and simply go about my day without. My intention it to fully disengage from the visualization session by releasing my thoughts and not lamenting or putting forth more energy into what I would like to manifest. The goal is to fully trust in the Universe, God, etc. I will continue to post results as they appear.

Monday, February 8, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 31

I am challenging myself to manifest a new car within three weeks. To achieve this desired goal, I will be focusing my attention on obtaining an optimum vehicle that suits current situation. I trust that the Universe will deliver to me my request and more. In addition, I am setting aside 15 minutes everyday in which to visualize my life and how I see myself living now... not in the distant future.

I recently read "The missing secret" by Dr. Joe Vitale. He proposes the idea of truly "seeing" yourself via the visualization process as already having and experience whatever it is that one desires. By following this technique, the individual is now free to allow the feelings and emotions of already owning the desired results. This is a vital step, as it trains the mind to align vibrationally with the abundance of the Universe, thus manifesting more effectively and quickly.

Today has been a day of personal victories. My NGO has attracted over 56,000 page views on youtube, and now we have broken the top 100 video channel for the first time in a almost six months. The goal for this coming year is to attract another 200,000 visitors and you sell 15,000 downloads through youtube. I believe this is possible and I am committed to making it happen.

Get to know yourself

Sunday, February 7, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 29

A month has almost come and gone since I started the 5th season of my 100 day creation challenge. I feel inspired about the new leadership role that has been thrust upon. The meetup group in which I organize is moving right along with the new year. I have attracted some like minded people who are thirsty and yearning for knowledge.

This attainment fits well within my newly defined role as teacher/guide and leader. People depend on my for the wisdom that I have acquired and the way which I present the material. With this role comes new responsibilities and opportunities. I cherish the idea of people looking up to me and wanted to spent more time engaged in conversation and learning. I do not take this matter lightly, and would enjoy teaching on a more consistent basis.

My mission is life is to assist and help people who have blockages in their lives. I intend to give my all and will strive to put forth the correct foot forward at all times. I am humbled by the responsibilities that are now bestowed upon me.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Joe Vitale Reveals Napolean Hill

Joe Vitale discusses The Missing Secret

Co-Creation Season 5: Day 28

The weather is gray, cold, and with a strong chance of rain. I've been fortunate enough to enjoy a great 2010 thus far; making a conscious decision to create plans/goals and then putting them into action.

As I progress and gain more confidence in my professional and personal relationships, the internal blocks that once held back success are literally dissolving into the ether from which they came. I've come along way and know that the path before me has been clearly defined by me, but granted by the Universe.

Today great news arrived from afar. It appears as if business will be one rise this year; as this year will be the year in which I attract a completely new and ascending life. During my visualize session today, I will focus upon my girlfriend receiving a new job, and what our lives could be like in the very near future. The key is to focus on everything down to the last detail. For me I visualize the weather, the street on which our new house is located, our cars, dogs, etc... The more details I provide, the clearer my signal is to the Universe.

My roles and goals are becoming aligned with my inner soul, the experience is new, joyful, and calming. I am living in the moment while shaping the future.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

LOA Season 5: Day 27

The new month finds me alive and well. A radical change has taken hold within me as of late as I declare my roles and goals. I've committed myself to being an organized producer who is willing to go the distance to achieve the many goals I envision. My personal growth has been a direct effect of my new outlook on life. Never have I ever felt more confident and secure about my future than at this moment.

So far 2010 has been a year of insight and deep personal revelations. I've moved from the private victories to outward public accomplishments. I did this by first admitting that there needed to be a new angle in which to evaluate my life. Next, I considered the idea that tangible/physical assets could attract more wealth, health, spiritual well being, and personal development. Finally I put this thought into action by living conscious thought brought about by daily visualization sessions.

This year has also brought about a new addition to my pack. Last month I adopted a beautiful female cavalier king charles spaniel. She is integrating well and has brought joy to our family. As my family expands I love knowing that a new house, car, and financial independence is manifesting everyday because I see the results.