Thursday, October 30, 2008


Today was a great day for me. I attracted another new client and have made more sales this October than the previous two months combined. Luckily for me I am in the process of attracting more everyday. More and more I feel grateful and excited when I think about manifesting my hearts desire.

During this past week, I have been listening the "The Law of Attraction" by Michael Losier on audio book. The book has opened my eyes and made me aware of the need to feel and believe my affirmations. In order for a person to manifest the desired change, one must form a clear idea of what that change is and how it feels (as if you were living it now in this very second). Next, the affirmations chosen must be statements that one agrees with or that truly excites when read over and over again. The Law of Attraction is drawn more to feelings than to words or statments. When a person believes or feels in the written affirmations, the LOA responds quicker than when no feelings are present.

As well as attracting new clients, I have also been able to manifest my first true vacation in almost two years. I will be traveling to the east coast in two weeks to visit old friends, make new memories, and have a great time by enjoying the fruits of my labor. Before I leave however, I will be filming my first documentary for a YouTube web series. I've decided the time has come to start living my dreams of appearing in a show and having a hand in its production.

My immediate goal is to attract seven new clients/customers to my business before I leave to the East Coast. I will do this by stepping up my marketing and visibility, so that my seven ideal customers may be attracted to my products. I love knowing that the Universe is making this goal become a reality for me. In addition I am in the process of accepting these new clients and what my services can do for them. I enjoy how it feels when I think about this goal already being achieved .

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Season Two - Day 1

Today is the first day in my new 100 day challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to document/track my daily life while incorporating the Law of Attraction. I have had huge successes in the past four months, and I believe the next 100 days will manifest even more desired things into my life.

I am currently reading two great LOA books which explain in step by step detail, time tested techniques for attracting more of what you want and less of what you don't. The first book is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Mr. Hill was a close friend of steel baron Andrew Carnegie, and was selected by Carnegie to write a book detailing how one could acquire massive success with little to no education, hard work, and no powerful friends. The writing style of Napoleon Hill is straight forward and easy to comprehend, even though this book was first published in 1937.

The second book that I am currently reading is an audio book of the international best seller "The Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't" by Michael J. Losier. Mr. Losier is a Canadian author who has been teaching the LOA since 1995. I first became acquainted with Michael's work while looking for videos on YouTube last summer. I really enjoy listening to his message and have been diligently transposing his tips and advice. I will be posting more information about these authors and their aforementioned techniques as I continue to read their work.

There are so many things that I would like to manifest for my life in the next 100 days. I am going to list briefly that which I most desire:
  • I am in the process of attracting a new luxury car
  • I am in the process of attracting more satisfied clients/customers
  • I'm excited at the thought of being able to afford more vacations
  • I am in the process of attracting my first home
  • I love seeing myself attracting more money than ever before
  • I am in the process of building stronger relationships with my family
  • It excites me when I think about living in abundance

These are just a few of the goals that I am in the process of achieving. More and more I am excited at the possibility of what may lay ahead.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

First published in 1937, this is the end product of two decades of research conducted by Napoleon Hill. His research started when Andrew Carnegie (the steel tycoon who was then the richest man on earth) gave him the assignment of organizing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Hill, who was a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter from Carnegie, set out to interview over five hundred successful people including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M. Schwab. Hill then revealed the priceless wisdom of his research in the form of the thirteen steps to success (in Think and Grow Rich) and the seventeen principles of success (in courses and lectures he conducted).

The concepts taught by Napoleon Hill transformed my life. Some of these include developing a definite purpose, building a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), channeling the power of the sub-conscious mind and dealing with adversity. Everything he wrote about or talked about is thought provoking. He was wise, humble and funny. His philosophy is universal; he did not mix it with religion. The riches he referred to were more than money, for the Philosophy of Personal Achievement can be applied to anything in life. Hill was well ahead of his time. This book has a chapter dedicated to some of today's most important issues - Specialized Knowledge, Decision Making, Imagination and Organized Planning (in which he deals with Leadership). He also has principles for Teamwork, Creative Vision, Health, etc. This is a classic, and hence the examples are old (not to be confused with outdated). But they are as relevant today as they were in the early twentieth century.

Here is an example from T&GR in the chapter on Desire: On the morning after the Great Fire of Chicago (1871), a group of merchants on Chicago's State Street went into a conference to decide whether to rebuild their stores or leave Chicago. All but one decided to leave. The merchant who decided to stay pointed a finger to the remains of his store and said "Gentlemen, on that very spot I will build the world's greatest store, no matter how many times it may burn down." His name was Marshall Field and his store still exists, and in Hill's words is "a towering monument to that state of mind known as a burning desire."

There are thousands of self-help books out in the market and hundreds of self proclaimed "gurus" who have made a living by copying the wisdom in Hill's books. As I went through some of those books I realized that there was not much in them that Hill had not already written about. I recommend quality over quantity. Instead of reading through many books, I recommend that you study the following works of Hill and internalize his wisdom:

1. The Think and Grow Rich Action Pack (1937) - I recommend the Action Pack edition,

2. Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement - this is an excellent guide to his principles

3. Your Right To Be Rich [Unabridged] - this consists of 12 hours of live lectures covering the 17 principles, that Hill conducted in Chicago in 1954.

By internalizing, I mean studying in depth - analyzing the ideas, making notes and summaries. I own more CDs by Hill, but I believe that these 3 items make the perfect study plan on the Philosophy of Personal Achievement. I am greatly indebted to Napoleon Hill. The purpose of my writing this is to spread awareness of his work so that more people can benefit from it. This, I believe is the best way in which Hill would have liked to have been repaid. If my review was helpful to you, I request you to select "Yes" so that the rating is improved and more readers will get to read it.

The End of a Cycle

Today is the day that I bid farewell to my first Law of Attraction experiment. In the 130 plus days I have achieved so many amazing feats. Since June of 2008 I have manifested the following events into my life:

  • 35 new clients (I had a total of 13 from January to May)
  • I have taught a workshop to 19 students
  • I have 44 confirmed members on my monthly meetup site.
  • I found gold
  • I am grateful for my life!
  • Exceeded my income earnings potential, and more is on the way!
  • I am filming a documentary
  • I started a non profit organization
  • Purchased a week long vacation (First one since 2006)
  • Bought a car in cash for a family member

Truly alot has occured in my life since this past summer. I feel that I have grown as a person, and view the world differently. When I first started this blog, it was a rouse to see if this Law of Attraction business was real or not. I had heard to much about it, yet I couldn't seem to understand it. Little did I realize that everyday I was unconsciously using the LOA, and at the time my business and financial situation was a direct reflection of what I was attracting.

In the Spring of 2007 I watched the movie The Secret and became interested in the LOA. I watched it countless times but I didn't feel it working in my life. I wasn't sure if positive vibrations and affirmations led to a extraordinary life, or if the LOA was New Age snake oil for the 21st century. Eventually I decided to give it one more try and I started this blog as a way of tracking any/all progress. When I first started I wanted to believe that attracting abundance, creating wealth, and living a limitless life was possible, but a part of me was still skeptical.

So as I sit and type this entry, I am reminded of my decision to give something new a try. I am a new person who realizes that the skeptical part of me was holding me back. The self doubt and negativity that I clung to was a self defeating mechanism whereby failure to live my dreams reigned supreme. In the past four months I have made a conscious and unconscious decision to live life a different way. This experiment has proven to be a huge success for me. I have seen the results and have concluded that the proof is truly in the pudding.

Nature has a way of balancing things out. When something gets old or dies out, something new growns in its place and begins anew. The end of this experiment brings about personal development as well as a new journey to embark on. I will continue a new LOA experiment, which I will dub season two. In this upcoming 100 day season I will boldly declare new goals to achieve and the new methods I will use to track my progress.

Friday, October 24, 2008

How To Manifest & Make Money

Did you know that the keyword Make Money gets over 132,000 hits a month in the online search engines? Goes to show you that many of us would like to know how we can manifest more money in our lives.

In order to manifest more money using the law of attraction, you will want to follow the 3-step process for deliberate creation - see our What Is Law of Attraction page for a refresher.
So let’s walk through how you will make money doing this.

Asking For More MoneyLet’s assume that you accept the concept of asking. That means that you understand that your thoughts, words and actions combine to create what you will see in your reality, and that your current situation regarding money is in direct relationship to your past thoughts, words and actions.

So where are you vibrating on the emotional guidance scale about money? Go and take a look now before proceeding here. How do you feel about money as it stands right now in your life?
The first step to make money is to first take a hard and fast look at how you truly feel about it. This is tricky. You may say affirmations each day that you are “attracting more money” or that you are a “rich person”, but if you open up your bills every day and feel a twinge of fear or doubt about paying them, or if you are looking at your home equity line balance rising and it is scary to you, then you are completely blocking the flow of energy that will attract it to you.

To effectively “Ask” for more money using the law of attraction, you must first begin to see yourself as wealthy, paying your bills effortlessly, enjoying your financially abundant life in your dream home, dream car, etc.

I know, I know, it seems like just a lie, right?

Well, to your logical, conscious brain it is, but not to your subconscious. See, your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between reality versus the images you feed it.

So if you continue to feed your mind with images of wealth and abundance, eventually, your mind will accept those images as reality and submit, and cooperate with the conscious to make money begin to manifest in your life.

So start with finding your place on the emotional guidance scale regarding money. Then one step at a time, make an effort to move just one spot higher on the scale so that you begin to vibrate at a higher level about it.

You can’t get from fear to joy overnight. However, you can take baby steps to shift your feelings about money and feel a sense of relief by moving just one step higher each time. A few ways you can do this is with gratitude exercises and visualization tools.

Believing You Can Have More MoneyDo you REALLY believe that you can be wealthy? Do you believe that you deserve to have the finer things in life? Can you imagine yourself eating at fancy restaurants, being chauffered around in a limo, giving loads of money to charity?
Are you saying to yourself, I have no idea how I could make money in such large quantities, given my current skills, experience and knowledge?

The key to this step in using the law of attraction to make more money is that you must believe that it is possible. Even if you are doing your affirmations and visualizing, you must deep down know that you are abundant right now. You deserve to have all you desire, even if you don’t yet know exactly how you will make it happen.

If you are actively working on asking, then the belief will follow. Decide right now that you can and will attract to you the right information, circumstances, and people who will lead you in the right direction regarding manifesting more money.

Once you do this, then suddenly you will be tuned into a new channel, and you will begin to see and hear and experience things that match your vibration about money. Your mind will begin to seek out a match between what you are feeding it and what is in your environment. The more you focus on creating more money, and feeling the excitement and relief of having it, the more you will begin to see the path that will lead you to it.

Receiving More MoneyOnce you can see it, and you believe it, then you can receive it right? Not so fast…

Receiving is probably the hardest step in using the law of attraction. Why? Well, because receiving involves trust. It involves letting go of the “how” and focusing on the end results. Many people hold old, adopted beliefs about money from their parents, co-workers, or social community. Beliefs such as “I must work hard to have more money” or “I have to pay my dues to get to the top”. They have certain ideas about how to make more money that are limiting, which are just vibrations that create resistance.

In order to receive, you must allow the Universe to do it’s job. Be grateful for the money you do have in your life right now and what you’ve been able to do with it. You have to let go, and take action at the same time. What does THAT mean? This is confusing isn’t it?

When you are asking and believing effectively, then you are opening yourself to see things and opportunities that you wouldn’t recognize before.

So pay attention.

Allow yourself to receive new ideas, be flexible, and be inspired. Go with what feels good, and take action towards what feels good.

Realize that new things represent change – and change can sometimes be uncomfortable, for you and for those around you who are choosing to stay in their low vibrations about money. So be prepared to feel uncomfortable at times, but don’t confuse that with your old fears about money.
You will not attract more money by just sitting around your house all day affirming and visualizing. You must take action.

However, realize that the actions you take will come from inspiration and intuition. You cannot be motivated to make more money through fear and anxiety. When you’ve got belief on your side, then you can pursue your goals with a calm, knowing purpose that you will achieve your goal of having more money.

If something you pursue doesn’t work out as you expected, know that if it is not that road, another one will reveal itself to you to get you where you want to go. These actions you take from inspired thoughts and ideas may be things you’ve never done before. Others may even criticize you or think that you’ve gone “crazy” because you are taking risks or doing things that in the past were not “you”.

Remember that who you were, and who you are right now are not the same. Our cells are constantly changing and transforming with our thoughts and consciousness every day. Every day is a new opportunity for you to be exactly who you wish to be.

How Does The Law of Attraction work?

So what is Law of Attraction? Start here to gain a basic understanding of this powerful law and the art of deliberate creation. Using the law of attraction involves a simple 3-step process - this involves:

1.) Asking
2.) Believing
3.) Receiving

Asking is something we do every day whether we are conscious of it or not. Every thought is a creative energy force that puts out to the universe what we eventually see manifesting in our reality.

Whether we think positively or negatively about a thing, to the universe, it is the thoughts, or vibrations, around the thing that is attracting to you. When we attach to our thoughts emotion, we propel that which we are thinking about to us even faster. Even though you may say you want something and are asking for it, if you place negative emotion around the lack of not having it, you will be creating more of the lack of the thing that you really do want.

To effectively ask, then, you must think and feel positive about the things you want - seeing yourself already having and experiencing what you want right now. This takes some practice. You must choose each day, each moment, to replace negative thoughts and emotion with positive, good feelings. You must first fundamentally understand that everything in your life that you are experiencing up to this point has been your doing from the thoughts and feelings you have every day. That realization must come before ALL else in order to effectively use the law of attraction. Visualization exercises are helpful in this area, as are daily affirmations and meditations.

It is not enough to simply have "good feelings" about what we want to create. In order to attract what we want, we must truly believe that the things we want are possible. It is not necessary at this stage to know how it will be achieved.

Alot of people get stuck in this area because they see the world around them so different from what they truly want, and it is hard for them to honestly believe that it can be different or believe that the answers, the people, the circumstances, the information will become available.

Belief is also not faith. Belief is a decision. It is the act of the individual to decide that all things are possible for him or her. Faith is the energy that brings the belief into manifestation. When we believe, faith will sustain that belief until it comes to pass. Belief is a decision. Faith is trusting it.

One of the best ways to practice belief and to activate faith is through gratitude. When we are grateful for things already present in our lives, we acknowledge that the law of attraction is working, therefore strengthening our belief and the power of faith that the law is active. The more focused we are on the good things in our lives, the more good feelings we have, and the more we are able to access the energies which bring more good things to us.

Treasure mapping is a very powerful process to undertake to strengthen belief. It involves gathering photos, images, words & phrases, affirmations and pasting them on a board that you can look at each day. Your mind does not know the difference between images on a board and actual realtime reality. Therefore, by placing images in your mind on a daily basis that reflect the things you want, your mind will eventually accept these images as reality and act accordingly to match your environment, circumstances, etc. to your "reality."

Gratitude excercises are also very important, such as creating a gratitude list to review each morning, a gratitude rock in your pocket to remind you to think of things you are grateful for each time you pick it up or see it, and a gratitude journal, among many other possibilities.

Receiving is a challenging step using the Law of Attraction. We may be asking correctly, we may even believe it's possible. But when it comes to actually having and being and doing the things we truly want, well, then what? Since we may have never truly lived the ideal life we seek or experienced such incredible things such as wealth, ideal relationships, etc., sometimes it can be a challenge to allow these new things into our lives. At this stage, when people begin to see results, some will proceed to sabotage their newly emerging reality. This is where people begin to micromanage.

We can think of the law of attraction as a Universal manager. It's like being the CEO of your reality and you have delegated the detailed tasks to the manager, who knows everything you desire down to the very last detail, such as how you like your coffee, and so on. Some people get to this stage and start having results, but they don't recognize them because the way they are being delivered is not how they envisioned them to happen. They get attached to a certain specific way it is to be accomplished, and don't recognize that what they have asked for is being or is already delivered.

When we allow the universe to do it's job, we surrender our will as to how, and stay focused on the exact feeling and visualization of our desired outcome. We remain receptive to our surroundings and show gratitude for what we are creating and have created to this point. As we continue to practice that, then all that we desire has no other choice but to show up, as long as we are prepared to, and feel that, we deserve to have it, even though it may seem foreign or not be delivered the way we thought it should.

The Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation is an expression of how cause and effect operates in the marketplace. Monetary compensation doesn't happen by chance or by accident; it occurs as the natural and inevitable result of a specific set of circumstances:

Compensation occurs when enough people want what you offer.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? It is simple. And like all universal laws, it is also incredibly powerful. The more you explore this law, the more you come to see the keys to success that it holds within its elegant simplicity.

What you offer (your product or service) is the result of an idea you've had. That idea is the seed of the eventual compensation. When you have a clear, focused, vivid idea that translates into a commercial offering that matches up with something enough people want--and want badly enough to pay for it--then you've created compensation. In the simplest terms, your idea is the cause, and compensation is the effect. Like everything else in the universe, the success of your business starts with an idea. But simply having that idea, no matter how strong, clear, vivid, or valid it may be, is not enough. People have to want it. And for that to happen, they have to know about it.

You plus your business idea does not yet equal a viable business. In fact, you plus your idea plus the full development of that idea—capital investment, research and design, a facility, plant, staff, inventory—still does not yet add up to a business. The magic point where all these ingredients actually cross the threshold from idea to reality, where they go from being an acorn to becoming the beginnings of an oak, is the point where customers come into the equation.

You, plus customers who want what you're offering—that's a business.

Compensation occurs when enough people want what you offer.

It doesn't matter whether you're a corporate CEO, a manager, a doctor, a café owner, an athlete or a computer engineer: no matter what you do, if you are out to earn an income at it, this law applies to you.

We can break the Law of Compensation into three questions. First, is there a strong desire in the marketplace for the product or service you offer? Next, is your offering outstanding? And finally, are you or your team sufficiently skilled at marketing this offering to induce people to pay for it?

In other words, your business will be compensated to the degree that it satisfies three factors:

1) There must be a strong need and/or desire in the marketplace for your product or service.

2) Your offering must be outstanding.

3) You or your team must have the ability to market and sell your offering.

That last factor is especially worth noting. There is a popular myth in business that goes something like this: “If you have the right product at the right time, the public will beat a path to your door." Sorry, but that's not how it works. They won't beat a path to your door—they can't—if they don't know about you.

You have to have a great idea. Then you have to turn that idea into an outstanding product or service. But that's not enough: you also have to be very, very good at marketing and sales.

We did a study many years ago to see who the most successful entrepreneurs in our company were. We found one thing in common among all those individuals who were earning $500,000 a year or more: they were all spending at least 80 percent of their time in front of potential customers. We also found one thing in common in the low-end group, those who were earning anywhere from $25,000 to $40,000 per year: every one of them was spending no more than 20 percent of their time in front of customers.

No matter what your business is, sales and marketing is its most important function, its life blood. The buying public is so saturated with media and marketing messages that it takes a highly focused and determined effort to slice through the clutter and reach your target market with enough impact to gain their attention. If you don't accomplish that, your business won't grow. It's that simple.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Law of Attraction Quotes

"Everything in Nature contains all the powers of Nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit. "Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
T. S. Eliot

"If you can dream it, you can do it."
Walt Disney

"Wisdom begins in wonder."

"The minute you choose to do what you really want to do it's a different kind of life."
R. Buckminster Fuller

" I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. ........................That's were the fun is."
Donald Trump

"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen R. Covey

"The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"

"Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent"
Calvin Coolidge

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Manifesting Abundance

You likely know someone who is a great at manifesting. You may even have felt somewhat jealous of that person because it appears they have everything, seemingly getting these things with little effort as if they were born under a lucky star. Well, it may be that they very well were born with the knowledge of manifesting already intact. I say this because I believe once we learn something in another life (Yes, I believe in past lives, parallel existences) it is not lost, and that we can choose to bring those talents with us as we move into a new life experience.

Attracting Abundance is Knowledge

As any other skill people have, manifesting is no different from playing the piano or flipping pancakes in the air. How good you are at it depends on how efficient you have become at performing it. And, although some of us are better at certain skills that doesn't mean the rest of us, with practice, can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another. Those people who are efficient in attracting have trained their minds to focus on their desires. They have learned it so well that they often times don't even realize how they do it. Abundance comes to them naturally. They wouldn't blink an eye if someone suggested they don't deserve something, it isn't part of their reality.

Grasping a better understanding of how the "Law of Attraction" works is the first step in bringing abundance into your life.
Law of Attraction
We create our own reality. We attract those things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. I wish I could tell you that it is as simple as stating an affirmation, but no affirmation is going to work if your thoughts or feelings are negating the positive.

When we focus on "having less" then we create that experience for ourselves. When we focus on "I hate my job" then we will never notice the aspects of our employment that might be satisfying. Basically, just wanting something isn't going to bring that to us when we continue to obsess on the not having of that something. All we will experience is "not having" and will be ultimately blocking our true desires.

Better to focus on a particular object or scenario rather than on winnings or cash.

Another mistake that we make is that we tend to think of abundance in terms of how much money we have in our bank accounts. I personally think focusing on winning the lottery is a fruitless event. Focusing on winning the lottery is kind of like focusing on "not having." I say this because of some discussions I've had with those who have held this desire, They have shared what they would do with the winnings if they won. Yet, some of the things they say they would do with the money they could actually already be doing with their current incomes on a smaller scale, but they don't. Why not? Because they cling to what they perceive as their "meager savings" with the attitude that they don't have enough out of fear. Here is an example of this:

A man's mother owns a car that is need of repair. The son says "If I won the lottery I would buy my mother a new car." But actually, the son has the means to take her car to the mechanics and pay out $400 needed in repairs to assure that his mom has a dependable car to drive back and forth to the market. When asked why he doesn't then just go ahead and have her current car repaired, he answers, "Well gee, I only have $800 in the bank, and doing that would knock out half my savings. What happens if my car needs repairs next week or my daughter gets sick and needs to see a doctor?"

So you see, the person's true focus is on "not enough" rather than being focused on winning the lottery. When we are focused on "not enough" it won't ever matter how much money we have, it will never be enough. Suggesting that he pay for his mother's car repairs brought his fears out into the open. It would be nice if the fellow could trust that by helping his mother and paying for the repairs he would not put himself at financial risk. But for the time being, while he feels he must hold onto that fear reality, I would suggest this man focus on visualizing his mother driving safely to and from the market in comfort and without experiencing any mechanical breakdowns. This would be a positive image/thought to get that picture to become a reality. Another suggestion would be to introduce the Law of Attraction to his mother so she can start attracting a new car for herself among other things she might desire.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Law of Attraction for Women

Women play a unique role in society. I created this mind movie for every woman. Watch it everyday and you will notice some pleasant results.

LOA Experiment Day 124

My personal Law of Attraction experiment has officially passed one third of a year. Day 124 starts off with great news. I received an email stating that I had acquired another client. Furthermore the new client has prepaid for my services!! Needless to say I was extremely thankful and wrote my client a nice note as a way to show my gratitude.

Attracting new clients is one thing, but doing so in uncertain economic times is another. The Law of Attraction is recession proof. People will always need a company to fulfill whatever it is they are looking for. Regardless of the industry (construction, finance, ect.) people will need these services. If you as a business owner are not taking proactive steps to attract clients and generate revenue, then someone else will.

The obidient Law of Attraction will always give you what you want. Meaning, if you think the economy is collapsing and have negative thoughts about attracting clients, then you will get jus that. An uncertain business with little to no leads or new ways of generating revenue. If however, you focus on the positive side of economic slowdowns, and take proactive steps by offering new incintives, your business will thrive and renevue will increase.

Your mind set and outlook on life creates your reality. Everyday you continue to manifest people, things, and events. The question becomes what are you manifesting? What would you like to attract? The business you run, the job you work at, the house you live in, the car you drive; everything in your life is a direct manifestation created by you! If you do not like what you have attracted change it. You have the power to do that each and everyday.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Lilou Mace

Lilou Mace is an avid teacher and practicioner of The Law of Attraction. She has been featured on Oprah and is currently a Youtube sensation. Learn more about Lilou and her message at here website.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Three Words to Avoid

You can change your life by avoiding these three words.

Positive Affirmations Video

This is a great motivational video

LOA Points to Ponder

The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. But the Law of Attraction gives rise to some tough questions that don’t seem to have good answers. I would say, however, that these problems aren’t caused by the Law of Attraction itself but rather by the Law of Attraction as applied to objective reality.

Here are some of those problematic questions (all are generalizations of ones I received via email):
What happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available?
Do children, babies, and/or animals put out intentions?
If I intend for my relationship to improve, but my spouse doesn’t seem to care, what will happen?

These questions seem to weaken the plausibility of the Law of Attraction. Sometimes people answer them by going pretty far out. For example, it’s been said by LoAers that a young child experiences abuse because s/he intended it or earned it during a past life. Well, sure… we can explain just about anything if we bring past lives into the equation, but IMO that’s a cop-out. On the other hand, objective reality without the Law of Attraction doesn’t provide satisfactory answers either — supposedly some kids are just born unlucky. That’s a cop-out too.
I’ve never been satisfied by others’ answers to these questions, and they’re pretty important questions if the Law of Attraction is to be believed. Some books hint at the solution but never really nail it. That nail, however, can be found in the concept of subjective reality.

Subjective reality is a belief system in which (1) there is only one consciousness, (2) you are that singular consciousness, and (3) everything and everyone in your reality is a projection of your thoughts.
You may not see it yet, but subjective reality neatly answers all these tricky Law of Attraction questions. Let me ’splain…. In subjective reality there’s only one consciousness, and it’s yours. Consequently, there’s only one source of intentions in your universe — YOU. While you may observe lots of walking, talking bodies in your reality, they all exist inside your consciousness. You know this is how your dreams work, but you haven’t yet realized your waking reality is just another type of dream. It only seems solid because you believe (intend) it is.

Since none of the other characters you encounter are conscious in a way that’s separate from you, nobody else can have intentions. The only intentions are yours. You’re the only thinker in this universe. It’s important to correctly define the YOU in subjective reality. YOU are not your physical body. This is not the egoic you at all. I’m not suggesting you’re a conscious body walking around in a world full of unconscious automatons. That would be a total misunderstanding of subjective reality. The correct viewpoint is that you’re the single consciousness in which this entire reality takes place.

Imagine you’re having a dream. In that dream what exactly are YOU? Are YOU the physical dream character you identify with? No, of course not — that’s just your dream avatar. YOU are the dreamer. The entire dream occurs within your consciousness. All dream characters are projections of your dream thoughts, including your avatar. In fact, if you learn lucid dreaming, you can even switch avatars in your dream by possessing another character. In a lucid dream, you can do anything you believe you can.

Physical reality works the same way. This is a denser universe than what you experience in your sleeping dreams, so changes occur a bit more gradually here. But this reality still conforms to your thoughts just like a sleeping dream. YOU are the dreamer in which all of this is taking place. The idea that other people have intentions is an illusion because other people are just projections. Of course, if you strongly believe other people have intentions, then that’s the dream you’ll create for yourself. But ultimately it’s still an illusion.

Here’s how subjective reality answers these challenging Law of Attraction questions:

What happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available?

Since you’re the only intender, this is entirely an internal conflict — within YOU. You’re holding the thought (the intention) for both people to want the same position. But you’re also thinking (intending) that only one can get it. So you’re intending competition. This whole situation is your creation. You believe in competition, so that’s what you manifest. Maybe you have some beliefs (thoughts and intentions) about who will get the promotion, in which case your expectations will manifest. But you may have a higher order belief that life is random, unfair, uncertain, etc., so in that case you may manifest a surprise because that’s what you’re intending.
Being the only intender in your reality places a huge responsibility on your shoulders. You can give up control of your reality by thinking (intending) randomness and uncertainty, but you can never give up responsibility. You’re the sole creator in this universe. If you think about war, poverty, disease, etc., that’s exactly what you’ll manifest. If you think about peace, love, and joy, you’ll manifest that too. Your reality is exactly what you think it is. Whenever you think about anything, you summon its manifestation.

Do children, babies, and/or animals put out intentions?
No. Your own body doesn’t even put out intentions — only your consciousness does. You’re the only one who has intentions, so what takes precedence is what YOU intend for the children, babies, and animals in your reality. Every thought is an intention, so however you think about the other beings in your reality is what you’ll eventually manifest for them. Keep in mind that beliefs are hierarchical, so if you have a high order belief that reality is random and unpredictable and out of your control, then that intention will trump other intentions of which you’re less certain. It’s your entire collection of thoughts that dictates how your reality manifests.

If I intend for my relationship to improve, but my spouse doesn’t seem to care, what will happen?

This is another example of intending conflict. You’re projecting one intention for your avatar and one for your spouse, so the actual unified intention is that of conflict. Hence the result you experience, subject to the influence of your higher order beliefs, will be to experience conflict with your spouse. If your thoughts are conflicted, your reality is conflicted.

This is why assuming responsibility for your thoughts is so important. If you want to see peace in the world, then intend peace for EVERYTHING in your reality. If you want to see abundance in the world, then intend it for EVERYONE. If you want to enjoy loving relationships, then intend loving relationships for ALL. If you intend these only for your own avatar but not for others, then you’re intending conflict, division, and separation; consequently, that’s what you’ll experience.

If you stop thinking about something entirely, does that mean it disappears? Yes, technically it does. But in practice it’s next to impossible to uncreate what you’ve already manifested. You’ll continue creating the same problems just by noticing them. But when you assume 100% responsibility for everything you’re experiencing in your reality right now — absolutely everything — then you assume the power to alter your reality by rechanneling your thoughts.
This entire reality is your creation. Feel good about that. Feel grateful for the richness of your world. And then begin creating the reality you truly want by making decisions and holding intentions. Think about what you desire, and withdraw your thoughts from what you don’t want. The most natural, easiest way to do this is to pay attention to your emotions. Thinking about your desires feels good, and thinking about what you don’t want makes you feel bad. When you notice yourself feeling bad, you’ve caught yourself thinking about something you don’t want. Turn your focus back towards what you do want, and your emotional state will improve rapidly. As you do this repeatedly, you’ll begin to see your physical reality shift too, first in subtle ways and then in bigger leaps.

I too am just a manifestation of your consciousness. I play the role you expect me to play. If you expect me to be a helpful guide, I will be. If you expect me to be profound and insightful, I will be. If you expect me to be confused or deluded, I will be. But of course there’s no distinct ME that is separate from YOU. I’m just one of your many creations. I am what you intend me to be. But deep down you already knew that, didn’t you?

Monday, October 6, 2008

LOA Experient Day 116

As a new week begins I want to express gratitude to all my current and future clients. They have truly made the impossible possible and I am thankful for meeting all of them. Also, I want to express thankfulness for the ability to run my own non-profit organization.

I have written about this subject before, but today I received confrimation about our non-profit status and my first set of checks arrived in the mail. When I started this blog almost four months ago, I was in a different place. I was not secure in my business, had thoughts about helping people, and was not sure how I was going to make ends meet.

Today the situation is very different. I am a changed man who is greatful for everything the Universe has given me. I have attracted more money in the last four months of this year, than in the first six months of this year. I have achieved this while the USA has entered in substancial economic downturn.

My outlook on life and what the mind attracts both consciously and unconsciously is nothing short of amazing. The Universe can bestow whatever the mind can conceive. What are you attracting? Are you closer to your dream job? You can achieve whatever your hearts desire, but you must first decide on what you want.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Power of the Mind

Many might ask if you can really use mind control to create our reality because we live in a society where you are constanly told that you have no control over your mind because you are constantly bombared with commercials and things that you don’t want.

But if you understand the law of attraction, you will realize that you can use your mind to get just what you want. The law of attraction tells you that what you focus on, that means that what you allow your mind or thought to focus on, then that will be what you draw to yourself. If you can use mind control in your daily life, you can actaully control your abundance.

The best way to practice mind control is to try meditation. You can meditate in many differerent manner. Most people will tell you to sit a quite room with comfortable clothing and sit there for 15 mins. But while you are there what will you think about?

I tried meditation and found out that I could not sit for that time and not think. So I wanted to try to meditate but to use another way of doing that. If I could have the things that I wanted to play across a screen like a movie then I would be able to use my mind and my thoughts to actaully focus on my desires.

And I know that the longer I focus on things that I want with my mind then the more law of attraction would give it to me. And the more law of attraction gives it to me, the more I would be to try to get more stuff that I really wanted.

And the beauty of all of this is that it does not take a lot of time. I was just looking for something that would show all the things that I wanted in life and then spend that time just watching them and beginning to feel as if they were already in my life.

I began searching for a software that would do just that. I spent quite some time doing it because all the law of attraction products were mostly books and CDs but I wanted a software where I could create my own desire.

It took some time searching but finally I found a software that allowed me to download my own songs, place my own pictures, and the things that I was desiring, and I could watch it like a movie during my meditation period. It took a little bit of time to set it up but once I was done I had a movie of my own showing all my dreams and desires and playing the music I liked that would get me motivated and inspired to use the law of attraction to get me my desires of abundance.

It works so well that I watch it every day and I can actually see the tranformation that it has had on my mood. If you would like to check it out, click here. The people are really friendly and their customer service is fantastic. Once you start, you will love it so much you will watch it everyday just to see the resuls but also to see just how much it improves your mood and how you begin to view your life.

You truly can have the life you want, but you have to use meditation and the law of attraction along with some mind control to put you in the position so that you can allow these things to flow into your experience. Use this powerful mind control to help you get on your way to have the life you have always dreamed.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Law Of Attraction And Your Home Business Success

Throughout the ages there has always been a class of people that seem to excel above the rest. They prosper while the rest barely get by. It seems almost as if they have a magical power to attract all that is good. In our modern times, these are the people that effortlessly make the most money, enjoy vibrant health, live in the finest homes and drive the most luxurious cars.

Consciously or unconsciously they employ a natural, infallible law. The law of attraction is the master key to wealth, success, health and happiness. Defining the law The law of attraction says that like attracts like. This law is set in motion and activated by the thoughts held in the mind. Any predominant thoughts held in the mind that are ignited with strong feelings will invoke the attraction of that which is focused on. In other words, by consciously focusing on exactly what we want, and mixing strong emotions to these thoughts we begin the process of attracting the people, situations and things needed for the accomplishment of our ultimate goal.

This law is a law of nature. It is working in our lives everyday. Our only real choice concerning the law of attraction is whether we will direct our thoughts, thereby deliberately attracting the exact things we want, or whether we will allow our thoughts to run uncontrolled allowing the law of attraction to operate by default. Knowledge of this law places you in a unique position to bring into reality all the goals you desire. However, the law of attraction is a double edge sword.

It doesn't differentiate between good or bad, success or failure. It simply attracts to you whatever dominant thoughts you are holding in your mind, period. How to use the law of attraction for home business success Many people begin a business with super-charged excitement. They are filled with hope and a grand vision of the future. But once they bang their heads with the smallest obstacle, the dream killer is let loose... DOUBT.

Doubt insidiously begins taking over the thought process. Slowly, but surely, doubt grows and fear unleashes it's devastating power. Just as thought and feelings invoke the law of attraction, doubt and fear also carry the same power. You can doubt nothing or fear nothing unless you give it your mental energy. To doubt or fear you must place your focus on what it is you doubt and fear. By so doing, you are invoking the law of attraction. You are drawing to yourself those exact things by giving your mental energy to them. Therefore, it is of supreme importance that we maintain our mind occupied with a single purpose. That purpose is to focus on only the things that we want.

The mind can only hold one thought at a time. If the fear of failure enters the mind immediately replace it with the crystal clear picture of success. If the mind is drawn to notice poverty eradicate the thought by focusing on abundance. This very second you have the ability to instantly begin invoking the power of this amazing law.

Eliminate doubt entirely. Cast away fear. Create your own positive mental obsession by focusing entirely on the your ideal and ultimate outcome. Set the law of attraction in motion by directing your thoughts and it will bring you unimagined success in business and in life.

Step 1: Understand how the law of attraction works. All matter and energy in the universe attracts matter and energy with a like vibration. This means, on a basic level, that positive energy draws positive results and negative energy draws negative results. The law is neutral. It functions whether you are aware of it or not, so by putting forth some effort in focusing your energy you may use it to your benefit.

Step2: Focus intently and with positive energy on achieving your desired results. This is more difficult than it seems, because you have to focus on the positive results you would like to achieve and block out the negative energy of a fear of failure.

Step3: Exercise patience. An easy way to negate all of your positive energy is by wondering when your results will happen as this casts the negative emotion of doubt on your focus.

Step4:Allow the law to take place. You must have an open mind to see the positive results your energy has drawn, because the results may not always be exactly what you intend. Having a very specific business offer in mind, for example, may not end up with the results you intend, but your positive energy may open up other opportunities that you had not considered or even known about.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

LOA Experiment Day 111

Where does time go? It seems like yesterday when I started my own Law of Attraction (LOA) experiment. Like many people, I was skeptical about the LOA and viewed it as mere "new age junk." The notion of attracting whatever your hearts desire, and quite possibly what you do not want was a laughable paradigm at best. So armed with this premise, I attempted to further disprove the basic premise of The Law of Attraction, the results however where not what I bargained for.

Like many entrepreneur's, I am always looking for new ways to generate revenues for my businesses. After several failed marketing campaigns and months of stagnate sales, I came to a crossroads in my life. I decided that it could not hurt to be opened minded about the possibility of creating/generating more revenue using the power of thought.

I immersed myself in movies such as The Secret, and purchased The Answer by John Assaraf. I obtained more information regarding neural linguistic programming, and the psycho cybernetic mechanism. By combining and bundling all of these techniques, I was able to create tangible results.

After 111 days of practicing the Law of Attraction, I am greatful for everything that I have been given. I have a new outlook on life, and will now list the tangible results gained thus far.

Since June of 2008 I have achieved the following:
  • 30 New Clients (I had 9 from Jan to May)
  • I have started a Non Profit Organization.
  • I have taught a LOA workshop to 19 students.
  • I have found gold.
  • Started a group that now boasts 40 members.
  • Made more money within the past two months than the previous 6 combined.
  • I've given more money to people in need this year than last.
  • I'm creating a documentary series with a renowned videographer.
  • I am a co-founder of a company called Psiint.

In conclusion, I am so very thankful for what the Universe has given me is such a short time. I will post updates and new experiences as the ongoing experiment continues.