Thursday, October 30, 2008


Today was a great day for me. I attracted another new client and have made more sales this October than the previous two months combined. Luckily for me I am in the process of attracting more everyday. More and more I feel grateful and excited when I think about manifesting my hearts desire.

During this past week, I have been listening the "The Law of Attraction" by Michael Losier on audio book. The book has opened my eyes and made me aware of the need to feel and believe my affirmations. In order for a person to manifest the desired change, one must form a clear idea of what that change is and how it feels (as if you were living it now in this very second). Next, the affirmations chosen must be statements that one agrees with or that truly excites when read over and over again. The Law of Attraction is drawn more to feelings than to words or statments. When a person believes or feels in the written affirmations, the LOA responds quicker than when no feelings are present.

As well as attracting new clients, I have also been able to manifest my first true vacation in almost two years. I will be traveling to the east coast in two weeks to visit old friends, make new memories, and have a great time by enjoying the fruits of my labor. Before I leave however, I will be filming my first documentary for a YouTube web series. I've decided the time has come to start living my dreams of appearing in a show and having a hand in its production.

My immediate goal is to attract seven new clients/customers to my business before I leave to the East Coast. I will do this by stepping up my marketing and visibility, so that my seven ideal customers may be attracted to my products. I love knowing that the Universe is making this goal become a reality for me. In addition I am in the process of accepting these new clients and what my services can do for them. I enjoy how it feels when I think about this goal already being achieved .

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