Tuesday, August 17, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 14

This month is moving along at a fairly steady pace. Another year has come and gone; I've aged again as time passes, yet this time I feel more wise and connected. Perhaps the word would be intuition, perhaps that ole gut feeling is vibrating with authenticity towards a new life. It would be true to say that 2010 has been a new lease on life, many firsts have transpired since January and yet thankfully even more will occur before September.

I met up with a good friend of mine last night and found that little has changed in the 13 yr friendship. Could money really change a person's perspective or paradigm? In times when the outlook is uncertain it is best to allow a higher power take root. I've learned the Universe, God, and our guides know us better than we care to admit. Now is the moment to seize new business, meet new people, explore untapped horizons, and reconnect to the authenticity that makes my life extraordinary.

There is no such thing as age, its a canard that weighs down the lay person with passage of time. An honest sand through the hourglass moment, now is the time for me to take continued action and take that which is mine. Today is my day!

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