Monday, August 30, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 27

The day started off with excitement as the new business report stated opportunities are everywhere. As it turns out, it appears that my annual income of $300,000 and something better is now shaping up. There are many new clients that are looking to add my product line, and expand into new territories.

In addition, I have started the process of purchasing a new car, house, and planned vacation. Life has begun to take hold and my new paradigm is growing stronger everyday. Also, it is great knowing that many of my dreams and goals for this year are and will continue to manifest as I expand my financial comfort zone.

Furthermore, many people now look to me for guidance, support, and wisdom. Hundreds of thousands of individuals from around the globe depend on me for security and friendship. I owe it to them to be as authentic and open as possible. It feels so reassuring to know that people need me and I need people. Life is a journey that needs to be balanced with other perspectives and views. The Universe has continued to bless me with everything that I need to be successful.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 22

There are times when measurable success can be directly compared to previous results. Today is the one such moment, a time in space when the ebb and flow of life provides tangible results. As of this posting I will have exactly the same amount of blog entries as the entire year of 2009. While this may not seem like much, to me it proves a quantum leap in personal and professional development within the past twelve months.

When I started the, I made a promise to myself that no matter what, life would be vastly different than in years past. I've committed myself to taking action toward my goals, which have been expanding to encompass many aspects of my life. The plan that I created this year has almost come to fruition. The unchartered road that I embarked on in January is now paved and shows no sign of ending anytime soon.

In fact the journey towards a new paradigm shift which began in late May has given me a stronger sense of self confidence and worth. This of course has proved to become quite the adventure and the ride is far from over. Today it is my intention to expand my business in many new ways. It is exciting to see a dream two years in the making come true. The secret is that success is in my hands; I hold, cherish, and appreciate it with every atom of my being. I sense of peacefulness comes from knowing that people are truly impressed and inspired by what I have to offer and that my life does mean something!

As I am not a fortune teller, the future is still unclear. However, I know deep down that the ability to shape and mold it comes from within. I am so blessed to have family and friends who have loved and supported me throughout, and it feels awesome to know that I can change their lives for the better. Here's to another great day.

Law of Attraction: Finding Love

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 21

Where has August gone? Seems like yesterday it was the 1st, and now the month will be long gone in seven days. The passage of time is on my side, for somethings in life require time to reach full potential. My new business plan is taking root, and in the next 6 weeks my hard work for the year will pay dividends. The Universe is moving to give me that which I want and so much more.

Above all else the time is now for me to expand personal and professional development. In addition it has come to my attention that more resources and personnel have enlisted to voice their support for my causes. The NGO that I run has now attracted over 120,000 views in the past year with more everyday. In addition, it is my intention to find it fun and profitable to create a product that people love and rave about.

Finally, the feedback for my expanding product line has received great reviews from a cross section of diverse people. The word on the street is that my product is better than ninety percent of competition. In other words I've strucken a choard with people and it is my intention to bring peace and security to those who need it most. God has blessed me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 16

I've made a decision to live a healthier life. The old saying is Healthy Body, Healthy Mind and I truly want both. Yesterday I worked out for the first time in a month. My body is a little sore, but more importantly it felt good to clear the system out. In the coming days, weeks, months, I am committed to taking action by eating better foods.

For the remaining part of this week, I have vowed to allow myself to earn over $350 and something better by Saturday. While some may scoff at such requests, I know my word has power and as such, I firmly believe that the Universe is already lining up to fulfill the larger picture for me. I've come this far and I intend to go even further.

Business is sporadic as of late, but I know that in the next few weeks it will all change forever. My deal is about to be closed and with it, a huge bonus awaits for me. In January I stated that I was my goal to earn over $150,000 and something better. In May I revised that figure to over $300,000 and something better as an annual income starting in 2010. It looks as though I will surpass both figures and it feels great to know that financial abundance is know in my hands. The Lord has allowed me to control my own destiny, I thank God for all that I have. It is my intention to be a honest and good person, who does something meaningful in life.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

LOA Season 7: Day 14

This month is moving along at a fairly steady pace. Another year has come and gone; I've aged again as time passes, yet this time I feel more wise and connected. Perhaps the word would be intuition, perhaps that ole gut feeling is vibrating with authenticity towards a new life. It would be true to say that 2010 has been a new lease on life, many firsts have transpired since January and yet thankfully even more will occur before September.

I met up with a good friend of mine last night and found that little has changed in the 13 yr friendship. Could money really change a person's perspective or paradigm? In times when the outlook is uncertain it is best to allow a higher power take root. I've learned the Universe, God, and our guides know us better than we care to admit. Now is the moment to seize new business, meet new people, explore untapped horizons, and reconnect to the authenticity that makes my life extraordinary.

There is no such thing as age, its a canard that weighs down the lay person with passage of time. An honest sand through the hourglass moment, now is the time for me to take continued action and take that which is mine. Today is my day!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

LOA Season 7:Day 7

The week is moving along as the month keeps churning. Luckily, this summer has been a mild and highly productive time for me. I suppose it started two months ago now, when I got off the couch and took action towards attaining financial abundance.

In the process of stepping out on my own, I've met some very nice and helpful people along the way. I am extremely thankful and grateful for the opportunity to make money, to develop a product that helps people, and for the friends/ loved ones that care about me. It is reassuring to know that life has been on a continual upswing since early 2009. The Universe has blessed me with all the knowledge and tools needed for success.

In another matter of importance, it has come to my attention that a new client will require my services next month as business enters its full swing in 2010. It is my intention to safely earn $300,000 and something better as an annual income. I've worked and maneuvered myself into this opportunity and with the help of a talented staff, it will be a productive and profitable project for me.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Season 7: Day 1

A new dawn has arrived and a new paradigm is taking root. The calender reads August; two-thirds of the year has come and gone, and my prospects for a better life have never been more tangible and realistic. Everything is coming up new, from business ventures, career paths, and continued success.

As the August sun beats down upon my corner of the earth, a feeling of rejuvenation and excitement overwhelm me; keeping me honest and alert. Of the many positive interactions I've had this year, none can compare to the here and now. Yes living in the present has opened my mind, ears, and eyes. The abundance of the Universe has been poured out and is raining upon me and my endeavours. I suppose it of little concern as to how things will turn out, just that I know deep down; deep in the essence of my being that my new house is waiting for me. When the time is right, I will receive the key and open the door to my spacious home. This will come to pass before the clock strikes 2011.

For the next 1o0 days, it is my intention to live an extraordinary life. I have been blessed with many talents and skill sets uniquely suited to my personality. People are taking notice of who I am, the words I say, and the causes that I stump for. By the Grace of God this will continue and bring me a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Season 6 Recap

The sixth season of my 100 day challange has now come to an end. In the past three and a half months alot of personal change and development has taken root. For starters, the investments in my business have started to pay off with maximum profits. Another plan put into action and followed up with persistance and dedication to something bigger than me.

As August unfolds I am blessed and thankful for the expanding opportunties that have been presented to me. The biggest problem with life is finding the focus and drive to pursue avanues that will yeild financial and professional success. I've learned to trust my instincts and allow the Universe to deliver that which is most desired. For now that includes obtaining a new house, paying bills on time, and tucking a substancial amount away for savings.

Of the many joys and triumphs that have occured since late April, the ones that most impress me are:

  • Starting a new business
  • Securing a lucrative futures contract
  • Trading commodities with those who need it
  • Going on vacation with my dogs
  • Constructing a new site
  • Meeting new people, making new friends
  • Radio Show attracting listeners like never before
  • Youtube Page now at well over 115,000 views
  • Progress towards living in a new house by December

While the summer may be plugging away, I've stayed true to myself by taking action towards a brighter future. I love my friends and family and will do what is necessary to provide for them and myself like never before. I accept success by living in the moment.