Saturday, April 25, 2009

Season 3 - Day 81

This past Thursday I received a phone call that could literally change my life.  It appears the tv show proposal I wrote has legs and people are interested in it.  An amazing turn of events at an opportune time created by the Universe or simply dumb luck?  This sticking point has been dissected and evaluated by philosophers and theologians for millenniums with mixed results.  

What I've come to discover is that people create their own reality.  The Universe is willing to grant extraordinary things to those who ask, and are committed to pursuing it to the very end.  In addition, when thoughts are mixed with emotions the results are nothing short of amazing.  From what I believe and the faith I have in myself, I know that a huge milestone has been reached and an opportunity to dream big my thinking big is showing fruit.  

As the weekend unfolds, I find myself at a crossroads.  A new way of seeing the world and becoming more present by living in the moment.  More than psycho babble and tree hugger feel good vibes, the foundation that I've waited for has set.  I am now ready to take the steps necessary to film, edit, and produce a hit tv show, a ground breaking dvd, and feature film.  More importantly, I've come to terms with the trials and tribulations of the past few years.  If I had to do it all over again, I honestly would not change a thing.  The character building lessons and life experiences have been worth more than any material possession.  From these lessons will spring forth a extraordinary life!  I feel great knowing that this is possible for me and those that I choose to share it with.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Chernobyl Video

This is a new Chernobyl video that I created. It is part of our new campaign

Tax Day Tea Party

This is footage that I shot on April 15, 2009.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Season 3 - Day 74

The weekend is winding down, I've had my fun and learned some interesting things. First and foremost honesty has resurfaced again. My family has reason to believe that an extended family member is having an affair. The self admitted adulterer came clean in 2004, however we now suspect the problem is ongoing and perhaps never stopped.

This unfortunate news comes as a complete shock, as this situation may never be resolved. On a not so light note, my immediate family has made a bet regarding the outcome of this illicit affair. Hopefully none of us will be right, yet sadly I believe human nature is stronger than we realize.

I've decided to make more money today, and will do whatever is necessary to attract it. I will achieve my financial goals!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Season 3 - Day 71

It's Thursday and the week is flying by. Yesterday I took my video camera and filmed the National Tax Day Tea Party festivities. I brought along a friend of mine and we captured some really great footage. The people were friendly, and were more than willing to share their point of view.

Today my goal of attracting prosperity, money, and success has taken another step forward. I am in the process of uploading my footage to Youtube, and I am also in the process of selling it. I believe that I can and will achieve my financial and personal goals for April.

This weekend holds new opportunity; another meetup, a chance to upload Amazon Mp3's, and so much more. I am thankful for all the Universe has bestowed upon me, and for the mental clarity that I now possess. I will make the most out of today, tomorrow, and the rest of my life.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Help Darfur

This is a video I created for the Darfur Project

Season 3 - Day 69

Tomorrow is the National Tax Day Tea Party, an event I will be filming. If all goes well, my footage will be a huge hit; with many people eagerly waiting to donate to our Cause. I am now taking the preparations necessary to ensure a great shoot.

This morning I read my desire statement for the Month of April. I am specifically requesting a dollar amount. As things would be, a potential customer emailed me for some products and services. Furthermore, I believe this to be the initial manifestation of my desire.

Finally, I will be uploading new Amazon Mp3 files for consumer download within the next 48 hours. This will mark a new chapter is my business endeavors. After much work it is truly an answer to prayers to have this service up and running. I know deep down that I can become an Amazon Digital Media sensation.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Season 3 - Day 65

Another good week is coming to a close.  I managed to finish a major step in my bathroom remodel this afternoon and I feel a sense of accomplishment.  The weather outside is wet and cold, as another Spring shower passes over the South West.  As the rain continues I can see and feel Nature's cycle starting anew, cleansing the earth and fertilizing all that requires water to thrive.  

Without sounding like a tree hugger, there is powerful energy being and released simultaneously.  I can feel this energy and know that it is now my time to step up, work smarter, and attract more money for my business than ever before.  I know I possess the skills, confidence, and faith to achieve whatever my hearts desire.  As today unfolds I will continue to focus on attracting more for the services I offer.  My house is coming, my new car is coming, prosperity is coming, and I am in the process of accepting this today.  

Life is full of possibilities and endless energy.  When I stop to give my possibilities attention, I can feel them transmuting into my physical reality.  The keys to success are given to those who are willing to search them out.  We create our realm of living by consciously and unconsciously focusing on what we tell ourselves.  As a result many people will never live or fulfill their life's goals or true potential.  From today forward I am re-committing myself to attain more out of life. More and more love the feeling of knowing how blessed I am and how success is within my grasp.  Nothing at this point feels better to me.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Season 3 - Day 63

The work week is stuck at the middle as I write this from beautiful So. California.  The weather is sunny, warm, and very ambient.  I enjoy this time of year, as the sun's rays shine down and revitalize a once dormant earth from months of Winter past.  Every week has it's highlights and today is no exception.  

I received a check for work I completed this weekend.  The issuance of a check was the fulfillment of request I give to the Universe, that being the desire to attract $400-$600 this week.  In addition, it appears as if more work is on the horizon for subsequent weeks.  My goal is to attract $4000 this month, and so far I am on my way to achieving this.  As the week unfolds, more updates will be provided.  

My main goal is to start a work out regiment.  I know that I can lose 10 pounds within the next 30 days, and stay healthier if I choose too.  After typing this, I will take my dog out for a long run and get the cardio that I need for today.  

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Season 3 - Day 59

The weekend is here and I am relaxing in nice weather and sunshine. The past week was full of highs and lows, but in the end I am proud of what got accomplished. Yesterday I submitted my show treatment for consideration. I put alot into the planning process and the results are worthy of starting a show ASAP. I have faith that the Universe will transmute this desire into its' physical equivalent.

As April rolls along, I have noticed that my websites are gaining more and more popular. It appears that with each passing day, more visitors view or link my sites to their blogs of postings. This is phenomenal and more than I could have ever anticipated. It feels great to know that my created content is being viewed by so many people from around the world. The Internet has certainly changed global communication, by bringing mankind closer than at any point in time.

Tomorrow I plan on starting the book writing process that I've been touting for the past few weeks. The author has decided to partner up to launch a series of children's books for pre-school aged youngsters. Soon the road to book publishing will be put in my path, and a new skill set to master will await. I look forward to the day when I hold in my hand a copy of a final book draft. More and more I can picture this scenario in my mind and it feels liberating to know that I can achieve what is first created in thought.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Season 3 - Day 57

Today has been an amazing day! The weather is beautiful and downright perfect here in CA. Earlier this morning I got a chance to work on my backyard, preparing it for spring and a new look. I'm committed to transforming the landscape into a productive and eye catching place with lush vegetation. In addition I want my new yard to be a place where I can have people over and chill out by the koi pond or fire pit. It will be work, but I know it will be fun once it's completed.

The week is almost complete, but I still have odds and ends that need to be finished. I am in the process of submitting a final draft for a new television show, and I am excited at the prospects of getting down to filming ASAP. In order to succeed in life, one has to love their occupation. If the passion or love for one's job is lacking, so too will mental and spiritual fulfillment. For me, it has been a winding road for the past five years, however I firmly believe that I am on the right track to achieve my short and long term goals.

Tonight I will finish the process of creating content for, as well as the process for writing a book. I've learned that a business that inspires, motivates, and touches as many people as possible has the key components for unlimited potential. More and more I can see myself seizing and tapping into this unlimited potential that the Universe provides for everyone. My new business ventures are going to yield more opportunites than ever before, and I am living this dream one day at a time.

Work Break - Stress Relief

Self Hypnosis - Energy, Motivation, and Chronic Fatigue

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Season 3 - Day 56

It's mid-week and I've been going full steam ahead since Monday. This week is almost over and I've made significant traction on the many projects that are on my plate. I finished the first draft of my new tv show, and will be revising it accordingly. I know the Universe is already re-aligning my circumstances to bring forth this opportunity in a positive, productive, and most optimal way. It feels good whenever I envision myself succeeding for the remainder of the year.

Today also marks the first day of the second fiscal quarter. The next three months can and will bring prosperity, financial Independence, and increased media attention. My NGO is in the process of taking off and raising more money than I could ever dream of, because I truly want to do whatever is necessary to help people. While the world may be in a global economic downturn, there is still so much wealth to be accumulated for those who dare to think and act for themselves.

My goal for today is to list and develop products that will attract the ideal customer to purchase my items. In the past whenever I have requested this, the Universe has responded and fulfilled my desire without hesitation. After witnessing these occurrences throughout 2008, I have grown more confident in my faith and abilities in the Law of Attraction. I have decided to earn money for my NGO and other business ventures today, tomorrow and Friday.