Wednesday, October 1, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 111

Where does time go? It seems like yesterday when I started my own Law of Attraction (LOA) experiment. Like many people, I was skeptical about the LOA and viewed it as mere "new age junk." The notion of attracting whatever your hearts desire, and quite possibly what you do not want was a laughable paradigm at best. So armed with this premise, I attempted to further disprove the basic premise of The Law of Attraction, the results however where not what I bargained for.

Like many entrepreneur's, I am always looking for new ways to generate revenues for my businesses. After several failed marketing campaigns and months of stagnate sales, I came to a crossroads in my life. I decided that it could not hurt to be opened minded about the possibility of creating/generating more revenue using the power of thought.

I immersed myself in movies such as The Secret, and purchased The Answer by John Assaraf. I obtained more information regarding neural linguistic programming, and the psycho cybernetic mechanism. By combining and bundling all of these techniques, I was able to create tangible results.

After 111 days of practicing the Law of Attraction, I am greatful for everything that I have been given. I have a new outlook on life, and will now list the tangible results gained thus far.

Since June of 2008 I have achieved the following:
  • 30 New Clients (I had 9 from Jan to May)
  • I have started a Non Profit Organization.
  • I have taught a LOA workshop to 19 students.
  • I have found gold.
  • Started a group that now boasts 40 members.
  • Made more money within the past two months than the previous 6 combined.
  • I've given more money to people in need this year than last.
  • I'm creating a documentary series with a renowned videographer.
  • I am a co-founder of a company called Psiint.

In conclusion, I am so very thankful for what the Universe has given me is such a short time. I will post updates and new experiences as the ongoing experiment continues.

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