Friday, October 24, 2008

How To Manifest & Make Money

Did you know that the keyword Make Money gets over 132,000 hits a month in the online search engines? Goes to show you that many of us would like to know how we can manifest more money in our lives.

In order to manifest more money using the law of attraction, you will want to follow the 3-step process for deliberate creation - see our What Is Law of Attraction page for a refresher.
So let’s walk through how you will make money doing this.

Asking For More MoneyLet’s assume that you accept the concept of asking. That means that you understand that your thoughts, words and actions combine to create what you will see in your reality, and that your current situation regarding money is in direct relationship to your past thoughts, words and actions.

So where are you vibrating on the emotional guidance scale about money? Go and take a look now before proceeding here. How do you feel about money as it stands right now in your life?
The first step to make money is to first take a hard and fast look at how you truly feel about it. This is tricky. You may say affirmations each day that you are “attracting more money” or that you are a “rich person”, but if you open up your bills every day and feel a twinge of fear or doubt about paying them, or if you are looking at your home equity line balance rising and it is scary to you, then you are completely blocking the flow of energy that will attract it to you.

To effectively “Ask” for more money using the law of attraction, you must first begin to see yourself as wealthy, paying your bills effortlessly, enjoying your financially abundant life in your dream home, dream car, etc.

I know, I know, it seems like just a lie, right?

Well, to your logical, conscious brain it is, but not to your subconscious. See, your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between reality versus the images you feed it.

So if you continue to feed your mind with images of wealth and abundance, eventually, your mind will accept those images as reality and submit, and cooperate with the conscious to make money begin to manifest in your life.

So start with finding your place on the emotional guidance scale regarding money. Then one step at a time, make an effort to move just one spot higher on the scale so that you begin to vibrate at a higher level about it.

You can’t get from fear to joy overnight. However, you can take baby steps to shift your feelings about money and feel a sense of relief by moving just one step higher each time. A few ways you can do this is with gratitude exercises and visualization tools.

Believing You Can Have More MoneyDo you REALLY believe that you can be wealthy? Do you believe that you deserve to have the finer things in life? Can you imagine yourself eating at fancy restaurants, being chauffered around in a limo, giving loads of money to charity?
Are you saying to yourself, I have no idea how I could make money in such large quantities, given my current skills, experience and knowledge?

The key to this step in using the law of attraction to make more money is that you must believe that it is possible. Even if you are doing your affirmations and visualizing, you must deep down know that you are abundant right now. You deserve to have all you desire, even if you don’t yet know exactly how you will make it happen.

If you are actively working on asking, then the belief will follow. Decide right now that you can and will attract to you the right information, circumstances, and people who will lead you in the right direction regarding manifesting more money.

Once you do this, then suddenly you will be tuned into a new channel, and you will begin to see and hear and experience things that match your vibration about money. Your mind will begin to seek out a match between what you are feeding it and what is in your environment. The more you focus on creating more money, and feeling the excitement and relief of having it, the more you will begin to see the path that will lead you to it.

Receiving More MoneyOnce you can see it, and you believe it, then you can receive it right? Not so fast…

Receiving is probably the hardest step in using the law of attraction. Why? Well, because receiving involves trust. It involves letting go of the “how” and focusing on the end results. Many people hold old, adopted beliefs about money from their parents, co-workers, or social community. Beliefs such as “I must work hard to have more money” or “I have to pay my dues to get to the top”. They have certain ideas about how to make more money that are limiting, which are just vibrations that create resistance.

In order to receive, you must allow the Universe to do it’s job. Be grateful for the money you do have in your life right now and what you’ve been able to do with it. You have to let go, and take action at the same time. What does THAT mean? This is confusing isn’t it?

When you are asking and believing effectively, then you are opening yourself to see things and opportunities that you wouldn’t recognize before.

So pay attention.

Allow yourself to receive new ideas, be flexible, and be inspired. Go with what feels good, and take action towards what feels good.

Realize that new things represent change – and change can sometimes be uncomfortable, for you and for those around you who are choosing to stay in their low vibrations about money. So be prepared to feel uncomfortable at times, but don’t confuse that with your old fears about money.
You will not attract more money by just sitting around your house all day affirming and visualizing. You must take action.

However, realize that the actions you take will come from inspiration and intuition. You cannot be motivated to make more money through fear and anxiety. When you’ve got belief on your side, then you can pursue your goals with a calm, knowing purpose that you will achieve your goal of having more money.

If something you pursue doesn’t work out as you expected, know that if it is not that road, another one will reveal itself to you to get you where you want to go. These actions you take from inspired thoughts and ideas may be things you’ve never done before. Others may even criticize you or think that you’ve gone “crazy” because you are taking risks or doing things that in the past were not “you”.

Remember that who you were, and who you are right now are not the same. Our cells are constantly changing and transforming with our thoughts and consciousness every day. Every day is a new opportunity for you to be exactly who you wish to be.

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