Friday, October 24, 2008

How Does The Law of Attraction work?

So what is Law of Attraction? Start here to gain a basic understanding of this powerful law and the art of deliberate creation. Using the law of attraction involves a simple 3-step process - this involves:

1.) Asking
2.) Believing
3.) Receiving

Asking is something we do every day whether we are conscious of it or not. Every thought is a creative energy force that puts out to the universe what we eventually see manifesting in our reality.

Whether we think positively or negatively about a thing, to the universe, it is the thoughts, or vibrations, around the thing that is attracting to you. When we attach to our thoughts emotion, we propel that which we are thinking about to us even faster. Even though you may say you want something and are asking for it, if you place negative emotion around the lack of not having it, you will be creating more of the lack of the thing that you really do want.

To effectively ask, then, you must think and feel positive about the things you want - seeing yourself already having and experiencing what you want right now. This takes some practice. You must choose each day, each moment, to replace negative thoughts and emotion with positive, good feelings. You must first fundamentally understand that everything in your life that you are experiencing up to this point has been your doing from the thoughts and feelings you have every day. That realization must come before ALL else in order to effectively use the law of attraction. Visualization exercises are helpful in this area, as are daily affirmations and meditations.

It is not enough to simply have "good feelings" about what we want to create. In order to attract what we want, we must truly believe that the things we want are possible. It is not necessary at this stage to know how it will be achieved.

Alot of people get stuck in this area because they see the world around them so different from what they truly want, and it is hard for them to honestly believe that it can be different or believe that the answers, the people, the circumstances, the information will become available.

Belief is also not faith. Belief is a decision. It is the act of the individual to decide that all things are possible for him or her. Faith is the energy that brings the belief into manifestation. When we believe, faith will sustain that belief until it comes to pass. Belief is a decision. Faith is trusting it.

One of the best ways to practice belief and to activate faith is through gratitude. When we are grateful for things already present in our lives, we acknowledge that the law of attraction is working, therefore strengthening our belief and the power of faith that the law is active. The more focused we are on the good things in our lives, the more good feelings we have, and the more we are able to access the energies which bring more good things to us.

Treasure mapping is a very powerful process to undertake to strengthen belief. It involves gathering photos, images, words & phrases, affirmations and pasting them on a board that you can look at each day. Your mind does not know the difference between images on a board and actual realtime reality. Therefore, by placing images in your mind on a daily basis that reflect the things you want, your mind will eventually accept these images as reality and act accordingly to match your environment, circumstances, etc. to your "reality."

Gratitude excercises are also very important, such as creating a gratitude list to review each morning, a gratitude rock in your pocket to remind you to think of things you are grateful for each time you pick it up or see it, and a gratitude journal, among many other possibilities.

Receiving is a challenging step using the Law of Attraction. We may be asking correctly, we may even believe it's possible. But when it comes to actually having and being and doing the things we truly want, well, then what? Since we may have never truly lived the ideal life we seek or experienced such incredible things such as wealth, ideal relationships, etc., sometimes it can be a challenge to allow these new things into our lives. At this stage, when people begin to see results, some will proceed to sabotage their newly emerging reality. This is where people begin to micromanage.

We can think of the law of attraction as a Universal manager. It's like being the CEO of your reality and you have delegated the detailed tasks to the manager, who knows everything you desire down to the very last detail, such as how you like your coffee, and so on. Some people get to this stage and start having results, but they don't recognize them because the way they are being delivered is not how they envisioned them to happen. They get attached to a certain specific way it is to be accomplished, and don't recognize that what they have asked for is being or is already delivered.

When we allow the universe to do it's job, we surrender our will as to how, and stay focused on the exact feeling and visualization of our desired outcome. We remain receptive to our surroundings and show gratitude for what we are creating and have created to this point. As we continue to practice that, then all that we desire has no other choice but to show up, as long as we are prepared to, and feel that, we deserve to have it, even though it may seem foreign or not be delivered the way we thought it should.

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