Tuesday, July 15, 2008

LOA Day 32

This week has started out great. I obtained a new client on Monday and in the process checked off a business goal this month. In addition, the final phase of product development is scheduled to complete within the next week. For those who may not know, this would have been possible without taking action, and visualizing myself selling my new product.

Anything is possible and we can achieve more than we think, but you have to first start with a seed or an idea of what it is that you want. Then you have to nurture that idea by focusing only on what you want to achieve, rather than what you don't want to do or what mistakes you might make. The Law of Attraction is always neutral and does not "know" if a particular think is either good or bad for you. All it knows is that you are giving it attention. So focus on what you want, and you will receive it.

Finally in order to manifest whatever it is that you want, you have to believe that you already have it. This is where visualizing and neural reconditioning comes into play. Find a quiet place and close your eyes. If you like, you can also meditate for awhile before you start the visualization process. To do this simply picture in your minds eye what it is that you want. For instance if you want a new car or house, picture it in your mind. Focus on what it looks like, "see" the color of the object. Ask yourself what does it feel like? how does it smell? This will help facilitate and bring about what you want, but you need to do it everyday for at least 10-15 minutes.

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