Friday, July 31, 2009

Season 4: Day 28 - Farewell July

This week I surpassed the one quarter mark with a smile on my face. The nuance of the future is before my very eyes. The new feelings, ideas, and desires have driven me to the point of lifes intersections. My birthday will be here and a new milestone will be set. What does it all me?

There comes a point in life where one will do whatever it takes to achieve a goal. Sometimes these situations are capped with, "don't put off today what you can do tomorrow," and until this past year I'd laugh at these quibbling sayings; leaving it up to chance or as such. Yet 2009 for some reason has been entirely different.

I once heard that 2009 will be the year of the individual self. That everyone would be out for their own interests. Not paying any attention to this idea, something deep within connected with it. For reasons that I may never understand, I started taking positions early in Jan. to secure a favorable financial situation in Nov. - Dec. Instinctively I formulated a plan that included expanding my business, building brand recognition, and moving forward with expansive operations.

When I see the goals that are within reach I smile and thank God/Universe for the ability to do amazing things and experience great events. Perhaps an inner awakening of sort has begun in my life, perhaps this change was always here and became apparent just recently. Whatever may be will be, but I do enjoy the concept of seizing the day and making the most of it.

August is knocking at the door and with it comes opportunity, monetary rewards, enjoying work, and change. These desired experiences are welcomed will open arms, as I stand confident on the foundation I've built in 2009.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Season 4: Day 26

The midweek path was lined with obstacles and business matters of importance. At first I wanted to resist getting them done, but a swift kick in the pants gave was the incentive to complete the tasks of the day. It would be hypocritical or even a self conflict to state the attraction of money and prosperity, yet never deliver the work needed to yield said results. There was a time when I would have folded or even submitted to the pressures of avoidance.

However, for whatever reasons I find myself on the true cusp of financial abundance, prosperity, respect, and so much more. While it may not be easy to get my feet moving; once they are I know they are pointed in the right direction. A cliche at best but when it comes to my future, I can see over the horizon. In fact lately the horizon has been approaching at a controlled fast tempo. At no other point in my life have I been more excited and full of life.

In addition, perhaps maturity is teaching me to be content and patient with what I have. When the time comes, strike like lightning and collect my bounty. I view life as a perpetual harvest and its time to reap my prosperity.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Season 4: Day 25 - Quarter Mark

Day twenty five is almost complete and a milestone of epic proportions awaits. This year has been about my personal growth, achievements, and goals. While at times the task seems large, the looming success inspires me to move mountains and ride my dreams like a lightning bolt. From my perspective the past month has been full of passion, energy, hard work, and fatigue. July has taught me that my patients with the year is about to pay dividends beyond my wildest imagination.

In January of this year I stated that my new house awaited me in December. It looks as though that reality will come true for me. A toss up between the East Coast and West Coast has begun to tug at me. In one respect I suppose familiarity is humble pie for the soul, yet I love a challenge and know my life would be better off with a large goal within sight. For six long months I have worked, gone without, and committed my whole being into funding my NGO and running a business that makes more money than last year.

There were times when I thought perhaps this financial goal was out of reach, but my faith in the Universe and patients has proven to be of impeccable timing. When I close my eyes and visualize, I see a nice big house with tall trees outside. I see my new car outside in the driveway, and the crisp fall leaves piled up on the corner lawn. My dogs are running in the front and backyard with their playful spirit on display. I love the feeling of my new surroundings and the quaint memories that fill it. I am in the process of living this moment and enjoying the feelings associated with it. Life is full of intrigue when the comfort zone has been breached.

I am blessed to have this opportunity in my life. I am willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve my yearly goals; for they are now within my grasp.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Season 4: Day 21 Getting it Done

So this week started off rocky, as I had to deal with the aftermath of a car accident. Even though I was hit while idling at a red light, the annoyance of insurance company proceedure sat in my stomach like a bad burrito. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to get hit? Questions with litle answers from the Ether.

I had to visualize myself surrounded in white light, and living in a place of calm and serenity. Sure enough the insurance company is offering to pay for the damages and everything will work out in a satisfactory way for all parties. Say what you will about fate or timing, but once I changed my thinking, by visualizing me in control of the situation, everything turned around.

My work week ends on a positive note. Another job has closed out for me, and thankfully the monitary compensation for a job well done awaits with open arms. I truly am blessed.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Season 4: Day 15

Saturday's are great days, and are to be cherished. I woke up early this morning and began working on my house. A sense of empowerment and ownership has started to settle in within my spirit. I know that the hour to strike is now, and I am doing whatever is necessary to finish all open projects. Luckily for me, I had some foresight in the beginning of the year to see the trends that were emerging. I knew that Aug-Dec would be the most lucrative time for me, so I took the proper precautions and began anew.

Money comes and it goes, yet the ability to make money should never go. Many people never realize the potential they possess when it comes to attracting money. For the longest time I use to fall into that camp, the one in which money seemed elusive and even unobtainable. However, when push comes to shove, I feel the fire burning deep within me to push forward and create innovative products that have never been seen before.

My main goal this weekend is to resume the editing process of my book, post new downloads on amazon, and refine my blogs. Inbetween this, I am attending a family event and look forward to seeing some people who have been distant for a while.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Season 4: Day 13 - The Dog Days of Summer

That old feeling again. Isolation, fatigue, mundane, and sluggish like yesterdays news. If there are dog days of summer, I believe its' arrival is here. Outside my door awaits energy zapping heat, and strength reducing humidity. This time of year always welcomes me with mixed emotions. As a fire sign, I really come alive during the summer. However, as a lover of cooler weather, my heart awaits the latter months such as Oct-Dec.

Perhaps I should relax, but my spirit is alive with many emotions. Mid July to early Aug have a rejuvenating effect on me. By now conscious awareness knows full that Fall is merely sixty days away. The relentless heat will give way to stormy days, cold nights, and warm clothes. Yet in order to live in my desired season, I have to get through the undesired weather first.

I'm beginning to understand how this can relate to the Law of Attraction. In order to achieve a desired dream or goal, one must live through and make the most of the mundane tasks. Only by experiencing the ordinary can one bask in the extraordinary, while enjoying the fruits of their labor.

My online presence is building up nicely. I've already become a YouTube hit, and now I looking to obtain national coverage. Perhaps my upcoming book can give me the desired attention, or my blogs will take off at a moments notice. Whatever may happen will be, but I know deep that it feels good when I think about my recent internet success. Next week my radio show will welcome its' first guest. My goal is to attract more high profile guests who will share their work and experiences with my audience.

More importantly, I am just so very thankful for all that has been blessed and bestowed upon me. I'm completely amazed when I think about how much has been given to me. I'm not sure if I really deserve it, but I feel success unlocking doors that never existed for me. Maybe maturity is kicking in or maybe wisdom is settling in, but I've never been so excited about my future and what I can achieve.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Season 4: Day 11

I once heard that a year brings alot of change. One year ago I was the assistant organizer for the LARV meetup group, doing the grunt work to get it off the ground. Now I'm the founder of the SCRV meetup group. This past weekend we had our first meeting, and it was a huge success.

As today unfolds, I am focusing on the future, and the goals I've set for myself. For now, I believe this can be achieved by giving extra attention to:

  • Finishing my book
  • Looking for the ideal new house
  • Locating the optimum car
The Universe is big and it is working to give me what I desire, so I must continue taking action.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Season 4: Day 6

The sun is shining, the weather is hot, and the week is almost over. I'm firing on all cylinders as I prepare for my first meetup on Saturday. Before the weekend festivities, I have some house keeping issues to attend to. First off, my house is looking better and I feel great about its progress.

My contractor drove seven hours to complete all unfinished tasks. My book is almost complete, and I am in the process of contacting the right people to get my film project off the ground. Words cannot express how grateful and happy I am for life, and for all the opportunities bestowed upon me.

Today is a great day, and I will fill it with success, passion, and energy. This is my day, this is your day, this is the day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Season 4: Day 5

The day is moving by with percision as I live through it. So far it has been a day of accomplishing tasks that require attention and detail. For instance, my Youtube account has had 10,500 views within the past three weeks with more subscribers everyday.

The remainder of my day will be spent editing my book, taking care of my investments, enrolling into classes, and preparing for tomorrow's work day.

Whenever I close my eyes I envision myself standing in the foyer of my new house. It feels good and I know it's coming very soon. The dream in which I dare to live in manifesting more and more for me. Never before have I been so close to achieving that which I most dearly hold.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Season 4: Day 4

Happy Monday to everyone in cyberland! Today I had a good radio show and felt more confident when delivering the news. After almost twenty shows, I'm happy with the format and the ever increasing listerners. It brings me joy to know that importants guests will be booked on my show in the coming month.

In addition to my budding broadcasting career, I am also very interested in completing my television/internet show. The concept is great and my passion to create is at an all time high. Life has been great to me and now is the time to seize every opportunity given to me.

The obedient law of attraction states that one must first decide what they want in their mind. From their it must be put into action, and then it will materialize. The universe can and will give you whatever you want, so let's keep the positive thoughts and actions going.

Here is a short list of what I'm focused on:

  • Obtaining a new house
  • Attracting money from Amazon sales
  • Purchasing a new car
  • Landing a new job for my company
  • Finishing my home construction projects
  • Finding new guests for my radio show
  • Filming new video projects
  • Raising money and awareness for the Global Pangaea Foundation

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Season 4 Day 3 - The Times They Are a Changin'

It's hot here in the Southwest today. It was hot yesterday, and probably tomorrow. While I may not be a fan of warm weather, I am happy because it's getting closer to fall and winter.

Today I am in the process of editing my forthcoming book, as well as adding new mp3 downloads to Amazon Music. If that's not enough, I am looking to film an upcoming project for tv or internet distribution; while my girlfriend finishes her own book.

In January, I made a promise to myself and my girlfriend that we would own a new house by the end of this year. I am pleased to announce that we are still on track with this goal, and I know the Universe will give me the optimum house in which to own. More and more I feel confident in my business decisions and I know that my dreams and goals for 2009 are in the process of coming true.

It's easy to look back and evaluate how far you've come in an "x" amount of time, but reflecting does not keep the mind focused on the now. There are times when a stroll down memory lane is nice to track one's progress, but most often than not other feelings come back as well. So instead of getting misty over the good and bad times, I've learned that focusing on the present and future keeps the mind stimulated and on track for bigger and better things. It's never too late to invent the future.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Season 4 Day 1 - Getting Real

The world is phasing into a new season and change is on the horizon. Cliches or words of wisdom? Whatever it may be, I am excited about the start of season 3 of the 100 day challenge. It has been a little over a year since I started the conscious process of utilizing the Law of Attraction. During that period, many things have come to pass for me.

I've come to believe that the mind and the Universe are more powerful than I could have ever imagined. More importantly the feeling of success and confidence has started to take root in my life. Never in my life have I felt so certain about owning a new home, driving a new car, and traveling to wherever I choose.

I've heard that life is best when lived to the fullest, and by continuing to live in the moment, I am in the process of achieving the follow for season 3:

  • I am in the process of owning a new home
  • My new car will be ideal for me
  • I will earn $40,000 in the next six months

Alpha with Binaural Beats

IQ:Intelligence Increase 2.0