Monday, May 17, 2010

Season 6: Day 18

There are times when I simply want to say FUCK it! There are times when I'm happy, and even times when I don't give a DAMN! Sometimes I think life is rigged, the "big guys" get the breaks and the "little guy" gets squeezed from all sides. The word on the streets is a new push is beginning to take hold. A new movement, a real empowerment revolution is sweeping across Humanity with a new vigor.

At the tip the spear is where I feel most comfortable. My heart and soul is dedicated towards living a full and authentic life. I have vowed to grow each day in every way. The bottom line is that by getting the most out of life, I know that my mental state will be ready steady and forward looking. It is so easy to reminisce about the past, yet who gets misty eyed about the future?

In my opinion it is time better spent in daily meditation; by visualizing the ideal life no matter what that might be. Since the Law of Attraction is unbiased, it will give you all of what you most think about, regardless of it is good or bad. To me this unabridged force is more powerful than any known to man. Perhaps it is just a stream that ultimately leads to the Source, or Almighty God that sits atop the Universe. It is my destiny to seek out and learn as much as I by reading, observing, and communicating with others.

I take pride in who I am and the goals that I take action towards achieving.

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