Monday, July 7, 2008

I was given John Assaraf & Murray Smith's book The Answer on audio book by a family member recently. For those who may not know, John Assaraf was a key team member of the phenomenal book/movie The Secret. This book teaches how one can build a successful business utilizing the Law of Attraction, as well as a few other techniques not mentioned in The Secret.

The premise of the book is very simple and straight forward. Every successful company that has ever existed has started with a vision or seed by the person(s) who founded it. In order for the vision/seed to take root the power behind the idea must be viable. When most people start a business they are focused primarily on the how they will run their business. While it is necessary to think about this, it is important to remember that the how always comes after the vision and decision to act has been implemented.

As with any seed there is a gestation period before it can sprout. The Universe needs its' own time to line up and attract the people and resources needed to make any business successful. In addition, one must always remember that foce always negates. The more you try to force something to happen, the more it resists and pushes back on you. Therefore, ideas need time to germinate. In order for the law of attraction to be used effectively there are three laws to follow:

  1. The Law of Attraction

  2. The Law of Gestation

  3. The Law of Action

Said another way

  1. Be Purposeful

  2. Be Patient

  3. Be Active

Taking action is vital to success many areas of our lives. It is also one of the most overlooked principles for attraction abundance. We must take action or initative while we are waiting for the Universe to give us what we want in order to fulfill that want. It is almost as important as the focus and clarity. According the Author's, the most clarity equals the most results. Meaning, the more precise and clear you are about what it is that you want, the more tangible the results will become. I will be posting more about this book in the near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John Assaraf did a fantastic job cracking the entrepreneur's code and teaching people how to grow any business by first reconditioning their mind for success, in his recent book "The Answer." He also taught people how to reach fulfillment in life in “The Secret.” John is actually holding a free conference call Wednesday, August 20th @ 5pm PST. He will give his insights and tips on how to "have it all" in life. He'll also select a few lucky people to personally mentor. Check out details and register for the call here...