Tuesday, October 14, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 124

My personal Law of Attraction experiment has officially passed one third of a year. Day 124 starts off with great news. I received an email stating that I had acquired another client. Furthermore the new client has prepaid for my services!! Needless to say I was extremely thankful and wrote my client a nice note as a way to show my gratitude.

Attracting new clients is one thing, but doing so in uncertain economic times is another. The Law of Attraction is recession proof. People will always need a company to fulfill whatever it is they are looking for. Regardless of the industry (construction, finance, ect.) people will need these services. If you as a business owner are not taking proactive steps to attract clients and generate revenue, then someone else will.

The obidient Law of Attraction will always give you what you want. Meaning, if you think the economy is collapsing and have negative thoughts about attracting clients, then you will get jus that. An uncertain business with little to no leads or new ways of generating revenue. If however, you focus on the positive side of economic slowdowns, and take proactive steps by offering new incintives, your business will thrive and renevue will increase.

Your mind set and outlook on life creates your reality. Everyday you continue to manifest people, things, and events. The question becomes what are you manifesting? What would you like to attract? The business you run, the job you work at, the house you live in, the car you drive; everything in your life is a direct manifestation created by you! If you do not like what you have attracted change it. You have the power to do that each and everyday.

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