Thursday, May 20, 2010

Season 6: Day 21

This afternoon I feel alive and ready to take on the outside world. I've had a major shift in thinking; as the goals of 2010 are manifesting each and every day. My goals is to remain spiritually and physically healthy as the week progresses. Yes it can be easy to get discouraged or even jaded at times, yet it can be just as easy to remain calm and level headed.

When I visualize during the day, I see the goals and successes as if they have already happened. The new house that I have and the income I'm generating feels good because has already happened. This is yet another reason to get nostalgic about the future. My looking towards the future, one can shift their mindset into achieving their hearts desire. It is desire that ultimately manifests either what is wanted or unwanted, depending on the amount of time, energy, and feelings dedicated towards the end result.

On a more person front my NGO has now attracted over 87,000 people on Youtube. In addition my radio show has also begun broadcasting again and many people from around the world are excited and interested in hearing what I have to say. I cannot believe that for so long, the population of this planet was locked into what the "mainstream media" wanted to cover; or even what they wanted people to know about the news. The Internet has blown the lid off the way things use to be done and the balance of power has shifted towards the people once again. The idea of broadcasting at home with a cell phone and without any license is simply an amazing feat. Thousands of people from all points of the globe are tuning in each day to receive updates from me. Heaven help us!

Before the day is over I will have taken action toward my goal of earning over $300,000 or something better during 2010. It feels good to be alive and I give thanks for another day of life.

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