Wednesday, November 10, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 98 - Faith

The adventurous week has taken more dips and turns than a roller coaster. Today I had the distinct pleasure of picking my car up from the impound yard. The people at the yard seemed nice considering they nabbed me for $560 dollars. Not wanting to make a scene I kindly paid my bill and quickly left without uttering a derogatory remark.

While this morning was a test of my patience, it was also a trial for the well being of my soul. Alot has transpired in the past week, but not nearly as much as what has happened to my inner being. I am stronger and feel secure in knowing that my Faith in God and his Grace, through which the Universe responds will show favor upon me. Already I feel a calming of my spirit as the demons of the past are exorcised forever. The weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. I no longer have to look back as today is another step into the great unknown. A great divide now appears and the road before me is lined with prosperity, renewed optomism, and vigor for that which is mine.

In sixty days I will emerge a freeman from the transgressions of my past. A chapter has closed and a new one unfolds. In the thrity one plus years that I've been alive on this earth alot of changes have come, some people are gone, but I'm still here. By God's Love and the Love that I have for people, I am alive and free. This has been the best learning experience for me because I will emerge a better person for it. The world will continue to hear a voice for Justice, Equality, Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness. It is my intention to live a life that is worthy of emulation. It is my intention to find it rewarding and extraordinary. It is my intention to follow my life path and surpass everything I could ever conceive or desire. Today is that day.

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