Friday, May 28, 2010

LOA Season 6: Day 29

Day four of the Paradigm shift is going very well. I've been accomplishing alot of small tasks with proficiency this week. My new philosophy is simple: small steps lead to giant results. With this new mindset, I know that I am tapping into unlimited potential.

Elsewhere, I must give thanks now that my NGO has received 90,000 views on Youtube and we are racing to over 285,000 by the end of the year. Our day of unity for the world event, dubbed Pangaea Day will transpire on July 2nd. There are artists who have expressed interest in this event and I know it will be successful.

Before this weekend ends, I will manifest enough money to cover rent and other bills. The Universe is Infinite and it will provide for me. My confidence level is high and my request will be granted.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

LOA Season 6: Day 27

First and foremost, I am thankful that a family member recently had a job interview that went really well. In fact I know deep down that they did their best and will be given the job within the next few days. I am also proud that my family is living through Faith, as this person had to quit their job in order to receive a better one. The Law of Attraction states that Nature does not like a vacuum; and when one appears it has to be filled by either more of the same or something better. This new bold position is uncharacteristic; but now is becoming more and more common within my family as our confidence continues to grow.

As for me, today is the second day in a new 90 day paradigm shift. I've been working on shifting my focus and perspectives into a new realm of living. Training the sub and unconscious to accept new ideas is like changing the program of a computer. In order to maximize the results, a completely new system or program needs to installed or updated. This upgrade can range from personal, professional, or spiritual development in areas ranging from abundance to patience. The sky literally is the limit when working to shape new paradigms.

In the next few my plan for a Pangaea Day will unfold. I am looking to recruit artists and activists for an International day of Freedom. The thought of creating a massive consciousness project leaves me feeling refreshed reinvogorated.

Part 2

Michael Losier Interviews a Teenage Author

Monday, May 24, 2010

Law Of Attraction coach Bob Proctor did not reveal in The Secret DVD film

Season 6: Day 25

When life gives you lemons make the best lemonade you can. My philosophy of abundance is based upon the paradigms or conditioning one uses through life. It is more than simply saying a poor person attracts poverty based on their outlook or work ethic. In fact, it is better to say that the current paradigm or vantage point has been clouded or skewed. There are a number of factors that could go into making a person act, feel, and think a certain way, but it is more often a result of a locked mental state that needs freeing.

Right now major change underway in my life. My family is expanding our financial comfort zone, and there is some apprehension towards change. The time has come to shift into a new paradigm and unlock the unlimited potential and abundance of the Universe. This is more than simple rhetoric; as the actions I take today will have a positive benefit tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. I am taking a bold stand and declaring that my goals will manifest this year. In addition, I am committed to earning over $300,000 or something better in 2010.

In order to allow the financial ball to roll, a paradigm shift is needed. I am consciously and unconsciously deciding that today; a quarter of the way into this new season, is the day in which I allow the miracles of the Universe to take root and bring forth the desired goals that I have declared. The remainder of this season will be devoted to taking decisive action and allowing an abundance mindset to dominate my feelings, thoughts, and actions. I have come this far and I intend to see it through. I humbly give thanks to the Universe and God for another day of life and for positive personal growth.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Season 6: Day 22

The week has come to a close and I'm kicking it up a notch. Today I am committed to clearing up my yard and making it look attractive. This new look is what I have envisioned since Jan 1st of this year. Ultimately, my goal is to have a self sufficient backyard that produces crops and handle the occasional dinner/party guest when needed. I am excited at this possibility and will do what is necessary to see it through.

Business is looking very well as of late. My short term goal is to acquire a silk screening press and begin work on new design projects. I have been visualizing the steps needed to successfully acquire this machinery. I know that upon receiving the press, I will have a place in which to operate it; and the Universe has already granted me a designer who is willing to make it all come about.

I've often said the end of one thing is the start of something else. People and events are put into our lives for specific reasons, and while we may or may not like the circumstances in which they stepped in, the end result is better when viewed from a larger perspective. When people leave, something has to fill it's spot; I know that 2010 is the year for abundance in my professional and personal life. Today I reaffirm my commitment towards living an extraordinary life.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Season 6: Day 21

This afternoon I feel alive and ready to take on the outside world. I've had a major shift in thinking; as the goals of 2010 are manifesting each and every day. My goals is to remain spiritually and physically healthy as the week progresses. Yes it can be easy to get discouraged or even jaded at times, yet it can be just as easy to remain calm and level headed.

When I visualize during the day, I see the goals and successes as if they have already happened. The new house that I have and the income I'm generating feels good because has already happened. This is yet another reason to get nostalgic about the future. My looking towards the future, one can shift their mindset into achieving their hearts desire. It is desire that ultimately manifests either what is wanted or unwanted, depending on the amount of time, energy, and feelings dedicated towards the end result.

On a more person front my NGO has now attracted over 87,000 people on Youtube. In addition my radio show has also begun broadcasting again and many people from around the world are excited and interested in hearing what I have to say. I cannot believe that for so long, the population of this planet was locked into what the "mainstream media" wanted to cover; or even what they wanted people to know about the news. The Internet has blown the lid off the way things use to be done and the balance of power has shifted towards the people once again. The idea of broadcasting at home with a cell phone and without any license is simply an amazing feat. Thousands of people from all points of the globe are tuning in each day to receive updates from me. Heaven help us!

Before the day is over I will have taken action toward my goal of earning over $300,000 or something better during 2010. It feels good to be alive and I give thanks for another day of life.

Michael Losier Contrast & Clarity Exercise

Monday, May 17, 2010

Season 6: Day 18

There are times when I simply want to say FUCK it! There are times when I'm happy, and even times when I don't give a DAMN! Sometimes I think life is rigged, the "big guys" get the breaks and the "little guy" gets squeezed from all sides. The word on the streets is a new push is beginning to take hold. A new movement, a real empowerment revolution is sweeping across Humanity with a new vigor.

At the tip the spear is where I feel most comfortable. My heart and soul is dedicated towards living a full and authentic life. I have vowed to grow each day in every way. The bottom line is that by getting the most out of life, I know that my mental state will be ready steady and forward looking. It is so easy to reminisce about the past, yet who gets misty eyed about the future?

In my opinion it is time better spent in daily meditation; by visualizing the ideal life no matter what that might be. Since the Law of Attraction is unbiased, it will give you all of what you most think about, regardless of it is good or bad. To me this unabridged force is more powerful than any known to man. Perhaps it is just a stream that ultimately leads to the Source, or Almighty God that sits atop the Universe. It is my destiny to seek out and learn as much as I by reading, observing, and communicating with others.

I take pride in who I am and the goals that I take action towards achieving.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Season 6: Day 15

What a difference a week can make. Last Friday I had a minor hiccup in the business world as an ongoing project seemed grounded and incomplete. I formulated a plan and had came to trust in the integrity of other people. To my surprise, you really can motivate people when you light a big enough fire. Perhaps that can be attributed the free market, or the new survivalist culture that has materialized lately. Whatever the affect may be, I know the actions taken place will transform the lives of many people.

What more could one ask for? I have been asking myself this question for a very long time, but I feel as if the answers have been materializing in my daily life. Such tangible results and the speed in which they have been arriving has been an amazing experience. I believe now that my goals have come true, both professionally and personally. The law of attraction has brought forth results so fast, that my being is one of thankfulness, joy, and humbleness. Adherence to these Principles has truly made a positive impact on paradigms I once harbored.

The powerful legacy that I choose to leave has become solidified, and personal development is gaining more and more Faith and energy every day. The Almighty is good to me.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Season 6: Day 13

Today I spent my time cleaning the house, my personal space, and the backyard. I have been able to get rid of the outdated stuff that's been lying about. It is time to move on and take continued action towards my goals.

This week will mark a turning point for my business. I am looking forward to making $150,000 or something better this year.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Season 6: Day 12

New ventures are pressing and I'm left explaining the difference between a good deal and a raw deal. It's amazing to see people jump like trained seals whenever they feel a business proposition suits them. Life being what it is requires a analytical mind that is not easily swayed by anther's will. Today I must set the record straight and inform a potential business partner that will see the light before the end of the day.

Life has blessed me with many talents, of which many avenues are opening up for exploration. While some may be uncharted and unforeseen, I am still joyful and thankful for them and the possibilities they entail. As the week progresses, change mixed with an enthusiastic outlook on the future are at the heart of my inner thoughts and dialog.

I've learned that life is what we make of it. I'm committed to taking action towards my goals; while knowing deep down that the Universe will deliver to me the sum amount of $150,000 or something better during 2010. The wheels are in motion and I'm ready to strike.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Season 6: Day 7

The goal for today is to further develop a plan in which to obtain continued abundance and sustainability. I am in the process of completing my last job at a long term clients facilities. For the past five years I have been blessed with a wonderful client that has used my companies services. Throughout that time, this account has been a win win situation. Having logged literally thousands of hours; it will be different to simply walk away for the last time next month.

While it may seem melancholy, my feelings and attitudes about this subject are the complete opposite. I know that the Universe dislikes a vacuum, and that nature always fills an empty space with something else. It is this something else that has me intrigued and keeps me looking towards the future. The remainder of season six will consist of recognizing and filling the upcoming void with a client or situation that is even better and more long term.

For now I am simply making the most out each and every day. I am committed to issuing a press release and making media contacts for a new website that I recently launched. The time is right and people are ready to hear what I have to say. There is no time like the present.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Season 6: Day 6

The week is rolling by while I take action towards staying atop of what is most important. My business is picking up and unparalleled expansion is now underway. When thinking back upon my financial situation, perhaps its best to understand that actions in 2009 still ringout in 2010. Last year I made a promise to achieve financial independence; the actions taken then have now manifested into a unique opportunity.

By the end of this week, my goal is to attract a large payout from my current project. In turn I invent to possibility to invest into both short and long term opportunities that will yield even more money for me and my family. In return for this request, I will also set aside a certain percentage in which to fund ongoing cheritable outreach programs of my choosing. In addition, honor and glory must be given to God for the abilities that have been bestowed upon me.

Finally, I must thank the Universe for attracting over 83,000 viewers to my NGO on Youtube. In the coming weeks there will be an even larger turnout as new video projects and new content go viral. The bottom line is that my future is bright, and I love knowing that people from around the world are waking up to a limitless future as well.